2012年 8月 9日 (木) 18:47:03 JST
SHIMODA Hiroshi 2012-08-09 18:47:03 +0900 (Thu, 09 Aug 2012) New Revision: 8fd755d402199169165a0b891fc14e56b2a1c377 Log: Update tests for implementation Modified files: test/api-batch.test.js test/batch-processor.test.js Modified: test/api-batch.test.js (+6 -2) =================================================================== --- test/api-batch.test.js 2012-08-09 18:44:01 +0900 (a0e3e7f) +++ test/api-batch.test.js 2012-08-09 18:47:03 +0900 (64d334f) @@ -191,8 +191,12 @@ suite('documents/batch API', function() { adds: 0, deletes: 0, errors: [ - { message: 'invalidfield: The field "unknown1" is unknown.' }, - { message: 'invalidfield: The field "unknown2" is unknown.' }, + { message: 'invalidfield: The field "unknown1" is unknown. ' + + '(available: address,age,description,' + + 'email_address,name,product)' }, + { message: 'invalidfield: The field "unknown2" is unknown. ' + + '(available: address,age,description,' + + 'email_address,name,product)' }, { message: 'invalidfield: The field "name" is null.' }, { message: 'nofields: You must specify "fields".' }, { message: 'emptyfields: You must specify one or more fields to "fields".' } Modified: test/batch-processor.test.js (+6 -2) =================================================================== --- test/batch-processor.test.js 2012-08-09 18:44:01 +0900 (84a721c) +++ test/batch-processor.test.js 2012-08-09 18:47:03 +0900 (ac0b673) @@ -118,8 +118,12 @@ suite('batch/processor/Processor (instance methods)', function() { adds: 0, deletes: 0, errors: [ - { message: 'invalidfield: The field "unknown1" is unknown.' }, - { message: 'invalidfield: The field "unknown2" is unknown.' }, + { message: 'invalidfield: The field "unknown1" is unknown. ' + + '(available: address,age,description,' + + 'email_address,name,product)' }, + { message: 'invalidfield: The field "unknown2" is unknown. ' + + '(available: address,age,description,' + + 'email_address,name,product)' }, { message: 'invalidfield: The field "name" is null.' }, { message: 'nofields: You must specify "fields".' }, { message: 'emptyfields: You must specify one or more fields to "fields".' } -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...ダウンロード