[Groonga-mysql-commit] Errored: mroonga/mroonga#2282 (master - 7a47eff)


Travis CI build****@travi*****
Sun Jun 21 02:01:06 JST 2015

Build Update for mroonga/mroonga

Build: #2282
Status: Errored

Duration: 21 minutes and 15 seconds
Commit: 7a47eff (master)
Author: Kouhei Sutou
Message: storage: support "FLAGS" field parameter

View the changeset: https://github.com/mroonga/mroonga/compare/2cd983ea1978...7a47eff4fb1a

View the full build log and details: https://travis-ci.org/mroonga/mroonga/builds/67648711


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