Thu Jan 19 18:04:05 JST 2012
yuta yamada 2012-01-19 18:04:05 +0900 (Thu, 19 Jan 2012) New Revision: 736a480ce1ce6ed2292807f7db8e7103e8d751d1 Log: apply Rakefile for marmalade (Repository site for Emacs lisp) Added files: Rakefile Added: Rakefile (+48 -0) 100644 =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ Rakefile 2012-01-19 18:04:05 +0900 (55ec900) @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +# this program is Rakefile for marmalade(Repository site for Emacs lisp). +# you can possible to create package-directory for marmalade + +# Input your configuration +PACKAGE_NAME = "logalimacs" +VERSION = "0.0.2" +REQUIREMENTS = ["logalimacs.el", "logalimacs-config.el", + "logalimacs-rurema.el"] +DESCRIPTION = "Front-end of logaling-command for ruby gem" + +# require list structure for Emacs lisp +# @todo refactor to support against multiple list +DEPENDING_ON = '\'((popwin "0.4"))' + + +# Decided at automatic +NAME_OF_PKG_EL = PACKAGE_NAME.to_s + "-pkg.el" +CONTENT_OF_PKG_EL = "(define-package \"#{PACKAGE_NAME}\" \"#{VERSION}\" +\"#{DESCRIPTION}\" #{DEPENDING_ON})" +MARMALADE_PKG_NAME = PACKAGE_NAME + "-" + VERSION + +#--rakefile-- +task :default => :packaging_for_marmalade + +task :packaging_for_marmalade => :create_tar do +end + +task :make_pkg_el do + `rm -fr #{file_name = NAME_OF_PKG_EL}` + open(NAME_OF_PKG_EL, "w") do |content| + content.print(CONTENT_OF_PKG_EL) + end +end + +task :file_handler => :make_pkg_el do + `rm -fr #{MARMALADE_PKG_NAME}` + `mkdir #{MARMALADE_PKG_NAME}` + REQUIREMENTS.each do |file| + `cp #{file} #{MARMALADE_PKG_NAME}` + end + `cp #{NAME_OF_PKG_EL} #{MARMALADE_PKG_NAME}` +end + +task :create_tar => :file_handler do + `tar cvf #{MARMALADE_PKG_NAME}.tar #{MARMALADE_PKG_NAME}` +end