[Howm-eng 32] Re: highlighting keywords, but not within a word


khi****@users***** khi****@users*****
Wed Feb 21 21:33:42 JST 2007

At Tue, 20 Feb 2007 13:32:28 -0700,
Peter Mielke wrote:
> One irritation i had with the highlighing in howm buffers is that the
> keywords were being highlighted even within a word. So for example i
> have one keyword "ris" and the "ris" in "highrise" was being
> highlighted. So i added word breaks to the regular expression for
> highlighting keywords:

I'll put your code into the next test-version in a few days.

I'd like to make it an optional feature;
Japanese language doesn't have explicit separators between words,
and "\b" often overlooks word breaks.


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