[M-install-zatudan] tutaat


emma gardini emma****@ecofi*****
2007年 9月 22日 (土) 02:57:56 JST

R.umor N,e_w-s_: 

Onc-olo,gy M*e'd+. I+n*c-.  (OTC*: ON*CO) a C.ancer Treatme +nt Solutio *ns G_roup is s,a_i+d to h_a-v.e 
e+xperien'ced o_v-e+r a 1000.% incr,,ease in r+e_venues f-o-r t*h*e f+iscal 3 r+d quart+er endin*g J_u+l-y., 

2.0_0*7 co+mp ared w,i*t h t.h-e prio*r y+e'a.r w,hile f-iscal fourt h qu.arter re-sults f*o+r 2*0-0+7 a+r.e on
tra-ck to e-xceed t*h-i,s ye,ar’s t+hird quar-ter r_esults. 

O N_C,O a,ddit,ionally plan-s to inc*reas e se*rvice off*erin+gs whi.ch a r_e curr',ently unde. rway. 
Do+n’t w_a,i_t f-o*r t'h e n_e,w-s to c'o-m'e o-u+t a-n_d l+o s,e t.h e opp'o+rtunity to g'e_t in fron,t of the

genera'l i_nvesti'ng public,.  Onc+olo,gy M'e+d is in a m'ultibillio*n dol+lar industr,,y w h'e r_e 

t'h e+y a'r.e gai+ning mar*ket sha.re r'apidly. 

C,a,l+l y*o+u+r brok*er n.o*w f,o_r O-N'C+O-. 

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