milter managerはmilter効果的に利用するためのmilterです。
milter managerを導入することにより、MTAが行っていたmilter管理 をmilter managerが行うことになるため、以下のような利点があり ます。
=== Document
==== Improvements
* Updated installation manual for CentOS 7
* Removed obsolete AllowSupplementaryGroups option because
it was deprecated since ClamAV 0.100.0
==== Fixes
* Fixed to use [Reported by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA][GitHub #137]
* Fixed "Authentication" typos in configuration document [Patch by SATOH Kiyoshi][GitHub #138]
* Fixed missing in configuration document [Reported by SATOH Kiyoshi]
=== Package
==== Improvements
* Dropped CentOS 6 support
* Added a sample Ruby milter script that replaces content
==== Fixes
* Fixed to use Ubuntu version instead of code name not to fail package upgrade.
[Reported by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA][GitHub #137]
=== Thanks
* Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA
* SATOH Kiyoshi