[Groonga-commit] pgroonga/pgroonga at 4b4dc99 [master] Support single column search with multiple column index


Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Sun Jan 18 23:52:20 JST 2015

Kouhei Sutou	2015-01-18 23:52:20 +0900 (Sun, 18 Jan 2015)

  New Revision: 4b4dc99c28791427cb4e29c295d43cc5af338381

    Support single column search with multiple column index

  Modified files:

  Modified: expected/text/multiple/contain/bitmapscan.out (+10 -3)
--- expected/text/multiple/contain/bitmapscan.out    2015-01-18 23:48:04 +0900 (d680f3d)
+++ expected/text/multiple/contain/bitmapscan.out    2015-01-18 23:52:20 +0900 (689add2)
@@ -15,11 +15,18 @@ SET enable_indexscan = off;
 SET enable_bitmapscan = on;
 SELECT id, title, content
   FROM memos
- WHERE title %% 'Groonga' OR content %% 'Groonga';
+ WHERE title %% 'Groonga';
+ id |  title  |             content              
+  2 | Groonga | is fast full text search engine.
+(1 row)
+SELECT id, title, content
+  FROM memos
+ WHERE content %% 'Groonga';
  id |  title   |                   content                    
-  2 | Groonga  | is fast full text search engine.
   3 | PGroonga | is a PostgreSQL extension that uses Groonga.
-(2 rows)
+(1 row)
 DROP TABLE memos;

  Modified: expected/text/multiple/contain/indexscan.out (+10 -3)
--- expected/text/multiple/contain/indexscan.out    2015-01-18 23:48:04 +0900 (e9f88fe)
+++ expected/text/multiple/contain/indexscan.out    2015-01-18 23:52:20 +0900 (74473e6)
@@ -15,11 +15,18 @@ SET enable_indexscan = on;
 SET enable_bitmapscan = off;
 SELECT id, title, content
   FROM memos
- WHERE title %% 'Groonga' OR content %% 'Groonga';
+ WHERE title %% 'Groonga';
+ id |  title  |             content              
+  2 | Groonga | is fast full text search engine.
+(1 row)
+SELECT id, title, content
+  FROM memos
+ WHERE content %% 'Groonga';
  id |  title   |                   content                    
-  2 | Groonga  | is fast full text search engine.
   3 | PGroonga | is a PostgreSQL extension that uses Groonga.
-(2 rows)
+(1 row)
 DROP TABLE memos;

  Modified: expected/text/multiple/contain/seqscan.out (+9 -1)
--- expected/text/multiple/contain/seqscan.out    2015-01-18 23:48:04 +0900 (d204be7)
+++ expected/text/multiple/contain/seqscan.out    2015-01-18 23:52:20 +0900 (dc6da9e)
@@ -15,11 +15,19 @@ SET enable_indexscan = off;
 SET enable_bitmapscan = off;
 SELECT id, title, content
   FROM memos
- WHERE title %% 'Groonga' OR content %% 'Groonga';
+ WHERE title %% 'Groonga';
  id |  title   |                   content                    
   2 | Groonga  | is fast full text search engine.
   3 | PGroonga | is a PostgreSQL extension that uses Groonga.
 (2 rows)
+SELECT id, title, content
+  FROM memos
+ WHERE content %% 'Groonga';
+ id |  title   |                   content                    
+  3 | PGroonga | is a PostgreSQL extension that uses Groonga.
+(1 row)
 DROP TABLE memos;

  Modified: pgroonga.c (+29 -6)
--- pgroonga.c    2015-01-18 23:48:04 +0900 (b8ba49d)
+++ pgroonga.c    2015-01-18 23:52:20 +0900 (7c6c727)
@@ -635,17 +635,18 @@ GrnSearch(IndexScanDesc scan)
 	Relation index = scan->indexRelation;
 	GrnScanOpaque so = (GrnScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
 	grn_obj *indexColumn;
-	grn_obj *matchColumns, *matchColumnsVariable;
+	grn_obj matchTargets;
+	grn_obj sectionID;
 	grn_obj *expression, *expressionVariable;
 	int i, nExpressions = 0;
 	if (scan->numberOfKeys == 0)
-	GRN_EXPR_CREATE_FOR_QUERY(ctx, so->idsTable,
-							  matchColumns, matchColumnsVariable);
+	GRN_UINT32_INIT(&sectionID, 0);
 	indexColumn = GrnLookupIndexColumn(index, ERROR);
-	grn_expr_append_obj(ctx, matchColumns, indexColumn, GRN_OP_PUSH, 1);
 	GRN_EXPR_CREATE_FOR_QUERY(ctx, so->idsTable,
 							  expression, expressionVariable);
@@ -654,15 +655,27 @@ GrnSearch(IndexScanDesc scan)
 		ScanKey key = &(scan->keyData[i]);
 		grn_bool isValidStrategy = GRN_TRUE;
+		grn_obj *matchTarget, *matchTargetVariable;
 		/* NULL key is not supported */
 		if (key->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
+		GRN_EXPR_CREATE_FOR_QUERY(ctx, so->idsTable,
+								  matchTarget, matchTargetVariable);
+		GRN_PTR_PUT(ctx, &matchTargets, matchTarget);
+		grn_expr_append_obj(ctx, matchTarget, indexColumn, GRN_OP_PUSH, 1);
+		GRN_UINT32_SET(ctx, &sectionID, key->sk_attno - 1);
+		grn_expr_append_const(ctx, matchTarget, &sectionID, GRN_OP_PUSH, 1);
+		grn_expr_append_op(ctx, matchTarget, GRN_OP_GET_MEMBER, 2);
 		grn_obj_reinit(ctx, &buffer, GrnGetType(index, key->sk_attno - 1), 0);
 		GrnGetValue(index, key->sk_attno - 1, key->sk_argument, &buffer);
-		grn_expr_append_obj(ctx, expression, matchColumns, GRN_OP_PUSH, 1);
+		grn_expr_append_obj(ctx, expression, matchTarget, GRN_OP_PUSH, 1);
 		grn_expr_append_obj(ctx, expression, &buffer, GRN_OP_PUSH, 1);
 		switch (key->sk_strategy)
@@ -709,7 +722,17 @@ GrnSearch(IndexScanDesc scan)
 									so->idsTable, 0);
     grn_table_select(ctx, so->idsTable, expression, so->searched, GRN_OP_OR);
 	grn_obj_unlink(ctx, expression);
-	grn_obj_unlink(ctx, matchColumns);
+	{
+		unsigned int i, nMatchTargets;
+		nMatchTargets = GRN_BULK_VSIZE(&matchTargets) / sizeof(grn_obj *);
+		for (i = 0; i < nMatchTargets; i++)
+		{
+			grn_obj *matchTarget = GRN_PTR_VALUE_AT(&matchTargets, i);
+			grn_obj_unlink(ctx, matchTarget);
+		}
+	}
+	GRN_OBJ_FIN(ctx, &matchTargets);
+	GRN_OBJ_FIN(ctx, &sectionID);
 static void

  Modified: sql/text/multiple/contain/bitmapscan.sql (+5 -1)
--- sql/text/multiple/contain/bitmapscan.sql    2015-01-18 23:48:04 +0900 (6513f31)
+++ sql/text/multiple/contain/bitmapscan.sql    2015-01-18 23:52:20 +0900 (7a0c38f)
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ SET enable_bitmapscan = on;
 SELECT id, title, content
   FROM memos
- WHERE title %% 'Groonga' OR content %% 'Groonga';
+ WHERE title %% 'Groonga';
+SELECT id, title, content
+  FROM memos
+ WHERE content %% 'Groonga';
 DROP TABLE memos;

  Modified: sql/text/multiple/contain/indexscan.sql (+5 -1)
--- sql/text/multiple/contain/indexscan.sql    2015-01-18 23:48:04 +0900 (6d2f133)
+++ sql/text/multiple/contain/indexscan.sql    2015-01-18 23:52:20 +0900 (dc004c8)
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ SET enable_bitmapscan = off;
 SELECT id, title, content
   FROM memos
- WHERE title %% 'Groonga' OR content %% 'Groonga';
+ WHERE title %% 'Groonga';
+SELECT id, title, content
+  FROM memos
+ WHERE content %% 'Groonga';
 DROP TABLE memos;

  Modified: sql/text/multiple/contain/seqscan.sql (+5 -1)
--- sql/text/multiple/contain/seqscan.sql    2015-01-18 23:48:04 +0900 (af71b93)
+++ sql/text/multiple/contain/seqscan.sql    2015-01-18 23:52:20 +0900 (ed174c1)
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ SET enable_bitmapscan = off;
 SELECT id, title, content
   FROM memos
- WHERE title %% 'Groonga' OR content %% 'Groonga';
+ WHERE title %% 'Groonga';
+SELECT id, title, content
+  FROM memos
+ WHERE content %% 'Groonga';
 DROP TABLE memos;
-------------- next part --------------

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