[Groonga-commit] nroonga/nroonga at 0db0617 [master] Add test using chai.expect


abetomo null+****@clear*****
Mon Sep 11 17:06:14 JST 2017

abetomo	2017-09-11 17:06:14 +0900 (Mon, 11 Sep 2017)

  New Revision: 0db0617e41669d2a867e9c8eff092202a92f7d60

  Merged 6c58e33: Merge pull request #20 from abetomo/change_using_chai_with_test

    Add test using chai.expect
    Recently, it seems that coffee-script usage frequency is decreasing,
    so I wrote without using coffee-script.

  Added files:

  Added: test/database.test.js (+215 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ test/database.test.js    2017-09-11 17:06:14 +0900 (ef205ca)
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/* eslint no-unused-expressions: 0 */
+'use strict'
+const fs = require('fs')
+const path = require('path')
+const expect = require('chai').expect
+const nroonga = require('../lib/nroonga')
+const testData = [{
+  _key: 'http://groonga.org/',
+  title: 'groonga - An open-source fulltext search engine and column store'
+}, {
+  _key: 'http://groonga.rubyforge.org/',
+  title: 'Fulltext search by Ruby with groonga - Ranguba'
+}, {
+  _key: 'http://mroonga.github.com/',
+  title: 'Groonga storage engine - Fast fulltext search on MySQL'
+const temporaryDatabase = callback => {
+  const tempdir = path.join('test', 'tmp')
+  fs.mkdir(tempdir, () => {
+    const databaseName = `tempdb-${process.pid}-${(new Date()).valueOf()}`
+    const db = new nroonga.Database(path.join(tempdir, databaseName))
+    try {
+      callback(db)
+    } finally {
+      db.close()
+      fs.readdir(tempdir, (err, files) => {
+        if (err) throw err
+        const re = RegExp('^' + databaseName)
+        files.forEach(file => {
+          if (file.match(re)) fs.unlinkSync(path.join(tempdir, file))
+        })
+      })
+    }
+  })
+const withTestDatabase = callback => {
+  temporaryDatabase(db => {
+    db.commandSync('table_create', {
+      name: 'Site',
+      flags: 'TABLE_HASH_KEY',
+      key_type: 'ShortText'
+    })
+    db.commandSync('column_create', {
+      table: 'Site',
+      name: 'title',
+      flags: 'COLUMN_SCALAR',
+      type: 'ShortText'
+    })
+    db.commandSync('table_create', {
+      name: 'Terms',
+      key_type: 'ShortText',
+      default_tokenizer: 'TokenBigram'
+    })
+    db.commandSync('column_create', {
+      table: 'Terms',
+      name: 'entry_title',
+      type: 'Site',
+      source: 'title'
+    })
+    db.commandSync('load', {
+      table: 'Site',
+      values: JSON.stringify(testData)
+    })
+    callback(db)
+  })
+/* global beforeEach, describe, it */
+describe('nroonga.Database', () => {
+  let db = null
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    db = new nroonga.Database()
+  })
+  describe('#commandSync', () => {
+    it('should return groonga results', () => {
+      const status = db.commandSync('status')
+      expect(status).to.have.property('version')
+    })
+  })
+  describe('#command', () => {
+    it('should return groonga results', done => {
+      db.command('status', (error, data) => {
+        if (error) throw error
+        expect(data).to.have.property('version')
+        done()
+      })
+    })
+  })
+  describe('duplicated #close call', () => {
+    it('should raise an exception', () => {
+      db.close()
+      expect(() => db.close()).to.throw('Database already closed')
+    })
+  })
+  describe('#commandSync for closed database', () => {
+    it('should raise an exception', () => {
+      db.close()
+      expect(() => db.commandSync('status')).to.throw('Database already closed')
+    })
+  })
+  describe('#command for closed database', () => {
+    it('should return an error', () => {
+      db.close()
+      expect(() => {
+        db.command('status', () => {
+          // do nothing
+        })
+      }).to.throw('Database already closed')
+    })
+  })
+describe('empty database', () => {
+  const db = new nroonga.Database()
+  describe('#dump', () => {
+    it('should return empty string', () => {
+      const result = db.commandSync('dump')
+      expect(result).to.be.empty
+    })
+  })
+describe('database whose name is not string', () => {
+  it('should throw an exception', () => {
+    expect(() => new nroonga.Database(1)).to.throw()
+  })
+describe('database with data stored', () => {
+  it('should select records', done => {
+    withTestDatabase(db => {
+      const matched = db.commandSync('select', {table: 'Site'})
+      expect(matched[0][0][0]).to.equal(3)
+      done()
+    })
+  })
+  it('should select records ignoring the null valued option', done => {
+    withTestDatabase(db => {
+      const matched = db.commandSync('select', {
+        table: 'Site',
+        query: null
+      })
+      expect(matched[0][0][0]).to.equal(3)
+      done()
+    })
+  })
+  it('should search by query', done => {
+    withTestDatabase(db => {
+      const matched = db.commandSync('select', {
+        table: 'Site',
+        match_columns: 'title',
+        query: 'ruby'
+      })
+      expect(matched[0][0][0]).to.equal(1)
+      done()
+    })
+  })
+  it('should search by query including space', done => {
+    withTestDatabase(db => {
+      const matched = db.commandSync('select', {
+        table: 'Site',
+        match_columns: 'title',
+        query: 'search ranguba'
+      })
+      expect(matched[0][0][0]).to.equal(1)
+      done()
+    })
+  })
+  it('should dump all records', done => {
+    withTestDatabase(db => {
+      const expectedDump = `table_create Site TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
+column_create Site title COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
+table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
+--default_tokenizer TokenBigram --normalizer NormalizerAuto
+load --table Site
+"groonga - An open-source fulltext search engine and column store"],
+"Fulltext search by Ruby with groonga - Ranguba"],
+"Groonga storage engine - Fast fulltext search on MySQL"]
+column_create Terms entry_title COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Site title`
+      const result = db.commandSync('dump', {tables: 'Site'})
+      expect(result).to.equal(expectedDump)
+      done()
+    })
+  })
-------------- next part --------------
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