[MinGW-Notify] [mingw] #40739: ncurses-6.2-1-mingw32-bin.tar.xz: upgrade failed

MinGW Notification List mingw****@lists*****
Wed Sep 16 17:14:33 JST 2020

#40739: ncurses-6.2-1-mingw32-bin.tar.xz: upgrade failed

  Open Date: 2020-09-16 10:14
Last Update: 2020-09-16 10:14

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Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket:
2020-09-16 10:14 Updated by: jannick
 * New Ticket "ncurses-6.2-1-mingw32-bin.tar.xz: upgrade failed" created

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: jannick
         Owner: (None)
          Type: Issues
        Status: Open
      Priority: 5 - Medium
     MileStone: (None)
     Component: INSTALLER
      Severity: 5 - Medium
    Resolution: None

Ticket details:

Here the log copied straight from the 'Details' window of the installation
manager showing information of the only package to be upgraded. It appears that
an additional path seperator in the paths breaks things.


 1.  upgrade: ncurses-6.2-1-mingw32-bin.tar.xz
 2.   removing release ncurses-6.0-2-mingw32-bin.tar.lzma
 3.   installing ncurses-6.2-1-mingw32-bin.tar.xz
 4.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/captoinfo.exe: extraction failed
 5.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/captoinfo.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten
 6.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/clear.exe: extraction failed
 7.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/clear.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten
 8.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/infocmp.exe: extraction failed
 9.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/infocmp.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten
10.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/infotocap.exe: extraction failed
11.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/infotocap.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten
12.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/reset.exe: extraction failed
13.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/reset.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten
14.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/tabs.exe: extraction failed
15.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/tabs.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten
16.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/tic.exe: extraction failed
17.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/tic.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten
18.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/toe.exe: extraction failed
19.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/toe.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten
20.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/tput.exe: extraction failed
21.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/tput.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten
22.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/tset.exe: extraction failed
23.  mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** C:\MinGW\/bin/tset.exe: probable package conflict; existing file not overwritten

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