[Groonga-commit] long-long-float/droonga-engine at 0d48ce3 [master] Port from optparse to slop


long-long-float null+****@clear*****
Wed Aug 27 16:37:05 JST 2014

long-long-float	2014-08-27 16:37:05 +0900 (Wed, 27 Aug 2014)

  New Revision: 0d48ce3a78dd12774d3dd6523877c55300002ff1

  Merged 60208e4: Merge pull request #14 from long-long-float/improvement-cli

    Port from optparse to slop

  Modified files:

  Modified: bin/droonga-engine-join (+46 -73)
--- bin/droonga-engine-join    2014-08-27 14:52:13 +0900 (ebd58b1)
+++ bin/droonga-engine-join    2014-08-27 16:37:05 +0900 (ae1bbae)
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-require "ostruct"
-require "optparse"
+require "slop"
 require "json"
 require "pathname"
@@ -27,99 +26,73 @@ require "droonga/safe_file_writer"
 require "droonga/data_absorber"
 require "droonga/serf"
-options = OpenStruct.new
-options.base_dir = ENV[Droonga::Path::BASE_DIR_ENV_NAME] || Dir.pwd
-options.drndump  = "drndump"
-options.client   = "droonga-request"
-options.copy     = true
-options.dataset  = Droonga::CatalogGenerator::DEFAULT_DATASET
-options.port     = Droonga::CatalogGenerator::DEFAULT_PORT
-options.tag      = Droonga::CatalogGenerator::DEFAULT_TAG
-parser = OptionParser.new
-parser.version = Droonga::Engine::VERSION
-          "Do or don't copy data from the source cluster.",
-          "(#{options.copy})") do |copy|
-  options.copy = copy
-          "Host name of the node to be joined.") do |host|
-  options.joining_host = host
-          "Host name of the soruce cluster to be connected.") do |host|
-  options.replica_source_host = host
-          "Tag dataset name of the cluster to be joined as a node.",
-          "(#{options.dataset})") do |dataset|
-  options.dataset = dataset
-parser.on("--port=PORT", Integer,
-          "Port number of the source cluster to be connected.",
-          "(#{options.port})") do |port|
-  options.port = port
-          "Tag name of the soruce cluster to be connected.",
-          "(#{options.tag})") do |tag|
-  options.tag = tag
+options = nil
+  options = Slop.parse(help: true) do
+    on "no-copy", "copy data from the source cluster.", 
+      default: false
+    separator "Connections:"
+    on :host=, 
+      "Host name of the node to be joined.", 
+      required: true
+    on "replica-source-host=", 
+      "Host name of the soruce cluster to be connected.",
+      required: true
+    on :dataset=,
+      "Tag dataset name of the cluster to be joined as a node.", 
+      default: Droonga::CatalogGenerator::DEFAULT_DATASET
+    on :port=, 
+      "Port number of the source cluster to be connected.", 
+      as: Integer, 
+      default: Droonga::CatalogGenerator::DEFAULT_PORT
+    on :tag=, 
+      "Tag name of the soruce cluster to be connected.", 
+      default: Droonga::CatalogGenerator::DEFAULT_TAG
+  end
+rescue Slop::MissingOptionError => e
+  STDERR.puts e
+  exit -1
-base_dir = Pathname(options.base_dir).expand_path
-ENV[Droonga::Path::BASE_DIR_ENV_NAME] = base_dir.to_s
-unless options.joining_host
-  raise "You must specify the host name or the IP address of the node " +
-          "to be joined via --host option."
-unless options.replica_source_host
-  raise "You must specify the host name or the IP address of a node " +
-           "of an existing cluster via --replica-source-host option."
-options.joining_node = "#{options.joining_host}:#{options.port}/#{options.tag}"
-options.source_node  = "#{options.replica_source_host}:#{options.port}/#{options.tag}"
+joining_node = "#{options[:host]}:#{options[:port]}/#{options[:tag]}"
+source_node  = "#{options["replica-source-host"]}:#{options[:port]}/#{options[:tag]}"
 def run_remote_command(target, command, options)
+  p [command, options]
   result = Droonga::Serf.send_query(target, command, options)
   puts result[:result]
   puts result[:error] unless result[:error].empty?
+p [joining_node, source_node]
 puts "Joining new replica to the cluster..."
-run_remote_command(options.joining_node, "join",
-                   "node"   => options.joining_node,
+run_remote_command(joining_node, "join",
+                   "node"   => joining_node,
                    "type"   => "replica",
-                   "source" => options.source_node,
-                   "port" => options.port,
-                   "dataset" => options.dataset,
-                   "tag" => options.tag,
-                   "copy"   => options.copy)
+                   "source" => source_node,
+                   "port" => options[:port],
+                   "dataset" => options[:dataset],
+                   "tag" => options[:tag],
+                   "copy"   => !options["no-copy"])
 sleep(5) #TODO: wait for restarting of the joining node. this should be done more safely.
 while true
-  response = run_remote_command(options.joining_node, "report_status",
-                                "node" => options.joining_node,
+  response = run_remote_command(joining_node, "report_status",
+                                "node" => joining_node,
                                 "key" => "absorbing")
   absorbing = response["value"]
   break unless absorbing
 puts "Update existing hosts in the cluster..."
-run_remote_command(options.source_node, "add_replicas",
-                   "dataset" => options.dataset,
-                   "hosts"   => [options.joining_host])
+run_remote_command(source_node, "add_replicas",
+                   "dataset" => options[:dataset],
+                   "hosts"   => [options[:host]])
 puts "Done."
-------------- next part --------------

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