[Groonga-commit] Still Failing: groonga/groonga#6019 (master - acb9022)


Travis CI build****@travi*****
Tue Sep 8 11:04:50 JST 2015

Build Update for groonga/groonga

Build: #6019
Status: Still Failing

Duration: 17 minutes and 2 seconds
Commit: acb9022 (master)
Author: Kouhei Sutou
Message: regexp: make match target text normalized

It's incompatible change. It's effected when index isn't available. If
there is any index available, the behavior isn't changed.

It may be confused but we choose this behavior because of the

  * Consistency against other operator such as OP_MATCH and OP_PREFIX.
  * Keep index search availability. (If users use complex regexp
    syntax such as (?i), we can't use index for fast search. It's not
    expected pattern.)

View the changeset: https://github.com/groonga/groonga/compare/7aa91a94c869...acb9022f0223

View the full build log and details: https://travis-ci.org/groonga/groonga/builds/79210443


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