[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga.org at 42f3866 [gh-pages] Fix a typo in `2017-10-10-pgroonga-2.0.3.md`


HorimotoYasuhiro null+****@clear*****
Thu Oct 19 17:42:34 JST 2017

HorimotoYasuhiro	2017-10-19 17:42:34 +0900 (Thu, 19 Oct 2017)

  New Revision: 42f3866578684a9bc1b7c1b7b3a927e97b4aaad3

  Merged d30f4c8: Merge pull request #36 from komainu8/modify_release_version

    Fix a typo in `2017-10-10-pgroonga-2.0.3.md`

  Modified files:

  Modified: en/_posts/2017-10-10-pgroonga-2.0.3.md (+2 -2)
--- en/_posts/2017-10-10-pgroonga-2.0.3.md    2017-10-18 19:14:17 +0900 (c857d4b4)
+++ en/_posts/2017-10-10-pgroonga-2.0.3.md    2017-10-19 17:42:34 +0900 (33491dea)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ description: PGroonga (fast full text search module for PostgreSQL) 2.0.3 has be
 ## About PGroonga
-I will explain about PGroonga. Because it is the first release announcement after the major version upgrade.The highkight is summarized after this.
+I will explain about PGroonga. Because it is the first release announcement after the major version upgrade.The highlight is summarized after this.
 PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension that makes PostgreSQL fast full text search platform for all languages.There are some PostgreSQL extensions that improves full text search feature of PostgreSQL.PGroonga provides rich full text search related features and is very fast. Because PGroonga uses [Groonga](http://groonga.org/) that is a full-fledged full text search engine as backend.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Search keywords                       | N hits      | PGroonga     | pg\_bigm
 "PostgreSQL" or "MySQL"               | About 300   | *About 2ms*  | About 49ms
 データベース(database in Japanese)    | About 15000 | *About 49ms* | About 1300ms
 テレビアニメ(TV animation in Japanese)| About 20000 | *About 65ms* | About 2800ms
-日本(Japan in Japanese                | About 530000| About 560ms  | *About 480ms*
+日本(Japan in Japanese)               | About 530000| About 560ms  | *About 480ms*
 In "日本" (Japan in Japanese) case, pg\_bigm is a bit faster(\*1) than PGroonga. But PGroonga is 24 times to 43 times faster than pg\_bigm in other cases. The result shows that PGroonga can perform stable high performance fast full text search against all keywords.
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