[Howm-eng 110] Re: Show title rather than file name in summaries


Albert Reiner arein****@tph*****
Wed Nov 21 00:14:47 JST 2012


thanks again for the response!  This:

[khi****@users*****, Tue, 20 Nov 2012 21:52:00 +0900]:
>   (setq howm-list-title t) ;; Show title in any case.
>   (setq howm-view-list-title-type 2) ;; Show title before summary.
>   (setq howm-view-summary-format "") ;; If you want to delete file names.

is much better.  My only gripe is that the title is shown for every
single line, and with varying width.  E.g.,

| = <<< Familienähnlichkeiten | PhD: Familienähnlichkeiten - was hält sich 
| = PhD: ART - Gödel-Lösungen - Wurmlöcher | = PhD: ART - Gödel-Lösungen - 
| = PhD: Anfangsüberlegungen | = PhD: Anfangsüberlegungen
| = PhD: Chronologie | = PhD: Chronologie
| = PhD: Chronologie | Vorstehungen mit dem Dekan der KTF; konkret zum PhD-
| = PhD: Chronologie | auf Lizentiat, nicht PhD.
| = PhD: Chronologie | - falls parallel: Offene Frage, ob 3-Jahres-Dauer de

Note the many lines with title "= PhD: Chronologie" where only one
might be sufficient.  Also, ideally the leading "= " might be
suppressed in displaying the title as it only takes up a lot of screen
space.  (Due to my eyes I usually work on a display with 25x80
characters, so 2 characters less are noticable.)

But at any rate, that is much better and much more usable for me than
at the beginning.  Thanks a lot!


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