[Groonga-commit] groonga/gcs [master] Add gcs-run-scenarios command based on tools/run-scenarios.js


YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Fri Nov 9 11:47:21 JST 2012

YUKI Hiroshi	2012-11-09 11:47:21 +0900 (Fri, 09 Nov 2012)

  New Revision: 12870a7b3f9af7ac9fa378ed676864543bfa6a4d

    Add gcs-run-scenarios command based on tools/run-scenarios.js

  Added files:
  Modified files:

  Added: bin/gcs-run-scenarios (+82 -0) 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ bin/gcs-run-scenarios    2012-11-09 11:47:21 +0900 (0619cb4)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+ Set these environment variables:
+var CLI = require(__dirname + '/../lib/command-line').CommandLineInterface;
+var Client = require(__dirname + '/../lib/client').Client;
+var fs = require('fs');
+var path = require('path');
+var commandLine = new CLI();
+  .usage('--scenarios <path to a directory> [options]')
+  .option('--scenarios <path to a directory>',
+          'Path to the scenarios directory which includes "scenarios.json".',
+          String)
+  .option('--document-endpoint <host:port>',
+          'The host and port number of the documents/batch API.',
+          String)
+  .option('--acs',
+          'Process requests for Amazon CloudSearch.',
+          String)
+  .parseClient();
+var client = new Client(commandLine);
+if (commandLine.options.documentEndpoint)
+  client.docEndpoint = commandLine.options.documentEndpoint;
+var scenariosDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), commandLine.options.scenarios);
+var scenariosFile = path.resolve(scenariosDir, 'scenarios.json');
+if (!commandLine.options.scenarios ||
+    !path.existsSync(scenariosFile))
+  client.raiseFatalError('You must specify the path to a scenarios directory ' +
+                         'by "--scenarios" option.');
+var scenarios = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(scenariosFile));
+cs = new CloudSearch({
+  accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
+  secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
+CloudSearch.prototype.extractBody = function(options) {
+  return 'blob';
+var statusCodeTable = {
+  404: 'Not Found',
+  400: 'Bad Request',
+  200: 'OK'
+var resultsDirName = commandLine.options.acs ? 'results-acs' : 'results';
+var resultsDir.resolve(resultsDirName, resultsDirectoryName);
+scenarios.forEach(function(scenario) {
+  console.log('Processing ' + scenario.name);
+  var filename = scenario.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '-') + '.txt';
+  cs[scenario.params.Action].call(cs, scenario.params, function(error, data) {
+    var response = error || data;
+    var statusCode = response.StatusCode;
+    if (!statusCodeTable[statusCode]) {
+      throw "Unknown status code " + statusCode;
+    }
+    var output = '';
+    output += 'HTTP/1.1 ' + statusCode + ' ' + statusCodeTable[statusCode] + '\r\n';
+    for (var key in response.Headers) {
+      output += key + ': ' + response.Headers[key] + '\r\n';
+    };
+    output += '\r\n';
+    output += response.Body.toString();
+    var resultPath = resultsDir.resolve(resultsDir, filename);
+    fs.writeFile(resultPath, output);
+    console.log('Wrote ' + resultPath);
+  });

  Modified: lib/client.js (+7 -4)
--- lib/client.js    2012-11-08 19:13:17 +0900 (4d6cfab)
+++ lib/client.js    2012-11-09 11:47:21 +0900 (7b238cd)
@@ -8,13 +8,16 @@ function Client(options) {
   this.host = options.host;
   this.port = options.port;
   this.docEndpoint = options.docEndpoint;
+  this.accessKeyId     = options.accessKeyId;
+  this.secretAccessKey = options.secretAccessKey;
 Client.prototype = {
   get configurationAPI() {
     if (!this._configurationAPI) {
       this._configurationAPI = new CloudSearch({
-        accessKeyId: 'dummy-access-key-id',
-        secretAccessKey: 'dummy-access-key'
+        accessKeyId:     this.accessKeyId,
+        secretAccessKey: this.secretAccessKey
       var self = this;
       this._configurationAPI.host = function() {
@@ -64,8 +67,8 @@ Client.prototype = {
   createDocumentService: function(options) {
     var service = new DocumentService({
-      accessKeyId: 'dummy-access-key-id',
-      secretAccessKey: 'dummy-access-key',
+      accessKeyId: this.accessKeyId,
+      secretAccessKey: this.secretAccessKey,
       domainName: options.domainName,
       domainId: options.domainId,
       region: amazon.US_EAST_1

  Modified: lib/command-line.js (+28 -0)
--- lib/command-line.js    2012-11-08 19:13:17 +0900 (b342b42)
+++ lib/command-line.js    2012-11-09 11:47:21 +0900 (8a94c09)
@@ -52,6 +52,24 @@ CommandLineInterface.prototype = {
     return this.host + ':' + this.port;
+  get accessKeyId() {
+    return this.options.accessKeyId ||
+           process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ||
+           'dummy-access-key-id';
+  },
+  set accessKeyId(value) {
+    return this.options.accessKeyId = value;
+  },
+  get secretAccessKey() {
+    return this.options.secretAccessKey ||
+           process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ||
+           'dummy-access-key';
+  },
+  set secretAccessKey(value) {
+    return this.options.secretAccessKey = value;
+  },
   get databasePath() {
     return this.options.databasePath || defaultDatabasePath;
@@ -74,6 +92,16 @@ CommandLineInterface.prototype = {
     if (asClient) {
+          .option('-a, --access-key <access key id>',
+                  'Your AWS access key. Used in conjunction with --secret-key. ' +
+                    'Must be specified if you do not use an AWS credential file. ' +
+                    '[' + process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID + ']',
+                  String)
+          .option('-k, --secret-key <secret key>',
+                  'Your AWS secret key. Used in conjunction with --access-key. ' +
+                  'Must be specified if you do not use an AWS credential file. ' +
+                    '[' + process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY + ']',
+                  String)
           .option('-e, --endpoint <hostname:port>',
                   'The host name (and port) to access the configuration API ' +
                     '[' + defaultEndpoint + ']',

  Modified: package.json (+2 -1)
--- package.json    2012-11-08 19:13:17 +0900 (9632aee)
+++ package.json    2012-11-09 11:47:21 +0900 (5561102)
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
     "gcs-index-documents": "./bin/gcs-index-documents",
     "gcs-import-examples": "./bin/gcs-import-examples",
     "gcs-configure-default-search-field": "./bin/gcs-configure-default-search-field",
-    "gcs-post-sdf": "./bin/gcs-post-sdf"
+    "gcs-post-sdf": "./bin/gcs-post-sdf",
+    "gcs-run-scenarios": "./bin/gcs-run-scenarios"
   "main": "./lib/server",
   "engines": {
-------------- next part --------------

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