[Groonga-commit] pgroonga/pgroonga.github.io at 18d7b62 [master] Support the latest Jekyll


Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Tue May 31 23:16:23 JST 2016

Kouhei Sutou	2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (Tue, 31 May 2016)

  New Revision: 18d7b62f4d4cbad6f9d898c02abd9da191b07c9a

    Support the latest Jekyll

  Removed files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: Gemfile.lock (+12 -21)
--- Gemfile.lock    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (088e177)
+++ Gemfile.lock    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (873bfb6)
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   remote: https://rubygems.org/
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+    jekyll (3.1.6)
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-    jekyll-seo-tag (1.3.3)
+    jekyll-seo-tag (1.4.0)
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+    jekyll-watch (1.4.0)
+      listen (~> 3.0, < 3.1)
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@@ -106,7 +99,7 @@ GEM
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+    minitest (5.9.0)
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     nokogiri (
@@ -118,8 +111,6 @@ GEM
     rb-fsevent (0.9.7)
     rb-inotify (0.9.7)
       ffi (>= 0.5.0)
-    rdiscount (2.1.8)
-    redcarpet (3.3.3)
     rouge (1.10.1)
     safe_yaml (1.0.4)
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-   1.11.2
+   1.12.4

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--- _config.yml    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c0f3061)
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--- _po/ja/community/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (b0e87c1)
+++ _po/ja/community/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (5353ce1)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Community\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: コミュニティー\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Community"

  Modified: _po/ja/how-to/index.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/how-to/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (134f69e)
+++ _po/ja/how-to/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (5debfd6)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: How to\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: ハウツー\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# How to"

  Modified: _po/ja/how-to/travis-ci.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/how-to/travis-ci.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (88bfaed)
+++ _po/ja/how-to/travis-ci.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (2f74936)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: How to use PGroonga on Travis CI\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: Travis CI上でPGroongaを使う方法\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# How to use PGroonga on Travis CI"

  Modified: _po/ja/index.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (607572e)
+++ _po/ja/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (a5474d9)
@@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid ""

  Modified: _po/ja/install/centos.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/install/centos.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (dca6b25)
+++ _po/ja/install/centos.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (a5c22e2)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Install on CentOS\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: CentOSにインストール\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Install on CnetOS"

  Modified: _po/ja/install/debian.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/install/debian.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c547307)
+++ _po/ja/install/debian.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (807708f)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Install on Debian GNU/Linux\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: Debian GNU/Linuxにインストール\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Install on Debian GNU/Linux"

  Modified: _po/ja/install/index.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/install/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (176372c)
+++ _po/ja/install/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (77f9896)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Install\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: インストール\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Install"

  Modified: _po/ja/install/os-x.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/install/os-x.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (9a9dc67)
+++ _po/ja/install/os-x.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (89f91fc)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Install on OS X\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: OS Xにインストール\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Install on OS X"

  Modified: _po/ja/install/source.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/install/source.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (9f8850b)
+++ _po/ja/install/source.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (cd5cee6)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Install from source\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: ソースからインストール\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Install from source"

  Modified: _po/ja/install/ubuntu.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/install/ubuntu.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (77e7c96)
+++ _po/ja/install/ubuntu.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (f106061)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Install on Ubuntu\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: Ubuntuにインストール\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Install on Ubuntu"

  Modified: _po/ja/install/windows.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/install/windows.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (950b9c4)
+++ _po/ja/install/windows.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (50bb3d6)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Install on Windows\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: Windowsにインストール\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Install on Windows"

  Modified: _po/ja/news/index.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/news/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (e0455b3)
+++ _po/ja/news/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (087f255)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: News\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: おしらせ\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# News"

  Modified: _po/ja/overview/index.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/overview/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c72a09d)
+++ _po/ja/overview/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (6c28f19)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Overview\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: 概要\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Overview"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/create-index-using-pgroonga.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/create-index-using-pgroonga.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (db950bb)
+++ _po/ja/reference/create-index-using-pgroonga.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (4314da3)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: CREATE INDEX USING pgroonga\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: CREATE INDEX USING pgroonga\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `CREATE INDEX USING pgroonga`"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-command.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-command.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (30ed6b9)
+++ _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-command.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (57c1143)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: pgroonga.command function\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: pgroonga.command関数\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.command` function"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (5b46687)
+++ _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (592c887)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: pgroonga.highlight_html function\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: pgroonga.highlight_html関数\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.highlight_html` function"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (ca56db1)
+++ _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (19ab0e7)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: pgroonga.match_positions_byte function\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: pgroonga.match_positions_byte関数\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.match_positions_byte` function"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (68938aa)
+++ _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (2281133)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: pgroonga.query_extract_keywords function\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: pgroonga.query_extract_keywords関数\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.query_extract_keywords` function"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-score.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-score.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c422f2f)
+++ _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-score.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (8bb629a)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: pgroonga.score function\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: pgroonga.score関数\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.score` function"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-snippet-html.po (+8 -3)
--- _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-snippet-html.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (9e9353e)
+++ _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-snippet-html.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (1f0c39e)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-24 18:18+0900\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-31 23:14+0900\n"
 "Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: pgroonga.snippet_html function\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: pgroonga.snippet_html関数\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.snippet_html` function"
@@ -65,6 +63,13 @@ msgid "Element in the returned array is a text around keyword."
 msgstr "返ってくる配列の各要素はキーワード周辺のテキストです。"
 msgid ""
+"The keywords are surrounded with `<span class=\"keyword\">` and `</span>`. `<`, "
+"`>`, `&` and `\"` in `target` is HTML escaped."
+msgstr ""
+"キーワードは`<span class=\"keyword\">`と`</span>`で囲まれます。`target`中の`<`、`>`、`&`、`\"`はHTMLエ"
+msgid ""
 "The maximum size of part of `target` in each element is 200 bytes. Its unit is"
 " byte not the number of characters. Each element may be lager than 200 bytes b"
 "ecause each element includes `<span class=\"keyword\">` and `</span>` and may ha"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-table-name.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-table-name.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c9bf9c3)
+++ _po/ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-table-name.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (8bcfe99)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: pgroonga.table_name function\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: pgroonga.table_name関数\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.table_name` function"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/grant-usage-on-schema-pgroonga.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/grant-usage-on-schema-pgroonga.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (8e5c718)
+++ _po/ja/reference/grant-usage-on-schema-pgroonga.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (df55ab7)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEME pgroonga\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEME pgroonga\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `GRANT USAGE ON SCHEME pgroonga`"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/index.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (d08bbeb)
+++ _po/ja/reference/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (a0d6403)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Reference manual\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: リファレンスマニュアル\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Reference manual"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/jsonb.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/jsonb.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (e2c15cd)
+++ _po/ja/reference/jsonb.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (821f24b)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: jsonb support\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: jsonbサポート\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `jsonb` support"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/jsonb-contain.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/jsonb-contain.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (5ce02af)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/jsonb-contain.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (7b1e9dd)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"@> operator\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"@>演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `@>` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/jsonb-query.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/jsonb-query.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (657836e)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/jsonb-query.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (de96d29)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"@@ operator for jsonb type\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"jsonb型用の@@演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `@@` operator for `jsonb` type"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/like.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/like.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (30e2854)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/like.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (69d9e03)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: LIKE operator\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: LIKE演算子\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `LIKE` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/match-contain-v2.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/match-contain-v2.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (fd80ac5)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/match-contain-v2.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (4be0519)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"&@> operator\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"&@>演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `&@>` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/match-v2.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/match-v2.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (2df5073)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/match-v2.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (58ff9cf)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"&@ operator\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"&@演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `&@` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/match.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/match.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c7762aa)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/match.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (b82ac47)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"%% operator\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"%%演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `%%` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (e3f01e5)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (865c36c)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"&^~ operator\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"&^~演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `&^~` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/prefix-search-v2.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/prefix-search-v2.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (7982a6b)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/prefix-search-v2.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (326d4b1)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"&^ operator\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"&^演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `&^` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/query-contain-v2.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/query-contain-v2.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (e19856d)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/query-contain-v2.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (6730187)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"&?> operator for non jsonb types\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"jsonb型以外の型用の&?>演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `&?>` operator for non jsonb types"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/query-v2.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/query-v2.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (05ec7e0)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/query-v2.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (9eae047)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"&? operator for non jsonb types\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"jsonb型以外の型用の&?演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `&?` operator for non `jsonb` types"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/query.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/query.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (1aee606)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/query.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (078e701)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"@@ operator for non jsonb types\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"jsonb型以外の型用の@@演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `@@` operator for non `jsonb` types"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/regular-expression.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/regular-expression.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (0ff7bc4)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/regular-expression.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (f5cf9fc)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"@~ operator\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"@~演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `@~` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/script-v2.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/script-v2.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (a8404cd)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/script-v2.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (1c8bd75)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"&` operator\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"&`演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `` &` `` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/operators/similar-search-v2.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/operators/similar-search-v2.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (ca38668)
+++ _po/ja/reference/operators/similar-search-v2.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (6b6a2af)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"&~? operator\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"&~?演算子\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `&~?` operator"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/parameters/lock_timeout.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/parameters/lock_timeout.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (50f6917)
+++ _po/ja/reference/parameters/lock_timeout.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (87d6750)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"pgroonga.lock_timeout parameter\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"pgroonga.lock_timeoutパラメーター\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.lock_timeout` parameter"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/parameters/log_level.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/parameters/log_level.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (d1ae836)
+++ _po/ja/reference/parameters/log_level.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (5f0ce90)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"pgroonga.log_level parameter\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"pgroonga.log_levelパラメーター\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.log_level` parameter"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/parameters/log_path.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/parameters/log_path.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (42feb87)
+++ _po/ja/reference/parameters/log_path.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (cb156d7)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"pgroonga.log_path parameter\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"pgroonga.log_pathパラメーター\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.log_path` parameter"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/parameters/log_type.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/parameters/log_type.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (ccaef2a)
+++ _po/ja/reference/parameters/log_type.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (ea8dd17)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: \"pgroonga.log_type parameter\"\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: \"pgroonga.log_typeパラメーター\"\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# `pgroonga.log_type` parameter"

  Modified: _po/ja/reference/pgroonga-versus-gist-and-gin.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/reference/pgroonga-versus-gist-and-gin.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (4fa82ac)
+++ _po/ja/reference/pgroonga-versus-gist-and-gin.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (3ddded0)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: PGroonga versus GiST and GIN\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: PGroonga対GiST・GIN\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# PGroonga versus GiST and GIN"

  Modified: _po/ja/tutorial/index.po (+1 -4)
--- _po/ja/tutorial/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (51e5d9a)
+++ _po/ja/tutorial/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (f4b5636)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-02-03 12:30+0900\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-31 23:15+0900\n"
 "Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Tutorial\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: チュートリアル\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Tutorial"
@@ -190,7 +188,6 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "SELECT * FROM memos WHERE content %% '全文検索';\n"
 "--  id |                      content\n"
 "-- ----+---------------------------------------------------\n"
 "--   2 | Groongaは日本語対応の高速な全文検索エンジンです。\n"

  Modified: _po/ja/uninstall/index.po (+0 -1)
--- _po/ja/uninstall/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (42e6284)
+++ _po/ja/uninstall/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (38b7d66)
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Uninstall\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""

  Modified: _po/ja/upgrade/index.po (+0 -2)
--- _po/ja/upgrade/index.po    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (f5e143a)
+++ _po/ja/upgrade/index.po    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (4c0d619)
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "title: Upgrade\n"
-"layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
 "title: アップグレード\n"
-"layout: ja\n"
 msgid "# Upgrade"

  Modified: community/index.md (+0 -1)
--- community/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (883cee5)
+++ community/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (7413de5)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Community
-layout: en
 # Community

  Modified: how-to/index.md (+0 -1)
--- how-to/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (65f1c82)
+++ how-to/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (197c841)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: How to
-layout: en
 # How to

  Modified: how-to/travis-ci.md (+0 -1)
--- how-to/travis-ci.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (effd641)
+++ how-to/travis-ci.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (bb9edf5)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: How to use PGroonga on Travis CI
-layout: en
 # How to use PGroonga on Travis CI

  Modified: index.md (+0 -1)
--- index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (14a90b9)
+++ index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (3b45459)
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-layout: en
 <div class="jumbotron">

  Modified: install/centos.md (+0 -1)
--- install/centos.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c04da06)
+++ install/centos.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (2670147)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Install on CentOS
-layout: en
 # Install on CnetOS

  Modified: install/debian.md (+0 -1)
--- install/debian.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (567763c)
+++ install/debian.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (efda4ec)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Install on Debian GNU/Linux
-layout: en
 # Install on Debian GNU/Linux

  Modified: install/index.md (+0 -1)
--- install/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (05c6ba2)
+++ install/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (b7f2404)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Install
-layout: en
 # Install

  Modified: install/os-x.md (+0 -1)
--- install/os-x.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (88cfa79)
+++ install/os-x.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (cd1fcdb)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Install on OS X
-layout: en
 # Install on OS X

  Modified: install/source.md (+0 -1)
--- install/source.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (f5931f5)
+++ install/source.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (2302449)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Install from source
-layout: en
 # Install from source

  Modified: install/ubuntu.md (+0 -1)
--- install/ubuntu.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (e9ccc9f)
+++ install/ubuntu.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (151831e)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Install on Ubuntu
-layout: en
 # Install on Ubuntu

  Modified: install/windows.md (+0 -1)
--- install/windows.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (94d657b)
+++ install/windows.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (6c4d7f6)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Install on Windows
-layout: en
 # Install on Windows

  Modified: ja/community/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/community/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (8c93e92)
+++ ja/community/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (77008dd)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: コミュニティー
-layout: ja
 # コミュニティー

  Modified: ja/how-to/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/how-to/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (fcd43de)
+++ ja/how-to/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (91e32f0)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: ハウツー
-layout: ja
 # ハウツー

  Modified: ja/how-to/travis-ci.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/how-to/travis-ci.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (8911449)
+++ ja/how-to/travis-ci.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (49725c0)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Travis CI上でPGroongaを使う方法
-layout: ja
 # Travis CI上でPGroongaを使う方法

  Modified: ja/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (85ba32c)
+++ ja/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (b556b0b)
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-layout: ja
 <div class="jumbotron">

  Modified: ja/install/centos.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/install/centos.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (62ec39b)
+++ ja/install/centos.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (52ca880)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: CentOSにインストール
-layout: ja
 # CnetOSにインストール

  Modified: ja/install/debian.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/install/debian.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (26c2dd1)
+++ ja/install/debian.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (c3507fb)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Debian GNU/Linuxにインストール
-layout: ja
 # Debian GNU/Linuxにインストール

  Modified: ja/install/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/install/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (a929488)
+++ ja/install/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (7190ac0)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: インストール
-layout: ja
 # インストール

  Modified: ja/install/os-x.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/install/os-x.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (6b539f4)
+++ ja/install/os-x.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (5a38ada)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: OS Xにインストール
-layout: ja
 # OS Xにインストール

  Modified: ja/install/source.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/install/source.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (aed0a56)
+++ ja/install/source.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (f6b33b9)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: ソースからインストール
-layout: ja
 # ソースからインストール

  Modified: ja/install/ubuntu.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/install/ubuntu.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (121cd59)
+++ ja/install/ubuntu.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (e5430f3)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Ubuntuにインストール
-layout: ja
 # Ubuntuにインストール

  Modified: ja/install/windows.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/install/windows.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (5cda1a9)
+++ ja/install/windows.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (2a527a5)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Windowsにインストール
-layout: ja
 # Windowsにインストール

  Modified: ja/news/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/news/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (ac52e18)
+++ ja/news/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (ec4f329)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: おしらせ
-layout: ja
 # おしらせ

  Modified: ja/overview/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/overview/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (d3301d3)
+++ ja/overview/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (f49abd4)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: 概要
-layout: ja
 # 概要

  Modified: ja/reference/create-index-using-pgroonga.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/create-index-using-pgroonga.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (f6808c1)
+++ ja/reference/create-index-using-pgroonga.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (5573f6d)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: CREATE INDEX USING pgroonga
-layout: ja
 # `CREATE INDEX USING pgroonga`

  Modified: ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-command.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-command.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (79704e0)
+++ ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-command.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (f8d752e)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.command関数
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.command`関数

  Modified: ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (b259626)
+++ ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (57d48ac)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.highlight_html関数
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.highlight_html`関数

  Modified: ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (f08d21c)
+++ ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (b48f393)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.match_positions_byte関数
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.match_positions_byte`関数

  Modified: ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (6985af3)
+++ ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (37fa986)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.query_extract_keywords関数
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.query_extract_keywords`関数

  Modified: ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-score.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-score.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (cf098f6)
+++ ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-score.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (c6a5dbd)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.score関数
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.score`関数

  Modified: ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-snippet-html.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-snippet-html.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (ae33e24)
+++ ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-snippet-html.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (95d719f)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.snippet_html関数
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.snippet_html`関数

  Modified: ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-table-name.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-table-name.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (9adce85)
+++ ja/reference/functions/pgroonga-table-name.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (948c2b2)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.table_name関数
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.table_name`関数

  Modified: ja/reference/grant-usage-on-schema-pgroonga.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/grant-usage-on-schema-pgroonga.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c8f07f0)
+++ ja/reference/grant-usage-on-schema-pgroonga.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (40dc685)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEME pgroonga
-layout: ja

  Modified: ja/reference/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c196df3)
+++ ja/reference/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (c57aee7)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: リファレンスマニュアル
-layout: ja
 # リファレンスマニュアル

  Modified: ja/reference/jsonb.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/jsonb.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c044ed8)
+++ ja/reference/jsonb.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (d89b1c4)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: jsonbサポート
-layout: ja
 # `jsonb`サポート

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/jsonb-contain.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/jsonb-contain.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (d6cdcf7)
+++ ja/reference/operators/jsonb-contain.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (2f5d672)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "@>演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `@>`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/jsonb-query.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/jsonb-query.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (d475ce2)
+++ ja/reference/operators/jsonb-query.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (518c0bb)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "jsonb型用の@@演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `jsonb`型用の`@@`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/like.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/like.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (9558211)
+++ ja/reference/operators/like.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (c971def)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: LIKE演算子
-layout: ja
 # `LIKE`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (0e71e44)
+++ ja/reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (cbba7fe)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&@>演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `&@>`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/match-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/match-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (7c0ad90)
+++ ja/reference/operators/match-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (a3b49b8)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&@演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `&@`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/match.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/match.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (9692b7c)
+++ ja/reference/operators/match.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (f56fcf5)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "%%演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `%%`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (0849558)
+++ ja/reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (8cf222f)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&^~演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `&^~`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/prefix-search-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/prefix-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (b89f0c5)
+++ ja/reference/operators/prefix-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (c9e8e56)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&^演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `&^`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (f8b60c1)
+++ ja/reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (a83bedb)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "jsonb型以外の型用の&?>演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `jsonb`型以外の型用の`&?>`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/query-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/query-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (375fdd1)
+++ ja/reference/operators/query-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (4329cf7)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "jsonb型以外の型用の&?演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `jsonb`型以外の型用の`&?`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/query.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/query.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (e955c1c)
+++ ja/reference/operators/query.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (b622a9e)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "jsonb型以外の型用の@@演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `jsonb`型以外の型用の`@@`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/regular-expression.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/regular-expression.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (2af41ac)
+++ ja/reference/operators/regular-expression.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (3b8b598)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "@~演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `@~`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/script-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/script-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c583187)
+++ ja/reference/operators/script-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (c152dbe)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&`演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `` &` ``演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/operators/similar-search-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/operators/similar-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (6409e55)
+++ ja/reference/operators/similar-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (e6df5d9)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&~?演算子"
-layout: ja
 # `&~?`演算子

  Modified: ja/reference/parameters/lock_timeout.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/parameters/lock_timeout.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (0cb6e24)
+++ ja/reference/parameters/lock_timeout.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (e6c565e)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "pgroonga.lock_timeoutパラメーター"
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.lock_timeout`パラメーター

  Modified: ja/reference/parameters/log_level.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/parameters/log_level.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (0b76248)
+++ ja/reference/parameters/log_level.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (03cdd31)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "pgroonga.log_levelパラメーター"
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.log_level`パラメーター

  Modified: ja/reference/parameters/log_path.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/parameters/log_path.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (25b6ebc)
+++ ja/reference/parameters/log_path.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (36e6a4a)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "pgroonga.log_pathパラメーター"
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.log_path`パラメーター

  Modified: ja/reference/parameters/log_type.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/parameters/log_type.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c9019e0)
+++ ja/reference/parameters/log_type.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (3a396e2)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "pgroonga.log_typeパラメーター"
-layout: ja
 # `pgroonga.log_type`パラメーター

  Modified: ja/reference/pgroonga-versus-gist-and-gin.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/reference/pgroonga-versus-gist-and-gin.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (7d2308f)
+++ ja/reference/pgroonga-versus-gist-and-gin.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (86185f3)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: PGroonga対GiST・GIN
-layout: ja
 # PGroonga対GiST・GIN

  Modified: ja/tutorial/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/tutorial/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (503b2b5)
+++ ja/tutorial/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (5a88c46)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: チュートリアル
-layout: ja
 # チュートリアル

  Modified: ja/uninstall/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/uninstall/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (397451a)
+++ ja/uninstall/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (53af8a5)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Uninstall
-layout: en
 # Uninstall

  Modified: ja/upgrade/index.md (+0 -1)
--- ja/upgrade/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (3462e8a)
+++ ja/upgrade/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (8ff1223)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: アップグレード
-layout: ja
 # アップグレード

  Modified: news/index.md (+0 -1)
--- news/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (00fdcb5)
+++ news/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (5303dde)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: News
-layout: en
 # News

  Modified: overview/index.md (+0 -1)
--- overview/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c7eb788)
+++ overview/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (e6de6ff)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Overview
-layout: en
 # Overview

  Modified: reference/create-index-using-pgroonga.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/create-index-using-pgroonga.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (8da059e)
+++ reference/create-index-using-pgroonga.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (f9df493)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: CREATE INDEX USING pgroonga
-layout: en
 # `CREATE INDEX USING pgroonga`

  Modified: reference/functions/pgroonga-command.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/functions/pgroonga-command.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (da919f1)
+++ reference/functions/pgroonga-command.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (1bcaf47)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.command function
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.command` function

  Modified: reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (80e6027)
+++ reference/functions/pgroonga-highlight-html.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (727031d)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.highlight_html function
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.highlight_html` function

  Modified: reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (2059133)
+++ reference/functions/pgroonga-match-positions-byte.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (9a5875e)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.match_positions_byte function
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.match_positions_byte` function

  Modified: reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (f2db0c4)
+++ reference/functions/pgroonga-query-extract-keywords.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (4c4a855)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.query_extract_keywords function
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.query_extract_keywords` function

  Modified: reference/functions/pgroonga-score.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/functions/pgroonga-score.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (9074cb4)
+++ reference/functions/pgroonga-score.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (80052be)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.score function
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.score` function

  Modified: reference/functions/pgroonga-snippet-html.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/functions/pgroonga-snippet-html.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (947ea44)
+++ reference/functions/pgroonga-snippet-html.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (7aa8aaf)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.snippet_html function
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.snippet_html` function

  Modified: reference/functions/pgroonga-table-name.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/functions/pgroonga-table-name.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (8b949d7)
+++ reference/functions/pgroonga-table-name.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (944e793)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: pgroonga.table_name function
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.table_name` function

  Modified: reference/grant-usage-on-schema-pgroonga.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/grant-usage-on-schema-pgroonga.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (bb12e9d)
+++ reference/grant-usage-on-schema-pgroonga.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (b72fcc4)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEME pgroonga
-layout: en

  Modified: reference/index.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (c04db14)
+++ reference/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (77e673a)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Reference manual
-layout: en
 # Reference manual

  Modified: reference/jsonb.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/jsonb.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (db84814)
+++ reference/jsonb.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (ce429d3)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: jsonb support
-layout: en
 # `jsonb` support

  Modified: reference/operators/jsonb-contain.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/jsonb-contain.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (34255a6)
+++ reference/operators/jsonb-contain.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (4ae18f9)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "@> operator"
-layout: en
 # `@>` operator

  Modified: reference/operators/jsonb-query.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/jsonb-query.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (1ab35a1)
+++ reference/operators/jsonb-query.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (ef2d997)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "@@ operator for jsonb type"
-layout: en
 # `@@` operator for `jsonb` type

  Modified: reference/operators/like.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/like.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (bb50e5e)
+++ reference/operators/like.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (1711242)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: LIKE operator
-layout: en
 # `LIKE` operator

  Modified: reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (80deaff)
+++ reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (930349f)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&@> operator"
-layout: en
 # `&@>` operator

  Modified: reference/operators/match-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/match-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (9c95bea)
+++ reference/operators/match-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (4ae3284)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&@ operator"
-layout: en
 # `&@` operator

  Modified: reference/operators/match.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/match.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (b9c3047)
+++ reference/operators/match.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (5da7bfe)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "%% operator"
-layout: en
 # `%%` operator

  Modified: reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (bff763f)
+++ reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (42cb715)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&^~ operator"
-layout: en
 # `&^~` operator

  Modified: reference/operators/prefix-search-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/prefix-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (e86c028)
+++ reference/operators/prefix-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (65975ec)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&^ operator"
-layout: en
 # `&^` operator

  Modified: reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (864e467)
+++ reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (719ffa5)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&?> operator for non jsonb types"
-layout: en
 # `&?>` operator for non jsonb types

  Modified: reference/operators/query-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/query-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (a122c23)
+++ reference/operators/query-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (a19da3d)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&? operator for non jsonb types"
-layout: en
 # `&?` operator for non `jsonb` types

  Modified: reference/operators/query.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/query.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (2139f5e)
+++ reference/operators/query.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (2780853)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "@@ operator for non jsonb types"
-layout: en
 # `@@` operator for non `jsonb` types

  Modified: reference/operators/regular-expression.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/regular-expression.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (ec974d6)
+++ reference/operators/regular-expression.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (29aa632)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "@~ operator"
-layout: en
 # `@~` operator

  Modified: reference/operators/script-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/script-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (646ccc6)
+++ reference/operators/script-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (9790f17)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&` operator"
-layout: en
 # `` &` `` operator

  Modified: reference/operators/similar-search-v2.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/operators/similar-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (b4aae64)
+++ reference/operators/similar-search-v2.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (a4da72f)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "&~? operator"
-layout: en
 # `&~?` operator

  Modified: reference/parameters/lock_timeout.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/parameters/lock_timeout.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (086b09b)
+++ reference/parameters/lock_timeout.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (e8e7cd2)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "pgroonga.lock_timeout parameter"
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.lock_timeout` parameter

  Modified: reference/parameters/log_level.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/parameters/log_level.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (8a40f90)
+++ reference/parameters/log_level.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (3776c32)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "pgroonga.log_level parameter"
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.log_level` parameter

  Modified: reference/parameters/log_path.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/parameters/log_path.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (f9b2c86)
+++ reference/parameters/log_path.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (4b1a395)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "pgroonga.log_path parameter"
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.log_path` parameter

  Modified: reference/parameters/log_type.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/parameters/log_type.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (f6c0687)
+++ reference/parameters/log_type.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (f98de25)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: "pgroonga.log_type parameter"
-layout: en
 # `pgroonga.log_type` parameter

  Modified: reference/pgroonga-versus-gist-and-gin.md (+0 -1)
--- reference/pgroonga-versus-gist-and-gin.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (85c0bff)
+++ reference/pgroonga-versus-gist-and-gin.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (e7113f6)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: PGroonga versus GiST and GIN
-layout: en
 # PGroonga versus GiST and GIN

  Modified: tutorial/index.md (+0 -1)
--- tutorial/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (3783872)
+++ tutorial/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (ef5bbbd)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Tutorial
-layout: en
 # Tutorial

  Modified: uninstall/index.md (+0 -1)
--- uninstall/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (305554c)
+++ uninstall/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (6ad8709)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Uninstall
-layout: en
 # Uninstall

  Modified: upgrade/index.md (+0 -1)
--- upgrade/index.md    2016-05-31 22:59:13 +0900 (d314053)
+++ upgrade/index.md    2016-05-31 23:16:23 +0900 (8d5b832)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 title: Upgrade
-layout: en
 # Upgrade

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