[Mingw-users] Problems installing MinGW on Windows 10


Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Sat Jul 14 00:03:54 JST 2018

On 13/07/18 15:31, a.ver****@katam***** wrote:
> I would like to understand why the library was not installed, since I 
> tried at least a dozen combinations - starting from that unchanged base 
> configuration - but this is enough for now. Thanks so much,

It wouldn't have been installed, because it isn't listed as a dependency
of GCC; that's correct, because it isn't *supposed* to be so.  I would
like to understand how this unwanted dependency has crept into your
installation, but for that I need you to do some detective work -- which
sub-process component of GCC exhibits it?  (As I noted in my earlier
reply, I can't find such a dependency in my build tree for the GCC-6.3.0


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