[Howm-eng 104] Re: synchronizing howm notes over several computers


Albert Reiner arein****@tph*****
Mon Oct 8 16:19:56 JST 2012


sorry for the delay:

[khi****@users*****, Fri, 05 Oct 2012 22:37:50 +0900]:
> Would you tell me the steps to reproduce this problem?
> I couldn't observe the message
> "find-file-noselect: File ~/.howm-keys no longer exists!"
> in a brief trial.

very simple:

$ emacs -q    --- do not load ~/.emacs etc.

evaluate just my howm-specific settings in ~/.emacs:

  (setq howm-directory "~/.howm/"
        howm-list-recent-days 10
        howm-menu-schedule-days 20
        howm-menu-schedule-days-before 7)
  (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/howm/")
  (require 'howm)

C-c , ,     --- show howm menu
q           --- quit howm menu

$ rm ~/.howm-keys

C-c , ,     --- attempt to display howm menu again
--->  "File ~/.howm-keys no longer exists!"



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