[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at 4163b8d [master] doc: document schema command


Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Mon Jan 18 16:37:46 JST 2016

Kouhei Sutou	2016-01-18 16:37:46 +0900 (Mon, 18 Jan 2016)

  New Revision: 4163b8dec41064ca819f610964ee9f571c4fe9b2

    doc: document schema command

  Added files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/files.am (+8 -0)
--- doc/files.am    2016-01-18 11:59:35 +0900 (4e236b9)
+++ doc/files.am    2016-01-18 16:37:46 +0900 (0497fbd)
@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ absolute_source_files = \
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 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/example/reference/commands/ruby_eval/calc.log \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/example/reference/commands/ruby_load/load.log \
+	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/example/reference/commands/schema/output.log \
+	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/example/reference/commands/schema/sample.log \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/example/reference/commands/select/adjuster_multiple.log \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/example/reference/commands/select/adjuster_no_factor.log \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/example/reference/commands/select/adjuster_no_weight.log \
@@ -654,6 +656,7 @@ absolute_source_files = \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/commands/request_cancel.rst \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/commands/ruby_eval.rst \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/commands/ruby_load.rst \
+	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/commands/schema.rst \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/commands/select.rst \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/commands/shutdown.rst \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/commands/status.rst \
@@ -894,6 +897,8 @@ source_files_relative_from_doc_dir = \
 	source/example/reference/commands/reindex/table.log \
 	source/example/reference/commands/ruby_eval/calc.log \
 	source/example/reference/commands/ruby_load/load.log \
+	source/example/reference/commands/schema/output.log \
+	source/example/reference/commands/schema/sample.log \
 	source/example/reference/commands/select/adjuster_multiple.log \
 	source/example/reference/commands/select/adjuster_no_factor.log \
 	source/example/reference/commands/select/adjuster_no_weight.log \
@@ -1425,6 +1430,7 @@ source_files_relative_from_doc_dir = \
 	source/reference/commands/request_cancel.rst \
 	source/reference/commands/ruby_eval.rst \
 	source/reference/commands/ruby_load.rst \
+	source/reference/commands/schema.rst \
 	source/reference/commands/select.rst \
 	source/reference/commands/shutdown.rst \
 	source/reference/commands/status.rst \
@@ -1772,6 +1778,7 @@ html_files_relative_from_locale_dir = \
 	html/_sources/reference/commands/request_cancel.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/commands/ruby_eval.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/commands/ruby_load.txt \
+	html/_sources/reference/commands/schema.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/commands/select.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/commands/shutdown.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/commands/status.txt \
@@ -2011,6 +2018,7 @@ html_files_relative_from_locale_dir = \
 	html/reference/commands/request_cancel.html \
 	html/reference/commands/ruby_eval.html \
 	html/reference/commands/ruby_load.html \
+	html/reference/commands/schema.html \
 	html/reference/commands/select.html \
 	html/reference/commands/shutdown.html \
 	html/reference/commands/status.html \

  Added: doc/source/example/reference/commands/schema/output.log (+292 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/example/reference/commands/schema/output.log    2016-01-18 16:37:46 +0900 (9f53a85)
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+Execution example::
+  schema
+  # [
+  #   [
+  #     0, 
+  #     1337566253.89858, 
+  #     0.000355720520019531
+  #   ], 
+  #   {
+  #     "tables": {
+  #       "Terms": {
+  #         "normalizer": {
+  #           "name": "NormalizerAuto"
+  #         }, 
+  #         "name": "Terms", 
+  #         "tokenizer": {
+  #           "name": "TokenBigram"
+  #         }, 
+  #         "command": {
+  #           "command_line": "table_create --name Terms --flags TABLE_PAT_KEY --key_type ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram --normalizer NormalizerAuto", 
+  #           "name": "table_create", 
+  #           "arguments": {
+  #             "key_type": "ShortText", 
+  #             "default_tokenizer": "TokenBigram", 
+  #             "normalizer": "NormalizerAuto", 
+  #             "flags": "TABLE_PAT_KEY", 
+  #             "name": "Terms"
+  #           }
+  #         }, 
+  #         "indexes": [], 
+  #         "key_type": {
+  #           "type": "type", 
+  #           "name": "ShortText"
+  #         }, 
+  #         "value_type": null, 
+  #         "token_filters": [], 
+  #         "type": "patricia trie", 
+  #         "columns": {
+  #           "memos_content_index": {
+  #             "name": "memos_content_index", 
+  #             "weight": false, 
+  #             "section": false, 
+  #             "compress": null, 
+  #             "command": {
+  #               "command_line": "column_create --table Terms --name memos_content_index --flags COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION --type Memos --sources content", 
+  #               "name": "column_create", 
+  #               "arguments": {
+  #                 "table": "Terms", 
+  #                 "flags": "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION", 
+  #                 "name": "memos_content_index", 
+  #                 "sources": "content", 
+  #                 "type": "Memos"
+  #               }
+  #             }, 
+  #             "indexes": [], 
+  #             "sources": [
+  #               {
+  #                 "table": "Memos", 
+  #                 "name": "content", 
+  #                 "full_name": "Memos.content"
+  #               }
+  #             ], 
+  #             "value_type": {
+  #               "type": "reference", 
+  #               "name": "Memos"
+  #             }, 
+  #             "full_name": "Terms.memos_content_index", 
+  #             "position": true, 
+  #             "table": "Terms", 
+  #             "type": "index"
+  #           }
+  #         }
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Memos": {
+  #         "normalizer": null, 
+  #         "name": "Memos", 
+  #         "tokenizer": null, 
+  #         "command": {
+  #           "command_line": "table_create --name Memos --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type ShortText", 
+  #           "name": "table_create", 
+  #           "arguments": {
+  #             "key_type": "ShortText", 
+  #             "flags": "TABLE_HASH_KEY", 
+  #             "name": "Memos"
+  #           }
+  #         }, 
+  #         "indexes": [], 
+  #         "key_type": {
+  #           "type": "type", 
+  #           "name": "ShortText"
+  #         }, 
+  #         "value_type": null, 
+  #         "token_filters": [], 
+  #         "type": "hash table", 
+  #         "columns": {
+  #           "content": {
+  #             "name": "content", 
+  #             "weight": false, 
+  #             "section": false, 
+  #             "compress": null, 
+  #             "command": {
+  #               "command_line": "column_create --table Memos --name content --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type Text", 
+  #               "name": "column_create", 
+  #               "arguments": {
+  #                 "table": "Memos", 
+  #                 "flags": "COLUMN_SCALAR", 
+  #                 "name": "content", 
+  #                 "type": "Text"
+  #               }
+  #             }, 
+  #             "indexes": [
+  #               {
+  #                 "table": "Terms", 
+  #                 "section": 0, 
+  #                 "name": "memos_content_index", 
+  #                 "full_name": "Terms.memos_content_index"
+  #               }
+  #             ], 
+  #             "sources": [], 
+  #             "value_type": {
+  #               "type": "type", 
+  #               "name": "Text"
+  #             }, 
+  #             "full_name": "Memos.content", 
+  #             "position": false, 
+  #             "table": "Memos", 
+  #             "type": "scalar"
+  #           }
+  #         }
+  #       }
+  #     }, 
+  #     "normalizers": {
+  #       "NormalizerNFKC51": {
+  #         "name": "NormalizerNFKC51"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "NormalizerAuto": {
+  #         "name": "NormalizerAuto"
+  #       }
+  #     }, 
+  #     "token_filters": {}, 
+  #     "tokenizers": {
+  #       "TokenBigramSplitSymbolAlphaDigit": {
+  #         "name": "TokenBigramSplitSymbolAlphaDigit"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenRegexp": {
+  #         "name": "TokenRegexp"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenBigramIgnoreBlankSplitSymbolAlphaDigit": {
+  #         "name": "TokenBigramIgnoreBlankSplitSymbolAlphaDigit"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenBigram": {
+  #         "name": "TokenBigram"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenDelimit": {
+  #         "name": "TokenDelimit"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenUnigram": {
+  #         "name": "TokenUnigram"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenBigramSplitSymbol": {
+  #         "name": "TokenBigramSplitSymbol"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenDelimitNull": {
+  #         "name": "TokenDelimitNull"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenBigramIgnoreBlankSplitSymbolAlpha": {
+  #         "name": "TokenBigramIgnoreBlankSplitSymbolAlpha"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenBigramSplitSymbolAlpha": {
+  #         "name": "TokenBigramSplitSymbolAlpha"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenTrigram": {
+  #         "name": "TokenTrigram"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenMecab": {
+  #         "name": "TokenMecab"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenBigramIgnoreBlankSplitSymbol": {
+  #         "name": "TokenBigramIgnoreBlankSplitSymbol"
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokenBigramIgnoreBlank": {
+  #         "name": "TokenBigramIgnoreBlank"
+  #       }
+  #     }, 
+  #     "plugins": {}, 
+  #     "types": {
+  #       "UInt64": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "UInt64", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 8
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Int32": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "Int32", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 4
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Int16": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "Int16", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 2
+  #       }, 
+  #       "LongText": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": false, 
+  #         "name": "LongText", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": false, 
+  #         "size": 2147483648
+  #       }, 
+  #       "TokyoGeoPoint": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "TokyoGeoPoint", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 8
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Text": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": false, 
+  #         "name": "Text", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": false, 
+  #         "size": 65536
+  #       }, 
+  #       "ShortText": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "ShortText", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": false, 
+  #         "size": 4096
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Float": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "Float", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 8
+  #       }, 
+  #       "UInt8": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "UInt8", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 1
+  #       }, 
+  #       "UInt32": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "UInt32", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 4
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Object": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "Object", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 8
+  #       }, 
+  #       "UInt16": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "UInt16", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 2
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Int64": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "Int64", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 8
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Time": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "Time", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 8
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Bool": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "Bool", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 1
+  #       }, 
+  #       "WGS84GeoPoint": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "WGS84GeoPoint", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 8
+  #       }, 
+  #       "Int8": {
+  #         "can_be_key_type": true, 
+  #         "name": "Int8", 
+  #         "can_be_value_type": true, 
+  #         "size": 1
+  #       }
+  #     }
+  #   }
+  # ]

  Added: doc/source/example/reference/commands/schema/sample.log (+14 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/example/reference/commands/schema/sample.log    2016-01-18 16:37:46 +0900 (232b4b8)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Execution example::
+  table_create Memos TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
+  # [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
+  column_create Memos content COLUMN_SCALAR Text
+  # [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
+  table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
+    --default_tokenizer TokenBigram \
+    --normalizer NormalizerAuto
+  # [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
+  column_create Terms memos_content_index \
+    Memos content
+  # [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]

  Added: doc/source/reference/commands/schema.rst (+611 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/reference/commands/schema.rst    2016-01-18 16:37:46 +0900 (e1556fa)
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+.. -*- rst -*-
+.. highlightlang:: none
+.. groonga-command
+.. database: schema
+.. versionadded:: 5.0.9
+``schema`` command returns schema in the database.
+This command is useful when you want to inspect the database. For
+example, visualizing the database, creating GUI for the database and
+so on.
+This command takes no parameters::
+  schema
+Here is an example schema that to show output:
+.. groonga-command
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/commands/schema/sample.log
+.. table_create Memos TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
+.. column_create Memos content COLUMN_SCALAR Text
+.. table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
+..   --default_tokenizer TokenBigram \
+..   --normalizer NormalizerAuto
+.. column_create Terms memos_content_index \
+..   Memos content
+Here is an example of ``schema`` command against this example schema:
+.. groonga-command
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/commands/schema/output.log
+.. schema
+Return value
+``schema`` command returns schema in the database::
+See :doc:`/reference/command/output_format` about ``HEADER``.
+``SCHEMA`` is an object that consists of the following information::
+  {
+    "plugins":       PLUGINS,
+    "types":         TYPES,
+    "tokenizers":    TOKENIZERS,
+    "normalizers":   NORMALIZERS,
+    "token_filters": TOKEN_FITLERS,
+    "tables":        TABLES
+  }
+``PLUGINS`` is an object. Its key is plugin name and its value is
+plugin detail::
+  {
+    ...
+  }
+``PLUGIN`` is an object that describes plugin detail::
+  {
+    "name": PLUGIN_NAME
+  }
+Here are properties of ``PLUGIN``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``name``
+     - The plugin name. It's used in :doc:`plugin_register`.
+``TYPES`` is an object. Its key is type name and its value is
+type detail::
+  {
+    "TYPE_NAME_1": TYPE_1,
+    "TYPE_NAME_2": TYPE_2,
+    ...
+    "TYPE_NAME_n": TYPE_n
+  }
+``TYPE`` is an object that describes type detail::
+  {
+    "name": TYPE_NAME,
+    "can_be_key_type": BOOLEAN,
+    "can_be_value_type": BOOLEAN
+  }
+Here are properties of ``TYPE``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``name``
+     - The type name.
+   * - ``size``
+     - The number of bytes of one value.
+   * - ``can_be_key_type``
+     - ``true`` when the type can be used for table key, ``false``
+       otherwise.
+   * - ``can_be_value_type``
+     - ``true`` when the type can be used for table value, ``false``
+       otherwise.
+``TOKENIZERS`` is an object. Its key is tokenizer name and its value
+is tokenizer detail::
+  {
+    ...
+  }
+``TOKENIZER`` is an object that describes tokenizer detail::
+  {
+    "name": TOKENIZER_NAME
+  }
+Here are properties of ``TOKENIZER``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``name``
+     - The tokenizer name. It's used for
+       :ref:`table-create-default-tokenizer`.
+``NORMALIZERS`` is an object. Its key is normalizer name and its value
+is normalizer detail::
+  {
+    ...
+  }
+``NORMALIZER`` is an object that describes normalizer detail::
+  {
+    "name": NORMALIZER_NAME
+  }
+Here are properties of ``NORMALIZER``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``name``
+     - The normalizer name. It's used for
+       :ref:`table-create-normalizer`.
+``TOKEN_FILTERS`` is an object. Its key is token filter name and its value
+is token filter detail::
+  {
+    ...
+  }
+``TOKEN_FILTER`` is an object that describes token filter detail::
+  {
+    "name": TOKEN_FILTER_NAME
+  }
+Here are properties of ``TOKEN_FILTER``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``name``
+     - The token filter name. It's used for
+       :ref:`table-create-token-filters`.
+``TABLES`` is an object. Its key is table name and its value
+is table detail::
+  {
+    "TABLE_NAME_1": TABLE_1,
+    "TABLE_NAME_2": TABLE_2,
+    ...
+    "TABLE_NAME_n": TABLE_n
+  }
+``TABLE`` is an object that describes table detail::
+  {
+    "name": TABLE_NAME
+    "type": TYPE,
+    "key_type": KEY_TYPE,
+    "value_type": VALUE_TYPE,
+    "tokenizer": TOKENIZER,
+    "normalizer": NORMALIZER,
+    "token_filters": [
+      TOKEN_FILTER_1,
+      TOKEN_FILTER_2,
+      ...,
+      TOKEN_FILTER_n,
+    ],
+    "indexes": [
+      INDEX_1,
+      INDEX_2,
+      ...,
+      INDEX_n
+    ],
+    "command": COMMAND,
+    "columns": {
+      "COLUMN_NAME_1": COLUMN_1,
+      "COLUMN_NAME_2": COLUMN_2,
+      ...,
+      "COLUMN_NAME_3": COLUMN_3,
+    }
+  }
+Here are properties of ``TABLE``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``name``
+     - The table name.
+   * - ``type``
+     - The table type.
+       This is one of the followings:
+         * ``array``: :ref:`table-no-key`
+         * ``hash``: :ref:`table-hash-key`
+         * ``patricia trie``: :ref:`table-pat-key`
+         * ``double array trie``: :ref:`table-dat-key`
+   * - ``key_type``
+     - The type of the table's key.
+       If the table type is ``array``, this is ``null``.
+       If the table type isn't ``array``, this is an object
+       that has the following properties:
+         * ``name``: The type name.
+         * ``type``: ``reference`` if the type is an table, ``type``
+           otherwise.
+   * - ``value_type``
+     - The type of the table's value.
+       If the table doesn't use value, this is ``null``.
+       If the table uses value, this is an object that has the
+       following properties:
+         * ``name``: The type name.
+         * ``type``: ``reference`` if the type is an table, ``type``
+           otherwise.
+   * - ``tokenizer``
+     - The tokenizer of the table. It's specified by
+       :ref:`table-create-default-tokenizer`.
+       If the table doesn't use tokenizer, this is ``null``.
+       If the table uses tokenizer, this is an object that has the
+       following properties:
+         * ``name``: The tokenizer name.
+   * - ``normalizer``
+     - The normalizer of the table. It's specified by
+       :ref:`table-create-normalizer`.
+       If the table doesn't use normalizer, this is ``null``.
+       If the table uses normalizer, this is an object that has the
+       following properties:
+         * ``name``: The normalizer name.
+   * - ``token_filters``
+     - The token filters of the table. It's specified by
+       :ref:`table-create-token-filters`.
+       This is an array of an object. The object has the following
+       properties:
+         * ``name``: The token filter name.
+   * - ``indexes``
+     - The indexes of the table's key.
+       This is an array of :ref:`schema-return-value-index`.
+   * - ``command``
+     - The Groonga command information to create the table.
+       This is :ref:`schema-return-value-command`.
+   * - ``columns``
+     - The columns of the table.
+       This is an object that its key is a column name and its value
+       is :ref:`schema-return-value-column`.
+.. _schema-return-value-index:
+``INDEX`` is an object that describes index detail::
+  {
+    "table":     TABLE_NAME,
+    "name":      INDEX_COLUMN_NAME,
+    "section":   SECTION
+  }
+Here are properties of ``INDEX``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``full_name``
+     - The index column name with table name.
+       For example, ``Terms.index``.
+   * - ``table``
+     - The table name of the index column.
+       For example, ``Terms``.
+   * - ``name``
+     - The index column name.
+       For example, ``index``.
+   * - ``section``
+     - The section number in the index column for the table's key.
+       If the index column isn't multiple column index, this is ``0``.
+.. _schema-return-value-command:
+``COMMAND`` is an object that describes how to create the object::
+  {
+    "name": COMMAND_NAME,
+    "arguments": {
+      "KEY_1": "VALUE_1",
+      "KEY_2": "VALUE_2",
+      ...,
+      "KEY_n": "VALUE_n"
+    },
+    "command_line": COMMAND_LINE
+  }
+Here are properties of ``COMMAND``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``name``
+     - The Groonga command name to create the object.
+   * - ``arguments``
+     - The arguments of the Groonga command to create the
+       object.
+       This is an object that its key is argument name and its value
+       is argument value.
+   * - ``command_line``
+     - The Groonga command line to create the object.
+       This is a string that can be evaluated by Groonga.
+.. _schema-return-value-column:
+``COLUMN`` is an object that describes column detail::
+  {
+    "name": COLUMN_NAME,
+    "table": TABLE_NAME,
+    "full_name": COLUMN_NAME_WITH_TABLE,
+    "type": TYPE,
+    "value_type": VALUE_TYPE,
+    "compress": COMPRESS,
+    "section": SECTION,
+    "weight": WEIGHT,
+    "compress": COMPRESS,
+    "section": BOOLEAN,
+    "weight": BOOLEAN,
+    "position": BOOLEAN,
+    "sources": [
+      SOURCE_1,
+      SOURCE_2,
+      ...,
+      SOURCE_n
+    ],
+    "indexes": [
+      INDEX_1,
+      INDEX_2,
+      ...,
+      INDEX_n
+    ],
+    "command": COMMAND
+  }
+Here are properties of ``COLUMN``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``name``
+     - The column name.
+       For example, ``age``.
+   * - ``table``
+     - The table name of the column name.
+       For example, ``Users``.
+   * - ``full_name``
+     - The column name with table name.
+       For example, ``Users.age``.
+   * - ``type``
+     - The column type.
+       This is one of the followings:
+         * ``scalar``: :doc:`/reference/columns/scalar`
+         * ``vector``: :doc:`/reference/columns/vector`
+         * ``index``: :doc:`/reference/columns/index`
+   * - ``value_type``
+     - The type of the column's value.
+       This is an object that has the following properties:
+         * ``name``: The type name.
+         * ``type``: ``reference`` if the type is an table, ``type``
+           otherwise.
+   * - ``compress``
+     - The compression method of the column.
+       If the column doesn't use any compression methods, this is
+       ``null``.
+       If the column uses a compression method, this is one of the
+       followings:
+         * ``zlib``: The column uses zlib to compress column value.
+         * ``lz4``: The column uses LZ4 to compress column value.
+   * - ``section``
+     - Whether the column can store section information or not.
+       ``true`` if the column is created with ``WITH_SECTION`` flag,
+       ``false`` otherwise.
+       Normally, if the column isn't an index column, this is ``false``.
+   * - ``weight``
+     - Whether the column can store weight information or not.
+       ``true`` if the column is created with ``WITH_WEIGHT`` flag,
+       ``false`` otherwise.
+   * - ``position``
+     - Whether the column can store position information or not.
+       ``true`` if the column is created with ``WITH_POSITION`` flag,
+       ``false`` otherwise.
+       Normally, if the column isn't an index column, this is ``false``.
+   * - ``sources``
+     - The source columns of the index column.
+       This is an array of :ref:`schema-return-value-source`.
+       Normally, if the column isn't an index column, this is an
+       empty array.
+   * - ``indexes``
+     - The indexes of the column.
+       This is an array of :ref:`schema-return-value-index`.
+   * - ``command``
+     - The Groonga command information to create the column.
+       This is :ref:`schema-return-value-command`.
+.. _schema-return-value-source:
+``SOURCE`` is an object that describes source detail::
+  {
+    "name":      COLUMN_NAME,
+    "table":     TABLE_NAME,
+  }
+Here are properties of ``SOURCE``:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Description
+   * - ``name``
+     - The source column name.
+       For example, ``content``.
+       This may be a ``_key`` pseudo column.
+   * - ``table``
+     - The table name of the source column.
+       For example, ``Memos``.
+   * - ``full_name``
+     - The source column name with table name.
+       For example, ``Memos.content``.
+See also
+  * :doc:`table_create`
+  * :doc:`column_create`
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