[Groonga-commit] Errored: groonga/groonga#7591 (support-dirty-crash-detection - 7d44c23)


Travis CI build****@travi*****
Tue May 10 18:23:26 JST 2016

Build Update for groonga/groonga

Build: #7591
Status: Errored

Duration: 9 minutes and 55 seconds
Commit: 7d44c23 (support-dirty-crash-detection)
Author: Kouhei Sutou
Message: Support detecting changed database isn't closed

It doesn't increase no overhead when the database isn't changed. For
example, you have no overhead and no change when you only use select

It doesn't flush many times. It flushes only at the first database

View the changeset: https://github.com/groonga/groonga/compare/9e868a780618...7d44c232ce42

View the full build log and details: https://travis-ci.org/groonga/groonga/builds/129066010


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