[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at 8cd9f34 [master] Revert "minin: fix port number configuration"


HAYASHI Kentaro null+****@clear*****
Wed Dec 25 10:27:46 JST 2013

HAYASHI Kentaro	2013-12-25 10:27:46 +0900 (Wed, 25 Dec 2013)

  New Revision: 8cd9f34baf1b977d7bba2b53f9de40d810b8af15

    Revert "minin: fix port number configuration"
    This reverts commit 5c8f9018a6004b222255776384e5aacb24485180.
    Revert "munin: support not only GQTP but also HTTP"
    This reverts commit 8df51f8f3941628609f4b0dfc7abcb1e528844e2.
    It should be unified duplicated code for maintainability.
    I'll fix this issue again.

  Removed files:
  Modified files:
  Renamed files:
      (from data/munin/groonga_gqtp_cpu_load)
      (from data/munin/groonga_gqtp_cpu_time)
      (from data/munin/groonga_gqtp_disk)
      (from data/munin/groonga_gqtp_memory)
      (from data/munin/groonga_gqtp_n_records)
      (from data/munin/groonga_gqtp_query_performance)
      (from data/munin/groonga_gqtp_status)
      (from data/munin/groonga_gqtp_throughput)

  Modified: data/munin/Makefile.am (+8 -16)
--- data/munin/Makefile.am    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (3ca9c3f)
+++ data/munin/Makefile.am    2013-12-25 10:27:46 +0900 (8fb5382)
@@ -1,20 +1,12 @@
 munin_pluginsdir = $(datarootdir)/$(PACKAGE)/munin/plugins
 dist_munin_plugins_SCRIPTS =			\
-	groonga_gqtp_cpu_load			\
-	groonga_gqtp_cpu_time			\
-	groonga_gqtp_status			\
-	groonga_gqtp_memory			\
-	groonga_gqtp_n_records			\
-	groonga_gqtp_query_performance		\
-	groonga_gqtp_disk			\
-	groonga_gqtp_throughput			\
-	groonga_http_cpu_load			\
-	groonga_http_cpu_time			\
-	groonga_http_status			\
-	groonga_http_memory			\
-	groonga_http_n_records			\
-	groonga_http_query_performance		\
-	groonga_http_disk			\
-	groonga_http_throughput
+	groonga_cpu_load			\
+	groonga_cpu_time			\
+	groonga_status				\
+	groonga_memory				\
+	groonga_n_records			\
+	groonga_query_performance		\
+	groonga_disk				\
+	groonga_throughput

  Renamed: data/munin/groonga_cpu_load (+0 -0) 100%

  Renamed: data/munin/groonga_cpu_time (+0 -0) 100%

  Renamed: data/munin/groonga_disk (+0 -0) 100%

  Deleted: data/munin/groonga_http_cpu_load (+0 -47) 100755
--- data/munin/groonga_http_cpu_load    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (7e8a017)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#%# family=auto
-#%# capabilities=autoconf
-case "$1" in
-    autoconf|detect)
-	if [ -z "${pid_file}" ]; then
-            echo "no (PID file isn't specified by env.pid_file)"
-	    exit 1
-        elif [ -f "${pid_file}" ]; then
-            echo "yes"
-	    exit 0
-        else
-            echo "no (PID file doesn't exist: ${pid_file})"
-	    exit 1
-        fi
-        ;;
-    config)
-	if [ -z "${label}" ]; then
-	    title="groonga: CPU load"
-	else
-	    title="groonga: ${label}: CPU load"
-	fi
-        cat <<EOF
-graph_title ${title}
-graph_vlabel CPU load (%)
-graph_category groonga
-graph_info groonga CPU load
-cpu_load.label CPU load
-cpu_load.type GAUGE
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    *)
-if [ -z "${pid_file}" ]; then
-    echo "PID file isn't specified by env.pid_file"
-    exit 1
-groonga_pid=$(cat ${pid_file})
-top_for_groonga=$(top -b -n 1 -p ${groonga_pid} | grep ${groonga_pid})
-load_in_percent=$(echo ${top_for_groonga} | sed -r -e 's/ +/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f 9)
-echo "cpu_load.value ${load_in_percent}"

  Deleted: data/munin/groonga_http_cpu_time (+0 -57) 100755
--- data/munin/groonga_http_cpu_time    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (f6d68ee)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#%# family=auto
-#%# capabilities=autoconf
-label = ENV["label"]
-pid_file = ENV["pid_file"]
-command = ARGV.shift
-case command
-when "autoconf", "detect"
-  if pid_file.nil?
-    puts "no (PID file isn't specified by env.pid_file)"
-    exit(false)
-  elsif File.exist?(pid_file)
-    puts "yes"
-    exit(true)
-  else
-    puts "no (PID file doesn't exist: #{pid_file})"
-    exit(false)
-  end
-when "config"
-  if label
-    title = "groonga: #{label}: CPU time"
-  else
-    title = "groonga: CPU time"
-  end
-  puts <<EOF
-graph_title #{title}
-graph_vlabel CPU time (days)
-graph_category groonga
-graph_info groonga CPU time
-cpu_time.label CPU time
-cpu_time.type GAUGE
-  exit(true)
-groonga_pid = File.read(pid_file).strip
-time = `ps h -o time -p #{groonga_pid}`.chomp
-if /\A(?:(\d+)-)?(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\z/ =~ time
-  day, hours, minutes, seconds, = $1, $2, $3, $4
-  day = (day || 0).to_i
-  hours = hours.to_i
-  minutes = minutes.to_i
-  seconds = seconds.to_i
-  time_in_seconds = seconds + minutes * 60 + hours * 60 * 60
-  day_in_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24
-  fraction_in_day = time_in_seconds.to_f / day_in_seconds.to_f
-  cpu_time_in_day = day + fraction_in_day
-  puts "cpu_time.value #{cpu_time_in_day}"
-  puts "invalid time format: <#{time}>"
-  exit(false)

  Deleted: data/munin/groonga_http_disk (+0 -176) 100755
--- data/munin/groonga_http_disk    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (8fec0be)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#%# family=auto
-#%# capabilities=autoconf
-require 'shellwords'
-  require 'json'
-rescue LoadError
-  require 'rubygems'
-  require 'json'
-require 'English'
-label = ENV["label"]
- �� groonga = ENV["groonga"] || "groonga"
- �� du = ENV["du"] || "du"
- �� path = ENV["path"]
-command = ARGV.shift
-def parse(success, result)
-  if success
-    begin
-      status, body = JSON.parse(result)
-      return_code, start_time, elapsed, error_message = status
-      if return_code.zero?
-        [success, body]
-      else
-        [false, error_message]
-      end
-    rescue JSON::ParserError
-      [false, $!.message]
-    end
-  else
-    [success, result]
-  end
-def run(command, *args)
-  path = Shellwords.shellescape(@path)
-  result = `#{@groonga} #{path} #{command} #{args.join(' ')} 2>&1`
-  parse($?.success?, result)
-def parse_list(header, list)
-  list.collect do |item|
-    parsed_item = {}
-    header.each_with_index do |(name, type), i|
-      parsed_item[name] = item[i]
-    end
-    parsed_item
-  end
-def schema
-  tables = []
-  success, table_list_body = run("table_list")
-  unless success
-    puts "error: #{table_list_body}"
-    exit(false)
-  end
-  parse_list(table_list_body[0], table_list_body[1..-1]).each do |table|
-    table_name = table["name"]
-    table["key"] = "table_#{table_name}"
-    success, column_list_body = run("column_list", table_name)
-    unless success
-      puts "error: #{column_list_body}"
-      exit(false)
-    end
-    table["columns"] = parse_list(column_list_body[0], column_list_body[1..-1])
-    table["columns"].each do |column|
-      column["key"] = "column_#{table_name}_#{column['name']}"
-      column["full_name"] = "#{table_name}.#{column['name']}"
-    end
-    tables << table
-  end
-  tables
-def parse_du_result(result)
-  usages = {}
-  result.each_line do |line|
-    if /\A(\d+)\s+/ =~ line
-      usage = $1
-      path = $POSTMATCH.strip
-      usages[path] = usage.to_i
-    end
-  end
-  usages
-def compute_size(usages, base_path)
-  usage = 0
-  return usage if base_path.empty?
-  usages.each do |path, size|
-    usage += size if path.start_with?(base_path)
-  end
-  usage
-case command
-when "autoconf", "detect"
-  success, body = run("status")
-  if success
-    puts "yes"
-    exit(true)
-  else
-    puts "no (#{body})"
-    exit(false)
-  end
-when "config"
-  if label.nil?
-    title = "groonga: disk usage"
-  else
-    title = "groonga: #{label}: disk usage"
-  end
-  puts <<EOF
-graph_title #{title}
-graph_vlabel Bytes
-graph_category groonga
-graph_info disk usage in groonga tables and columns
-graph_args --base 1024
-graph_total Total
-database.label Database
-database.draw AREA
-  schema.each do |table|
-    table_key = table["key"]
-    table_name = table["name"]
-    puts <<EOF
-#{table_key}.label #{table_name}
-#{table_key}.draw STACK
-    table["columns"].each do |column|
-      column_key = column["key"]
-      column_name = column["full_name"]
-      puts <<EOF
-#{column_key}.label #{column_name}
-#{column_key}.draw STACK
-    end
-  end
-  exit(true)
-path = Shellwords.shellescape(@path)
-du_result = `#{@du} -B1 #{path}*`
-unless $?.success?
-  puts("error: #{du_result}")
-  exit(false)
-usages = parse_du_result(du_result)
-usage = compute_size(usages, @path)
-puts <<EOF
-database.value #{usage}
-schema.each do |table|
-  table_key = table["key"]
-  table_name = table["name"]
-  usage = compute_size(usages, table["path"])
-  puts <<EOF
-#{table_key}.value #{usage}
-  table["columns"].each do |column|
-    column_key = column["key"]
-    usage = compute_size(usages, column["path"])
-    puts <<EOF
-#{column_key}.value #{usage}
-  end

  Deleted: data/munin/groonga_http_memory (+0 -51) 100755
--- data/munin/groonga_http_memory    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (30928ce)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#%# family=auto
-#%# capabilities=autoconf
-case "$1" in
-    autoconf|detect)
-	if [ -z "${pid_file}" ]; then
-            echo "no (PID file isn't specified by env.pid_file)"
-	    exit 1
-        elif [ -f "${pid_file}" ]; then
-            echo "yes"
-            exit 0
-        else
-            echo "no (PID file doesn't exist: ${pid_file})"
-            exit 1
-        fi
-        ;;
-    config)
-	if [ -z "${label}" ]; then
-	    title="groonga: memory usage"
-	else
-	    title="groonga: ${label}: memory usage"
-	fi
-        cat <<EOF
-graph_title ${title}
-graph_vlabel memory usage
-graph_category groonga
-graph_info groonga memory usage
-rss.label resident set size
-rss.type GAUGE
-vsz.label virtual memory size
-vsz.type GAUGE
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    *)
-if [ -z "${pid_file}" ]; then
-    echo "PID file isn't specified by env.pid_file"
-    exit 1
-groonga_pid=$(cat ${pid_file})
-read rss_in_kb vsz_in_kb <<EOC
-$(ps h -o rss,vsz -p ${groonga_pid})
-echo "rss.value ${rss_in_kb}000"
-echo "vsz.value ${vsz_in_kb}000"

  Deleted: data/munin/groonga_http_n_records (+0 -113) 100755
--- data/munin/groonga_http_n_records    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (d4a6aea)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#%# family=auto
-#%# capabilities=autoconf
-require 'shellwords'
-  require 'json'
-rescue LoadError
-  require 'rubygems'
-  require 'json'
-label = ENV["label"]
- �� groonga = ENV["groonga"] || "groonga"
- �� host = ENV["host"] || "localhost"
- �� port = ENV["port"] || 10041
- �� path = ENV["path"]
- �� exclude_tables = (ENV["exclude_tables"] || "").split(/\s*,\s*/)
-command = ARGV.shift
-def parse(success, result)
-  if success
-    begin
-      status, body = JSON.parse(result)
-      return_code, start_time, elapsed, error_message = status
-      if return_code.zero?
-        [success, body]
-      else
-        [false, error_message]
-      end
-    rescue JSON::ParserError
-      [false, $!.message]
-    end
-  else
-    [success, result]
-  end
-def run(command, *args)
-  result = `curl -s "http://#{@host}:#{@port}/d/#{command}?#{args.join('&')}" 2>&1`
-  parse($?.success?, result)
-def parse_list(header, list)
-  list.collect do |item|
-    parsed_item = {}
-    header.each_with_index do |(name, type), i|
-      parsed_item[name] = item[i]
-    end
-    parsed_item
-  end
-def table_list
-  success, body = run("table_list")
-  unless success
-    puts "error: #{body}"
-    exit(false)
-  end
-  tables = parse_list(body[0], body[1..-1])
-  tables.reject do |table|
-    name = table["name"]
-    @exclude_tables.include?(name)
-  end
-case command
-when "autoconf", "detect"
-  success, body = run("status")
-  if success
-    puts "yes"
-    exit(true)
-  else
-    puts "no (#{body})"
-    exit(false)
-  end
-when "config"
-  if label.nil?
-    title = "groonga: number of records"
-  else
-    title = "groonga: #{label}: number of records"
-  end
-  puts <<EOF
-graph_title #{title}
-graph_vlabel records
-graph_category groonga
-graph_info number of records in groonga table
-  table_list.each do |table|
-    name = table["name"]
-    puts <<EOF
-#{name}.label #{name}
-#{name}.type GAUGE
-  end
-  exit(true)
-table_list.each do |table|
-  name = table["name"]
-  success, body = run("select", "table=#{name}", "limit=0")
-  unless success
-    puts("error: #{body}")
-    exit(false)
-  end
-  n_records = body[0][0][0]
-  puts <<EOF
-#{name}.value #{n_records}

  Deleted: data/munin/groonga_http_query_performance (+0 -133) 100755
--- data/munin/groonga_http_query_performance    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (8081d02)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#%# family=auto
-#%# capabilities=autoconf
-require 'English'
-require 'strscan'
-label = ENV["label"]
- �� log_path = ENV["log_path"]
-command = ARGV.shift
-case command
-when "autoconf", "detect"
-  if @log_path.nil?
-    puts "no (query log file path isn't specified by env.log_path)"
-    exit(false)
-  end
-  unless File.readable?(@log_path)
-    puts "no (query log file isn't readable: <#{@log_path}>)"
-    exit(false)
-  end
-  puts "yes"
-  exit(true)
-when "config"
-  if label.nil?
-    title = "groonga: query performance"
-  else
-    title = "groonga: #{label}: query performance"
-  end
-  puts <<EOF
-graph_title #{title}
-graph_vlabel seconds
-graph_category groonga
-graph_info groonga query performance
-longest.label Longest
-average.label Average
-median.label Median
-  exit(true)
-class ReverseLineReader
-  def initialize(io)
-    @io = io
-    @io.seek(0, IO::SEEK_END)
-    @buffer = ""
-    @data = ""
-  end
-  def each
-    separator = $/
-    separator_length = separator.length
-    while read_to_buffer
-      loop do
-        index =****@buffe*****(separator, @buffer.length - 1 - separator_length)
-        break if index.nil? or index.zero?
-        last_line =****@buffe*****!((index + separator_length)..-1)
-        yield(last_line)
-      end
-    end
-    yield(@buffer) unles****@buffe*****?
-  end
-  private
-  BYTES_PER_READ = 4096
-  def read
-    position =****@io*****
-    if position < BYTES_PER_READ
-      bytes_per_read = position
-    else
-      bytes_per_read = BYTES_PER_READ
-    end
-    if bytes_per_read.zero?
-      @data.replace("")
-    else
-      @io.seek(-bytes_per_read, IO::SEEK_CUR)
-      @io.read(bytes_per_read, @data)
-      @io.seek(-bytes_per_read, IO::SEEK_CUR)
-    end
-    @data
-  end
-  def read_to_buffer
-    data = read
-    if data.empty?
-      false
-    else
-      @buffer.insert(0, data)
-      true
-    end
-  end
-span = 60 * 5 # 5min
-mega = 1_000_000.0
-now = Time.now
-elapsed_times = []
-File.open(@log_path) do |log_file|
-  ReverseLineReader.new(log_file).each do |line|
-    case line
-    when /\A(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)\|([\da-f])+\|<(\d+) rc=0$/
-      _, year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds,
-        context, elapsed = $LAST_MATCH_INFO.to_a
-      time_stamp = Time.local(year, month, day,
-                              hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
-      difference = now - time_stamp
-      break if difference > span
-      elapsed_in_micro_seconds = elapsed.to_i / mega
-      elapsed_times << elapsed_in_micro_seconds
-    end
-  end
-sorted_elapsed_times = elapsed_times.sort
-if sorted_elapsed_times.empty?
-  longest = 0
-  average = 0
-  median = 0
-  longest = sorted_elapsed_times.last
-  average = sorted_elapsed_times.inject(&:+) / sorted_elapsed_times.size.to_f
-  median = sorted_elapsed_times[sorted_elapsed_times.size / 2]
-puts "longest.value #{longest}"
-puts "average.value #{average}"
-puts "median.value #{median}"

  Deleted: data/munin/groonga_http_status (+0 -88) 100755
--- data/munin/groonga_http_status    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (7c0eee4)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#%# family=auto
-#%# capabilities=autoconf
-  require 'json'
-rescue LoadError
-  require 'rubygems'
-  require 'json'
-label = ENV["label"]
- �� groonga = ENV["groonga"] || "groonga"
- �� host = ENV["host"] || "localhost"
- �� port = ENV["port"] || 10041
-command = ARGV.shift
-def parse(success, result)
-  if success
-    begin
-      status, body = JSON.parse(result)
-      return_code, start_time, elapsed, error_message = status
-      if return_code.zero?
-        [success, body]
-      else
-        [false, error_message]
-      end
-    rescue JSON::ParserError
-      [false, $!.message]
-    end
-  else
-    [success, result]
-  end
-def run(command, *args)
-  result = `curl -s "http://#{@host}:#{@port}/d/#{command}" 2>&1`
-  parse($?.success?, result)
-def parse_list(header, list)
-  list.collect do |item|
-    parsed_item = {}
-    header.each_with_index do |(name, type), i|
-      parsed_item[name] = item[i]
-    end
-    parsed_item
-  end
-case command
-when "autoconf", "detect"
-  success, body = run("status")
-  if success
-    puts "yes"
-    exit(true)
-  else
-    puts "no (#{body})"
-    exit(false)
-  end
-when "config"
-  if label.nil?
-    title = "groonga: status"
-  else
-    title = "groonga: #{label}: status"
-  end
-  puts <<EOF
-graph_title #{title}
-graph_vlabel status
-graph_category groonga
-graph_info groonga status
-alloc_count.label alloc count
-alloc_count.type GAUGE
-  exit(true)
-success, body = run("status")
-unless success
-  puts("error: #{body}")
-  exit(false)
-puts <<EOF
-alloc_count.value #{body["alloc_count"]}

  Deleted: data/munin/groonga_http_throughput (+0 -108) 100755
--- data/munin/groonga_http_throughput    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (6353c16)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#%# family=auto
-#%# capabilities=autoconf
-  require 'json'
-rescue LoadError
-  require 'rubygems'
-  require 'json'
-label = ENV["label"]
- �� groonga = ENV["groonga"] || "groonga"
- �� host = ENV["host"] || "localhost"
- �� port = ENV["port"] || 10041
- �� protocol = ENV["protocol"] || "http"
-command = ARGV.shift
-def parse(success, result)
-  if success
-    begin
-      status, body = JSON.parse(result)
-      return_code, start_time, elapsed, error_message = status
-      if return_code.zero?
-        [success, body]
-      else
-        [false, error_message]
-      end
-    rescue JSON::ParserError
-      [false, $!.message]
-    end
-  else
-    [success, result]
-  end
-def run(command, *args)
-  if @protocol == "http"
-    require "net/http"
-    begin
-      response = Net::HTTP.start(@host, @port) do |http|
-        http.get("/d/status.json")
-      end
-      if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
-        parse(true, response.body)
-      else
-        parse(false, "#{response.code}: #{response.body}")
-      end
-    rescue Exception
-      message = "#{$!.class}: #{$!.message}\n"
-      message <<  $@.join("\n")
-      parse(false, message)
-    end
-  else
-    groonga = "#{@groonga} -p #{@port} -c #{@host}"
-    result = `#{groonga} #{command} #{args.join(' ')} 2>&1`
-    parse($?.success?, result)
-  end
-def parse_list(header, list)
-  list.collect do |item|
-    parsed_item = {}
-    header.each_with_index do |(name, type), i|
-      parsed_item[name] = item[i]
-    end
-    parsed_item
-  end
-case command
-when "autoconf", "detect"
-  success, body = run("status")
-  if success
-    puts "yes"
-    exit(true)
-  else
-    puts "no (#{body})"
-    exit(false)
-  end
-when "config"
-  if label.nil?
-    title = "groonga: throughput"
-  else
-    title = "groonga: #{label}: throughput"
-  end
-  puts <<EOF
-graph_title #{title}
-graph_vlabel queries per ${graph_period}
-graph_category groonga
-graph_info groonga throughput
-n_queries.label N queries
-n_queries.type COUNTER
-  exit(true)
-success, body = run("status")
-unless success
-  puts("error: #{body}")
-  exit(false)
-puts <<EOF
-n_queries.value #{body["n_queries"]}

  Renamed: data/munin/groonga_memory (+0 -0) 100%

  Renamed: data/munin/groonga_n_records (+1 -1) 98%
--- data/munin/groonga_gqtp_n_records    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (bd8ce79)
+++ data/munin/groonga_n_records    2013-12-25 10:27:46 +0900 (eb64f54)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ end
 label = ENV["label"]
 @groonga = ENV["groonga"] || "groonga"
 @host = ENV["host"] || "localhost"
- �� port = ENV["port"] || 10043
+ �� port = ENV["port"] || 10041
 @path = ENV["path"]
 @exclude_tables = (ENV["exclude_tables"] || "").split(/\s*,\s*/)

  Renamed: data/munin/groonga_query_performance (+0 -0) 100%

  Renamed: data/munin/groonga_status (+1 -1) 98%
--- data/munin/groonga_gqtp_status    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (c520822)
+++ data/munin/groonga_status    2013-12-25 10:27:46 +0900 (1a7bb11)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ end
 label = ENV["label"]
 @groonga = ENV["groonga"] || "groonga"
 @host = ENV["host"] || "localhost"
- �� port = ENV["port"] || 10043
+ �� port = ENV["port"] || 10041
 command = ARGV.shift

  Renamed: data/munin/groonga_throughput (+1 -1) 98%
--- data/munin/groonga_gqtp_throughput    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (f75b066)
+++ data/munin/groonga_throughput    2013-12-25 10:27:46 +0900 (5efb8ad)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ end
 label = ENV["label"]
 @groonga = ENV["groonga"] || "groonga"
 @host = ENV["host"] || "localhost"
- �� port = ENV["port"] || 10043
+ �� port = ENV["port"] || 10041
 @protocol = ENV["protocol"] || "gqtp"
 command = ARGV.shift

  Modified: packages/debian/groonga-munin-plugin.conf (+2 -10)
--- packages/debian/groonga-munin-plugin.conf    2013-12-24 23:39:18 +0900 (a477f81)
+++ packages/debian/groonga-munin-plugin.conf    2013-12-25 10:27:46 +0900 (f71b8a1)
@@ -2,16 +2,8 @@
   user groonga
   group groonga
   env.PATH /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin
+  env.pid_file /var/run/groonga/groonga.pid
   env.path /var/lib/groonga/db/db
-  env.port 10041
-  env.pid_file /var/run/groonga/groonga-http.pid
-  env.log_path /var/log/groonga/query-http.log
   env.port 10043
-  env.pid_file /var/run/groonga/groonga-gqtp.pid
-  env.log_path /var/log/groonga/query-gqtp.log
+  env.log_path /var/log/groonga/query.log
-------------- next part --------------

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