[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga [master] doc: update execution examples


null+****@clear***** null+****@clear*****
2012年 4月 27日 (金) 18:41:57 JST

Kouhei Sutou	2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (Fri, 27 Apr 2012)

  New Revision: 9a7b78962114751d03f93b324044d477493b3879

    doc: update execution examples

  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/example/indexing-data.log (+1 -1)
--- doc/example/indexing-data.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (493f355)
+++ doc/example/indexing-data.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (f42887f)
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ Execution example::
   > {"content":"I just start it!"},
   > {"content":"I'm sleepy... Have a nice day... Good night..."}
   > ]
-  [[0,1330339028.22155,1.00183534622192],3]
+  [[0,1335519575.72702,1.00192642211914],3]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/example/indexing-offline-index-construction.log (+1 -1)
--- doc/example/indexing-offline-index-construction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (3d8c4ec)
+++ doc/example/indexing-offline-index-construction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (63e5f14)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Execution example::
   > column_create Lexicon tweet COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Tweets content
-  [[0,1330339029.62682,0.00742125511169434],true]
+  [[0,1335519577.13347,0.00795507431030273],true]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/example/indexing-online-index-construction.log (+1 -1)
--- doc/example/indexing-online-index-construction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (2c625bb)
+++ doc/example/indexing-online-index-construction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (4919fed)
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ Execution example::
   > {"content":"Good morning! Nice day."},
   > {"content":"Let's go shopping."}
   > ]
-  [[0,1330339030.03821,0.801372528076172],2]
+  [[0,1335519577.54547,0.801515579223633],2]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/example/indexing-schema.log (+3 -3)
--- doc/example/indexing-schema.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (bd9168f)
+++ doc/example/indexing-schema.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (4fecbd6)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create Tweets TABLE_NO_KEY
-  [[0,1330339027.61804,0.000236272811889648],true]
+  [[0,1335519575.12183,0.000383138656616211],true]
   > column_create Tweets content COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
-  [[0,1330339027.81905,0.000560760498046875],true]
+  [[0,1335519575.32371,0.000842571258544922],true]
   > table_create Lexicon TABLE_HASH_KEY|KEY_NORMALIZE ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram
-  [[0,1330339028.02028,0.000248432159423828],true]
+  [[0,1335519575.52538,0.000417470932006836],true]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/example/indexing-search-after-offline-index-construction.log (+28 -1)
--- doc/example/indexing-search-after-offline-index-construction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (4099164)
+++ doc/example/indexing-search-after-offline-index-construction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (460dae7)
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Tweets --match_columns content --query 'good nice'
-  [[0,1330339029.83545,0.000765085220336914],[[[1],[["_id","UInt32"],["content","ShortText"]],[3,"I'm sleepy... Have a nice day... Good night..."]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519577.34259, 
+      0.000716209411621094
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "content", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "I'm sleepy... Have a nice day... Good night..."
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/example/indexing-search-after-online-index-construction.log (+32 -1)
--- doc/example/indexing-search-after-online-index-construction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (960fd8b)
+++ doc/example/indexing-search-after-online-index-construction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (8c1e2e5)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Tweets --match_columns content --query 'good nice'
-  [[0,1330339031.04064,0.000650644302368164],[[[2],[["_id","UInt32"],["content","ShortText"]],[3,"I'm sleepy... Have a nice day... Good night..."],[4,"Good morning! Nice day."]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519578.54813, 
+      0.000664234161376953
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "content", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "I'm sleepy... Have a nice day... Good night..."
+        ], 
+        [
+          4, 
+          "Good morning! Nice day."
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/example/indexing-search-without-index.log (+24 -1)
--- doc/example/indexing-search-without-index.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (a101e2d)
+++ doc/example/indexing-search-without-index.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (bd1ac44)
@@ -1,5 +1,28 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Tweets --match_columns content --query 'good nice'
-  [[0,1330339029.42452,0.000802278518676758],[[[0],[["_id","UInt32"],["content","ShortText"]]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519576.93011, 
+      0.000945568084716797
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          0
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "content", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/commands/suggest-completion.log (+28 -1)
--- doc/source/commands/suggest-completion.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (427904b)
+++ doc/source/commands/suggest-completion.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (421baf2)
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
 Execution example::
   > suggest --table item_query --column kana --types complete --frequency_threshold 1 --query en
-  [[0,1317212848.69611,0.00164469],{"complete":[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["engine",1]]}]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519589.6131, 
+      0.000982522964477539
+    ], 
+    {
+      "complete": [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "engine", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/commands/suggest-correction.log (+28 -1)
--- doc/source/commands/suggest-correction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (2926b99)
+++ doc/source/commands/suggest-correction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (4727098)
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
 Execution example::
   > suggest --table item_query --column kana --types correct --frequency_threshold 1 --query saerch
-  [[0,1317212848.8995,0.00037794],{"correct":[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["search",1]]}]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519589.81612, 
+      0.000555992126464844
+    ], 
+    {
+      "correct": [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "search", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/commands/suggest-learn-completion.log (+1 -1)
--- doc/source/commands/suggest-learn-completion.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (624ccc9)
+++ doc/source/commands/suggest-learn-completion.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (82fee06)
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ Execution example::
   > {"sequence": "1", "time": 1312950804.76057, "item": "engin"},
   > {"sequence": "1", "time": 1312950805.86057, "item": "engine", "type": "submit"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212843.70335,1.584911917],6]
+  [[0,1335519584.62528,1.57926440238953],6]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/commands/suggest-learn-correction.log (+1 -1)
--- doc/source/commands/suggest-learn-correction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (c1df61d)
+++ doc/source/commands/suggest-learn-correction.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (453cae5)
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ Execution example::
   > {"sequence": "2", "time": 1312950809.76057, "item": "serch"},
   > {"sequence": "2", "time": 1312950810.86057, "item": "search", "type": "submit"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212845.48948,2.003051709],8]
+  [[0,1335519586.4057,2.00371694564819],8]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/commands/suggest-learn-suggestion.log (+1 -1)
--- doc/source/commands/suggest-learn-suggestion.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (731d596)
+++ doc/source/commands/suggest-learn-suggestion.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (14fe908)
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ Execution example::
   > {"sequence": "3", "time": 1312950803.86057, "item": "search engine", "type": "submit"},
   > {"sequence": "3", "time": 1312950808.86057, "item": "web search realtime", "type": "submit"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212847.69365,0.801326259],2]
+  [[0,1335519588.61046,0.801591634750366],2]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/commands/suggest-mixed.log (+74 -1)
--- doc/source/commands/suggest-mixed.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (0ac1c93)
+++ doc/source/commands/suggest-mixed.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (5addb45)
@@ -1,5 +1,78 @@
 Execution example::
   > suggest --table item_query --column kana --types complete|correct|suggest --frequency_threshold 1 --query search
-  [[0,1317212849.30453,0.001329747],{"complete":[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["search",2],["search engine",2]],"correct":[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["search",2]],"suggest":[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["search engine",1],["web search realtime",1]]}]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519590.22114, 
+      0.00113773345947266
+    ], 
+    {
+      "suggest": [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "search engine", 
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          "web search realtime", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ], 
+      "complete": [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "search", 
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          "search engine", 
+          2
+        ]
+      ], 
+      "correct": [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "search", 
+          2
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/commands/suggest-suggestion.log (+32 -1)
--- doc/source/commands/suggest-suggestion.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (8f8a888)
+++ doc/source/commands/suggest-suggestion.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (0194825)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 Execution example::
   > suggest --table item_query --column kana --types suggest --frequency_threshold 1 --query search
-  [[0,1317212849.10158,0.000376811],{"suggest":[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["search engine",1],["web search realtime",1]]}]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519590.01861, 
+      0.000383615493774414
+    ], 
+    {
+      "suggest": [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "search engine", 
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          "web search realtime", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/match_columns_simple.log (+32 -1)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/match_columns_simple.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (840569b)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/match_columns_simple.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (ad8393f)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Entries --match_columns content --query fast --output_columns '_key, _score'
-  [[0,1335517902.36602,0.000338554382324219],[[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["Groonga",1],["Mroonga",2]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519593.88754, 
+      0.000384092330932617
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Groonga", 
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Mroonga", 
+          2
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/match_columns_some_columns.log (+28 -1)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/match_columns_some_columns.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (0347fc7)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/match_columns_some_columns.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (10ee320)
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Entries --match_columns '_key * 10 || content' --query groonga --output_columns '_key, _score'
-  [[0,1335517902.76925,0.000515937805175781],[[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["Groonga",1]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519594.2908, 
+      0.000484466552734375
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Groonga", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/match_columns_weight.log (+32 -1)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/match_columns_weight.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (51b74b8)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/match_columns_weight.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (14592f4)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Entries --match_columns 'content * 2' --query fast --output_columns '_key, _score'
-  [[0,1335517902.56734,0.000602245330810547],[[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["Groonga",2],["Mroonga",4]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519594.08917, 
+      0.0003814697265625
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Groonga", 
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Mroonga", 
+          4
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/no_limit.log (+28 -1)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/no_limit.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (778c835)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/no_limit.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (393e89f)
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Entries --limit 0
-  [[0,1335517901.96388,0.000146389007568359],[[[3],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["content","Text"]]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519593.48351, 
+      0.000329017639160156
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "content", 
+            "Text"
+          ]
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/paging.log (+33 -1)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/paging.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (fa402d2)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/paging.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (1dd9ba7)
@@ -1,5 +1,37 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Entries --offset 1 --limit 1
-  [[0,1335517901.76199,0.000247716903686523],[[[3],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["content","Text"]],[2,"Groonga","I started to use groonga. It's very fast!"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519593.28077, 
+      0.000288248062133789
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "content", 
+            "Text"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "Groonga", 
+          "I started to use groonga. It's very fast!"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/simple_filter.log (+16 -1)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/simple_filter.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (82af909)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/simple_filter.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (4892c03)
@@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Entries --filter 'cotent @ "fast" && _key == "Groonga"'
-  [[-63,1335517901.55923,0.000976085662841797,"Syntax error! (cotent @ \"fast\" && _key == \"Groonga\")",[["yy_syntax_error","ecmascript.y",19]]],[]]
+  [
+    [
+      -63, 
+      1335519593.07742, 
+      0.00108194351196289, 
+      "Syntax error! (cotent @ \"fast\" && _key == \"Groonga\")", 
+      [
+        [
+          "yy_syntax_error", 
+          "ecmascript.y", 
+          19
+        ]
+      ]
+    ], 
+    []
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/simple_query.log (+38 -1)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/simple_query.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (6f657ed)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/simple_query.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (c7ea6cb)
@@ -1,5 +1,42 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Entries --match_columns content --query fast
-  [[0,1335517901.35577,0.000925779342651367],[[[2],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["content","Text"]],[2,"Groonga","I started to use groonga. It's very fast!"],[3,"Mroonga","I also started to use mroonga. It's also very fast! Really fast!"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519592.87374, 
+      0.000868797302246094
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "content", 
+            "Text"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "Groonga", 
+          "I started to use groonga. It's very fast!"
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "Mroonga", 
+          "I also started to use mroonga. It's also very fast! Really fast!"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/simple_usage.log (+43 -1)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/simple_usage.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (a040d1f)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/simple_usage.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (17c2136)
@@ -1,5 +1,47 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Entries
-  [[0,1335517901.15261,0.000388622283935547],[[[3],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["content","Text"]],[1,"The first post!","Welcome! This is my first post!"],[2,"Groonga","I started to use groonga. It's very fast!"],[3,"Mroonga","I also started to use mroonga. It's also very fast! Really fast!"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519592.67133, 
+      0.000493049621582031
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "content", 
+            "Text"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "The first post!", 
+          "Welcome! This is my first post!"
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "Groonga", 
+          "I started to use groonga. It's very fast!"
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "Mroonga", 
+          "I also started to use mroonga. It's also very fast! Really fast!"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/table_nonexistent.log (+15 -1)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/table_nonexistent.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (b2598b2)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/table_nonexistent.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (4ffbd33)
@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Nonexistent
-  [[-22,1335517902.16486,0.000264406204223633,"invalid table name: <Nonexistent>",[["grn_select","proc.c",542]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      -22, 
+      1335519593.68574, 
+      0.000583171844482422, 
+      "invalid table name: <Nonexistent>", 
+      [
+        [
+          "grn_select", 
+          "proc.c", 
+          542
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/commands/select/usage_setup.log (+6 -6)
--- doc/source/example/commands/select/usage_setup.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (6dda4a9)
+++ doc/source/example/commands/select/usage_setup.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (f3d7ab3)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create Entries TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
-  [[0,1335517898.93429,0.000363588333129883],true]
+  [[0,1335519590.44962,0.000199079513549805],true]
   > column_create Entries content COLUMN_SCALAR Text
-  [[0,1335517899.13557,0.000916481018066406],true]
+  [[0,1335519590.65056,0.00111055374145508],true]
   > table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram
-  [[0,1335517899.33727,0.000235080718994141],true]
+  [[0,1335519590.85251,0.0003509521484375],true]
   > column_create Terms entries_key_index COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Entries _key
-  [[0,1335517899.53841,0.00336003303527832],true]
+  [[0,1335519591.05379,0.0063786506652832],true]
   > column_create Terms entries_content_index COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Entries content
-  [[0,1335517899.74272,0.00641012191772461],true]
+  [[0,1335519591.26108,0.00663256645202637],true]
   > load --table Entries
   > [
   > {"_key": "The first post!", "content": "Welcome! This is my first post!"},
   > {"_key": "Groonga", "content": "I started to use groonga. It's very fast!"}
   > {"_key": "Mroonga", "content": "I also started to use mroonga. It's also very fast! Really fast!"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1335517899.95004,1.00170755386353],3]
+  [[0,1335519591.46857,1.00182437896729],3]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/completion-1.log (+28 -1)
--- doc/source/example/completion-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (272c0f3)
+++ doc/source/example/completion-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (99787d7)
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
 Execution example::
   > suggest --table item_query --column kana --types complete --frequency_threshold 1 --query en
-  [[0,1317212704.42103,0.001348612],{"complete":[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["engine",1]]}]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519580.61411, 
+      0.00101041793823242
+    ], 
+    {
+      "complete": [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "engine", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/correction-1.log (+28 -1)
--- doc/source/example/correction-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (62dddfc)
+++ doc/source/example/correction-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (06448db)
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
 Execution example::
   > suggest --table item_query --column kana --types correction --frequency_threshold 1 --query saerch
-  [[0,1317212708.7696,0.000882462],{"correct":[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["search",1]]}]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519584.34144, 
+      0.000605106353759766
+    ], 
+    {
+      "correct": [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "search", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/suggestion-1.log (+32 -1)
--- doc/source/example/suggestion-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (9a4c752)
+++ doc/source/example/suggestion-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (937ccf9)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 Execution example::
   > suggest --table item_query --column kana --types suggest --frequency_threshold 1 --query search
-  [[0,1317212711.42188,0.000553344],{"suggest":[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["search engine",1],["web search realtime",1]]}]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519581.87931, 
+      0.000770807266235352
+    ], 
+    {
+      "suggest": [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "search engine", 
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          "web search realtime", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/data-1.log (+1 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/data-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (6ef3cda)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/data-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (95f1123)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create --name ToyBox --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type ShortText
-  [[0,1332498286.03578,0.00542259216308594],true]
+  [[0,1335519604.4465,0.000195741653442383],true]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/data-2.log (+38 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/data-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (89cd091)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/data-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (db25453)
@@ -1,14 +1,49 @@
 Execution example::
   > column_create --table ToyBox --name is_animal --type Bool
-  [[0,1332498286.2427,0.00578594207763672],true]
+  [[0,1335519604.64795,0.000276803970336914],true]
   > load --table ToyBox
   > [
   > {"_key":"Monkey","is_animal":true}
   > {"_key":"Flower","is_animal":false}
   > {"_key":"Block"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1332498286.44978,1.00197458267212],3]
+  [[0,1335519604.84886,1.00171399116516],3]
   > select --table ToyBox --output_columns _key,is_animal
-  [[0,1332498287.65257,0.000472545623779297],[[[3],[["_key","ShortText"],["is_animal","Bool"]],["Monkey",true],["Flower",false],["Block",false]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519606.05127, 
+      0.000250577926635742
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "is_animal", 
+            "Bool"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Monkey", 
+          true
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Flower", 
+          false
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Block", 
+          false
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/data-3.log (+46 -4)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/data-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (3356f9c)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/data-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (1c73637)
@@ -1,16 +1,58 @@
 Execution example::
   > column_create --table ToyBox --name price --type Int8
-  [[0,1332498287.85609,0.00574946403503418],true]
+  [[0,1335519606.2531,0.000290155410766602],true]
   > column_create --table ToyBox --name weight --type Float
-  [[0,1332498288.06304,0.00493621826171875],true]
+  [[0,1335519606.45421,0.000332832336425781],true]
   > load --table ToyBox
   > [
   > {"_key":"Monkey","price":15.9}
   > {"_key":"Flower","price":200,"weight":0.13}
   > {"_key":"Block","weight":25.7}
   > ]
-  [[0,1332498288.26924,1.00213837623596],3]
+  [[0,1335519606.65545,1.00174689292908],3]
   > select --table ToyBox --output_columns _key,price,weight
-  [[0,1332498289.47254,0.000308036804199219],[[[3],[["_key","ShortText"],["price","Int8"],["weight","Float"]],["Monkey",15,0.0],["Flower",-56,0.13],["Block",0,25.7]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519607.85801, 
+      0.000263452529907227
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "price", 
+            "Int8"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "weight", 
+            "Float"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Monkey", 
+          15, 
+          0.0
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Flower", 
+          -56, 
+          0.13
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Block", 
+          0, 
+          25.7
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/data-4.log (+38 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/data-4.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (c251644)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/data-4.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (05740ed)
@@ -1,13 +1,48 @@
 Execution example::
   > column_create --table ToyBox --name name --type ShortText
-  [[0,1332498289.67627,0.00676369667053223],true]
+  [[0,1335519608.06052,0.000979185104370117],true]
   > load --table ToyBox
   > [
   > {"_key":"Monkey","name":"Grease"}
   > {"_key":"Flower","name":"Rose"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1332498289.88434,0.801783800125122],2]
+  [[0,1335519608.26235,0.8014075756073],2]
   > select --table ToyBox --output_columns _key,name
-  [[0,1332498290.88724,0.000265598297119141],[[[3],[["_key","ShortText"],["name","ShortText"]],["Monkey","Grease"],["Flower","Rose"],["Block",""]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519609.26462, 
+      0.000252008438110352
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "name", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Monkey", 
+          "Grease"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Flower", 
+          "Rose"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Block", 
+          ""
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/data-5.log (+38 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/data-5.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (23864bd)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/data-5.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (0b476a6)
@@ -1,13 +1,48 @@
 Execution example::
   > column_create --table ToyBox --name time --type Time
-  [[0,1332498291.0906,0.00631809234619141],true]
+  [[0,1335519609.46723,0.000249862670898438],true]
   > load --table ToyBox
   > [
   > {"_key":"Flower","time":1234567890.1234569999}
   > {"_key":"Block","time":-1234567890}
   > ]
-  [[0,1332498291.29814,0.801807641983032],2]
+  [[0,1335519609.66827,0.801551818847656],2]
   > select --table ToyBox --output_columns _key,time
-  [[0,1332498292.30117,0.000299692153930664],[[[3],[["_key","ShortText"],["time","Time"]],["Monkey",0.0],["Flower",1234567890.12346],["Block",-1234567890.0]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519610.67062, 
+      0.000240564346313477
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "time", 
+            "Time"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Monkey", 
+          0.0
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Flower", 
+          1234567890.12346
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Block", 
+          -1234567890.0
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/data-6.log (+38 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/data-6.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (e00c75b)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/data-6.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (2d3d3c4)
@@ -1,13 +1,48 @@
 Execution example::
   > column_create --table ToyBox --name location --type WGS84GeoPoint
-  [[0,1332498292.50467,0.0079643726348877],true]
+  [[0,1335519610.87363,0.00025629997253418],true]
   > load --table ToyBox
   > [
   > {"_key":"Monkey","location":"128452975x503157902"}
   > {"_key":"Block","location":"35.6813819x139.7660839"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1332498292.71385,0.801813840866089],2]
+  [[0,1335519611.07464,0.801477193832397],2]
   > select --table ToyBox --output_columns _key,location
-  [[0,1332498293.71678,0.000298976898193359],[[[3],[["_key","ShortText"],["location","WGS84GeoPoint"]],["Monkey","128452975x503157902"],["Flower","0x0"],["Block","128452975x503157902"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519612.07663, 
+      0.000145435333251953
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "location", 
+            "WGS84GeoPoint"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Monkey", 
+          "128452975x503157902"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Flower", 
+          "0x0"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "Block", 
+          "128452975x503157902"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/data-7.log (+40 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/data-7.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (961353d)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/data-7.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (cea1837)
@@ -1,10 +1,47 @@
 Execution example::
   > column_create --table Site --name link --type Site
-  [[0,1332498293.92066,0.00589966773986816],true]
+  [[0,1335519612.27812,0.000259876251220703],true]
   > load --table Site
   > [{"_key":"http://example.org/","link":"http://example.net/"}]
-  [[0,1332498294.1274,0.201014280319214],1]
+  [[0,1335519612.47892,0.200559377670288],1]
   > select --table Site --output_columns _key,title,link._key,link.title --query title:@this
-  [[0,1332498294.52959,0.00171041488647461],[[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["title","ShortText"],["link._key","ShortText"],["link.title","ShortText"]],["http://example.org/","This is test record 1!","http://example.net/","test record 2."]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519612.88015, 
+      0.000769853591918945
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "link._key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "link.title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "http://example.org/", 
+          "This is test record 1!", 
+          "http://example.net/", 
+          "test record 2."
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/data-8.log (+48 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/data-8.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (542f2d4)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/data-8.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (fd57e6a)
@@ -1,10 +1,55 @@
 Execution example::
   > column_create --table Site --name links --flags COLUMN_VECTOR --type Site
-  [[0,1332498294.7353,0.00729537010192871],true]
+  [[0,1335519613.08263,0.00126886367797852],true]
   > load --table Site
   > [{"_key":"http://example.org/","links":["http://example.net/","http://example.org/","http://example.com/"]}]
-  [[0,1332498294.94353,0.200709581375122],1]
+  [[0,1335519613.28473,0.200579166412354],1]
   > select --table Site --output_columns _key,title,links._key,links.title --query title:@this
-  [[0,1332498295.34514,0.00077366828918457],[[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["title","ShortText"],["links._key","ShortText"],["links.title","ShortText"]],["http://example.org/","This is test record 1!",["http://example.net/","http://example.org/","http://example.com/"],["test record 2.","This is test record 1!","test test record three."]]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519613.68602, 
+      0.000647306442260742
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "links._key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "links.title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "http://example.org/", 
+          "This is test record 1!", 
+          [
+            "http://example.net/", 
+            "http://example.org/", 
+            "http://example.com/"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "test record 2.", 
+            "This is test record 1!", 
+            "test test record three."
+          ]
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/index-1.log (+6 -6)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/index-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (6cbe855)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/index-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (b779fbb)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create --name Video --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type UInt32
-  [[0,1317212832.70606,0.061331715],true]
+  [[0,1335519627.03224,0.000266790390014648],true]
   > table_create --name Tag --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212832.968,0.039868236],true]
+  [[0,1335519627.23315,0.000222206115722656],true]
   > column_create --table Video --name title --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212833.20833,0.040494862],true]
+  [[0,1335519627.43389,0.000550031661987305],true]
   > column_create --table Video --name tags --flags COLUMN_VECTOR --type Tag
-  [[0,1317212833.44939,0.051861409],true]
+  [[0,1335519627.63497,0.000490188598632812],true]
   > column_create --table Tag --name index_tags --flags COLUMN_INDEX --type Video --source tags
-  [[0,1317212833.70185,0.092878953],true]
+  [[0,1335519627.83602,0.0032198429107666],true]
   > load --table Video
   > [
   > {"_key":1,"title":"Soccer 2010","tags":["Sports","Soccer"]},
@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ Execution example::
   > {"_key":7,"title":"Draw 8 Month","tags":["Animation","Raccoon"]},
   > {"_key":8,"title":"K.O.","tags":["Animation","Music"]}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212833.99531,2.002850011],8]
+  [[0,1335519628.03974,2.00352549552917],8]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/index-2.log (+100 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/index-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (b3dc5af)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/index-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (a89e413)
@@ -1,9 +1,106 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Video --query tags:@Variety --output_columns _key,title
-  [[0,1317212836.19894,0.000330108],[[[2],[["_key","UInt32"],["title","ShortText"]],[2,"Zenigata Kinjirou"],[5,"Hex Gone!"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519630.24437, 
+      0.000667810440063477
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "Zenigata Kinjirou"
+        ], 
+        [
+          5, 
+          "Hex Gone!"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select --table Video --query tags:@Sports --output_columns _key,title
-  [[0,1317212836.39998,0.000316897],[[[2],[["_key","UInt32"],["title","ShortText"]],[1,"Soccer 2010"],[4,"Moero!! Ultra Baseball"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519630.44675, 
+      0.000470399856567383
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "Soccer 2010"
+        ], 
+        [
+          4, 
+          "Moero!! Ultra Baseball"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select --table Video --query tags:@Animation --output_columns _key,title
-  [[0,1317212836.60111,0.000349157],[[[3],[["_key","UInt32"],["title","ShortText"]],[6,"Pikonyan 1"],[7,"Draw 8 Month"],[8,"K.O."]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519630.64889, 
+      0.000455856323242188
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          6, 
+          "Pikonyan 1"
+        ], 
+        [
+          7, 
+          "Draw 8 Month"
+        ], 
+        [
+          8, 
+          "K.O."
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/index-3.log (+5 -5)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/index-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (7623d40)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/index-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (045781b)
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create --name User --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212836.80268,0.048923839],true]
+  [[0,1335519630.85121,0.00020289421081543],true]
   > column_create --table User --name username --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212837.05226,0.040322616],true]
+  [[0,1335519631.05176,0.00130391120910645],true]
   > column_create --table User --name friends --flags COLUMN_VECTOR --type User
-  [[0,1317212837.29306,0.039978793],true]
+  [[0,1335519631.25402,0.000970840454101562],true]
   > column_create --table User --name index_friends --flags COLUMN_INDEX --type User --source friends
-  [[0,1317212837.53369,0.067271637],true]
+  [[0,1335519631.45581,0.00640487670898438],true]
   > load --table User
   > [
   > {"_key":"ken","username":"健作","friends":["taro","jiro","tomo","moritapo"]}
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ Execution example::
   > {"_key":"tomo","username":"トモちゃん","friends":["ken","hana"]}
   > {"_key":"hana","username":"花子","friends":["ken","taro","jiro","moritapo","tomo"]}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212837.80152,1.602221355],6]
+  [[0,1335519631.6631,1.60283184051514],6]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/index-4.log (+80 -2)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/index-4.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (30d3e9a)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/index-4.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (8bd3ab2)
@@ -1,7 +1,85 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table User --query friends:@tomo --output_columns _key,username
-  [[0,1317212839.60442,0.000260617],[[[5],[["_key","ShortText"],["username","ShortText"]],["ken","健作"],["taro","ぐるんが太郎"],["jiro","ぐるんが次郎"],["moritapo","森田"],["hana","花子"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519633.46704, 
+      0.000623941421508789
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          5
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "username", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "ken", 
+          "健作"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "taro", 
+          "ぐるんが太郎"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "jiro", 
+          "ぐるんが次郎"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "moritapo", 
+          "森田"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "hana", 
+          "花子"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select --table User --query friends:@jiro --output_columns _key,username
-  [[0,1317212839.80577,0.000253172],[[[3],[["_key","ShortText"],["username","ShortText"]],["ken","健作"],["taro","ぐるんが太郎"],["hana","花子"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519633.67028, 
+      0.000344514846801758
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "username", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "ken", 
+          "健作"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "taro", 
+          "ぐるんが太郎"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "hana", 
+          "花子"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/index-5.log (+75 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/index-5.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (1547605)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/index-5.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (1dec4e2)
@@ -1,5 +1,79 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table User --limit 0 --drilldown friends
-  [[0,1317212840.00717,0.000223187],[[[6],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["username","ShortText"],["index_friends","User"],["friends","User"]]],[[6],[["_key","ShortText"],["_nsubrecs","Int32"]],["taro",3],["jiro",3],["tomo",5],["moritapo",2],["ken",3],["hana",1]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519633.87264, 
+      0.000327825546264648
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          6
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "friends", 
+            "User"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "index_friends", 
+            "User"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "username", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ]
+      ], 
+      [
+        [
+          6
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_nsubrecs", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "taro", 
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          "jiro", 
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          "tomo", 
+          5
+        ], 
+        [
+          "moritapo", 
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          "ken", 
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          "hana", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/index-6.log (+31 -4)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/index-6.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (b78751f)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/index-6.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (e50445d)
@@ -1,15 +1,42 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create --name GeoIndex --flags TABLE_PAT_KEY --key_type WGS84GeoPoint
-  [[0,1317212840.20962,0.088534001],true]
+  [[0,1335519634.07459,0.00024867057800293],true]
   > column_create --table GeoIndex --name index_point --type Site --flags COLUMN_INDEX --source location
-  [[0,1317212840.49869,0.093704431],true]
+  [[0,1335519634.2754,0.00743818283081055],true]
   > load --table Site
   > [
   >  {"_key":"http://example.org/","location":"128452975x503157902"},
   >  {"_key":"http://example.net/","location":"128487316x502920929"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212840.79332,0.801438285],2]
+  [[0,1335519634.48372,0.801371812820435],2]
   > select --table Site --filter 'geo_in_circle(location, "128515259x503187188", 5000)' --output_columns _key,location
-  [[0,1317212841.79563,0.000626003],[[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["location","WGS84GeoPoint"]],["http://example.org/","128452975x503157902"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519635.48562, 
+      0.000363826751708984
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "location", 
+            "WGS84GeoPoint"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "http://example.org/", 
+          "128452975x503157902"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/index-7.log (+38 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/index-7.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (f4b0ca2)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/index-7.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (ef1a2f4)
@@ -1,5 +1,42 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Site --filter 'geo_in_circle(location, "128515259x503187188", 50000)' --output_columns _key,location,_score --sortby '-geo_distance(location, "128515259x503187188")' --scorer '_score = geo_distance(location, "128515259x503187188")'
-  [[0,1317212841.99878,0.0011657],[[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["location","WGS84GeoPoint"],["_score","Int32"]],["http://example.org/","128452975x503157902",2054],["http://example.net/","128487316x502920929",6720]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519635.68736, 
+      0.000502824783325195
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "location", 
+            "WGS84GeoPoint"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "http://example.org/", 
+          "128452975x503157902", 
+          2054
+        ], 
+        [
+          "http://example.net/", 
+          "128487316x502920929", 
+          6720
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-1.log (+7 -7)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (9729133)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (7ad9ef8)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create --name Blog1 --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212795.41036,0.047939793],true]
+  [[0,1335519613.90326,0.00016021728515625],true]
   > column_create --table Blog1 --name title --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212795.65884,0.040658195],true]
+  [[0,1335519614.10411,0.00106573104858398],true]
   > column_create --table Blog1 --name message --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212795.89978,0.029458384],true]
+  [[0,1335519614.30595,0.00101113319396973],true]
   > table_create --name IndexBlog1 --flags TABLE_PAT_KEY|KEY_NORMALIZE --key_type ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram
-  [[0,1317212796.12974,0.183567683],true]
+  [[0,1335519614.50779,0.000327587127685547],true]
   > column_create --table IndexBlog1 --name index_title --flags COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION --type Blog1 --source title
-  [[0,1317212796.51381,0.092148792],true]
+  [[0,1335519614.70891,0.00641822814941406],true]
   > column_create --table IndexBlog1 --name index_message --flags COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION --type Blog1 --source message
-  [[0,1317212796.80646,0.088690675],true]
+  [[0,1335519614.91621,0.00670051574707031],true]
   > load --table Blog1
   > [
   > {"_key":"grn1","title":"groonga test","message":"groonga message"},
   > {"_key":"grn2","title":"baseball result","message":"rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars"},
   > {"_key":"grn3","title":"groonga message","message":"none"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212797.09575,1.001254761],3]
+  [[0,1335519615.1238,1.00167393684387],3]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-2.log (+132 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (6a6b4f9)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (6025800)
@@ -1,9 +1,138 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Blog1 --match_columns title||message --query groonga
-  [[0,1317212798.29761,0.000365318],[[[3],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["title","ShortText"],["message","ShortText"]],[1,"grn1","groonga test","groonga message"],[3,"grn3","groonga message","none"],[2,"grn2","baseball result","rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519616.32664, 
+      0.00108003616333008
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "message", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "grn1", 
+          "groonga message", 
+          "groonga test"
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "grn3", 
+          "none", 
+          "groonga message"
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "grn2", 
+          "rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars", 
+          "baseball result"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select --table Blog1 --match_columns title||message --query message
-  [[0,1317212798.49954,0.000310648],[[[2],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["title","ShortText"],["message","ShortText"]],[3,"grn3","groonga message","none"],[1,"grn1","groonga test","groonga message"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519616.5306, 
+      0.000397920608520508
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "message", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "grn3", 
+          "none", 
+          "groonga message"
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "grn1", 
+          "groonga message", 
+          "groonga test"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select --table Blog1 --match_columns title --query message
-  [[0,1317212798.70102,0.000314581],[[[1],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["title","ShortText"],["message","ShortText"]],[3,"grn3","groonga message","none"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519616.73219, 
+      0.000369548797607422
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "message", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "grn3", 
+          "none", 
+          "groonga message"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-3.log (+6 -6)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (2ba4a6a)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (8b28f6d)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create --name Blog2 --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212798.90253,0.052986511],true]
+  [[0,1335519616.93386,0.000204801559448242],true]
   > column_create --table Blog2 --name title --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212799.156,0.028355347],true]
+  [[0,1335519617.13462,0.000517606735229492],true]
   > column_create --table Blog2 --name message --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212799.38486,0.040142104],true]
+  [[0,1335519617.33589,0.000973939895629883],true]
   > table_create --name IndexBlog2 --flags TABLE_PAT_KEY|KEY_NORMALIZE --key_type ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram
-  [[0,1317212799.62539,0.039673533],true]
+  [[0,1335519617.53761,0.000263690948486328],true]
   > column_create --table IndexBlog2 --name index_blog --flags COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION|WITH_SECTION --type Blog2 --source title,message
-  [[0,1317212799.86551,0.079790187],true]
+  [[0,1335519617.73843,0.00370573997497559],true]
   > load --table Blog2
   > [
   > {"_key":"grn1","title":"groonga test","message":"groonga message"},
   > {"_key":"grn2","title":"baseball result","message":"rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars"},
   > {"_key":"grn3","title":"groonga message","message":"none"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212800.14589,1.001367315],3]
+  [[0,1335519617.94267,1.00162434577942],3]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-4.log (+132 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-4.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (a758289)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/match_columns-4.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (eef9280)
@@ -1,9 +1,138 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Blog2 --match_columns title||message --query groonga
-  [[0,1317212801.34801,0.000328232],[[[3],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["title","ShortText"],["message","ShortText"]],[1,"grn1","groonga test","groonga message"],[2,"grn2","baseball result","rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars"],[3,"grn3","groonga message","none"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519619.14503, 
+      0.000397443771362305
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          3
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "message", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "grn1", 
+          "groonga message", 
+          "groonga test"
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "grn2", 
+          "rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars", 
+          "baseball result"
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "grn3", 
+          "none", 
+          "groonga message"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select --table Blog2 --match_columns title||message --query message
-  [[0,1317212801.54962,0.000320935],[[[2],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["title","ShortText"],["message","ShortText"]],[1,"grn1","groonga test","groonga message"],[3,"grn3","groonga message","none"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519619.34666, 
+      0.000356435775756836
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "message", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "grn1", 
+          "groonga message", 
+          "groonga test"
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "grn3", 
+          "none", 
+          "groonga message"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select --table Blog2 --match_columns title --query message
-  [[0,1317212801.75107,0.000323124],[[[1],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["title","ShortText"],["message","ShortText"]],[3,"grn3","groonga message","none"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519619.54817, 
+      0.000360250473022461
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "message", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "grn3", 
+          "none", 
+          "groonga message"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-1.log (+32 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (fa0d1df)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (84d3b06)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Users --match_columns name,location_str,description --query 東京 --output_columns _key,name
-  [[0,1317212781.80175,0.000302755],[[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["name","ShortText"]],["tasukuchan","グニャラくん"],["OffGao","OffGao"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519659.99711, 
+      0.000482797622680664
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "name", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "tasukuchan", 
+          "グニャラくん"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "OffGao", 
+          "OffGao"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-10.log (+95 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-10.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (0626dd3)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-10.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (8defcec)
@@ -1,5 +1,99 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Comments --filter 'last_modified<=1268802000' --output_columns posted_by.name,comment,last_modified --drilldown hash_tags,posted_by
-  [[0,1317212783.61997,0.000426254],[[[5],[["posted_by.name","ShortText"],["comment","ShortText"],["last_modified","Time"]],["hsiomaneki","マイクロブログ作ってみました(甘栗むいちゃいました的な感じで)。",1268795100.0],["グニャラくん","初の書き込み。テストテスト。",1268794800.0],["hsiomaneki","@tasukuchan ようこそ!!!",1268795100.0],["グニャラくん","@daijiro ありがとう!",1268798400.0],["グニャラくん","groongaなう #groonga",1268802000.0]],[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["_nsubrecs","Int32"]],["groonga",1]],[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_nsubrecs","Int32"]],["daijiro",2],["tasukuchan",3]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519661.82081, 
+      0.000457286834716797
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          5
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "posted_by.name", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "comment", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "last_modified", 
+            "Time"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "hsiomaneki", 
+          "マイクロブログ作ってみました(甘栗むいちゃいました的な感じで)。", 
+          1268795100.0
+        ], 
+        [
+          "グニャラくん", 
+          "初の書き込み。テストテスト。", 
+          1268794800.0
+        ], 
+        [
+          "hsiomaneki", 
+          "@tasukuchan ようこそ!!!", 
+          1268795100.0
+        ], 
+        [
+          "グニャラくん", 
+          "@daijiro ありがとう!", 
+          1268798400.0
+        ], 
+        [
+          "グニャラくん", 
+          "groongaなう #groonga", 
+          1268802000.0
+        ]
+      ], 
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_nsubrecs", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "groonga", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ], 
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_nsubrecs", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "daijiro", 
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          "tasukuchan", 
+          3
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-2.log (+32 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (87e77fe)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (67c6815)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Users --filter 'geo_in_circle(location,"128484216x502919856",5000)' --output_columns _key,name
-  [[0,1317212782.00321,0.000241271],[[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["name","ShortText"]],["tasukuchan","グニャラくん"],["OffGao","OffGao"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519660.19891, 
+      0.000342607498168945
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "name", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "tasukuchan", 
+          "グニャラくん"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "OffGao", 
+          "OffGao"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-3.log (+32 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (02c8047)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (528e6c9)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Users --query follower:@tasukuchan --output_columns _key,name
-  [[0,1317212782.20472,0.000231885],[[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["name","ShortText"]],["daijiro","hsiomaneki"],["OffGao","OffGao"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519660.40055, 
+      0.000302791595458984
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "name", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "daijiro", 
+          "hsiomaneki"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "OffGao", 
+          "OffGao"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-4.log (+86 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-4.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (752a412)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-4.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (9bccda0)
@@ -1,5 +1,90 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Comments --filter 'geo_in_circle(location,"127975798x502919856",20000)' --output_columns posted_by.name,comment --drilldown hash_tags,posted_by
-  [[0,1317212782.40617,0.000451828],[[[4],[["posted_by.name","ShortText"],["comment","ShortText"]],["OffGao","@daijiro @tasukuchan 登録してみましたよー!"],["グニャラくん","groongaなう #groonga"],["グニャラくん","groonga開発合宿のため羽田空港に来ました! #groonga #travel"],["OffGao","中野ブロードウェイなうなう"]],[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_nsubrecs","Int32"]],["groonga",2],["travel",1]],[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_nsubrecs","Int32"]],["OffGao",2],["tasukuchan",2]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519660.60211, 
+      0.00048828125
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          4
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "posted_by.name", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "comment", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "OffGao", 
+          "@daijiro @tasukuchan 登録してみましたよー!"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "グニャラくん", 
+          "groongaなう #groonga"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "グニャラくん", 
+          "groonga開発合宿のため羽田空港に来ました! #groonga #travel"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "OffGao", 
+          "中野ブロードウェイなうなう"
+        ]
+      ], 
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_nsubrecs", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "groonga", 
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          "travel", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ], 
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_nsubrecs", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "OffGao", 
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          "tasukuchan", 
+          2
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-5.log (+32 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-5.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (d3da832)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-5.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (732cf56)
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Comments --query comment:@なう --output_columns comment,_score
-  [[0,1317212782.60919,0.000239996],[[[2],[["comment","ShortText"],["_score","Int32"]],["groongaなう #groonga",1],["中野ブロードウェイなうなう",2]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519660.80493, 
+      0.000359296798706055
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "comment", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_score", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "groongaなう #groonga", 
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          "中野ブロードウェイなうなう", 
+          2
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-6.log (+70 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-6.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (d1a596d)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-6.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (23fb055)
@@ -1,5 +1,74 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Comments --query comment:@羽田 --filter 'geo_in_circle(location,"127975798x502919856",20000)' --output_columns posted_by.name,comment --drilldown hash_tags,posted_by
-  [[0,1317212782.81082,0.000427163],[[[1],[["posted_by.name","ShortText"],["comment","ShortText"]],["グニャラくん","groonga開発合宿のため羽田空港に来ました! #groonga #travel"]],[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_nsubrecs","Int32"]],["groonga",1],["travel",1]],[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["_nsubrecs","Int32"]],["tasukuchan",1]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519661.00659, 
+      0.000471353530883789
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "posted_by.name", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "comment", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "グニャラくん", 
+          "groonga開発合宿のため羽田空港に来ました! #groonga #travel"
+        ]
+      ], 
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_nsubrecs", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "groonga", 
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          "travel", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ], 
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_nsubrecs", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "tasukuchan", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-7.log (+51 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-7.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (f084859)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-7.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (ddb7270)
@@ -1,5 +1,55 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Comments --query hash_tags:@groonga --output_columns posted_by.name,comment --drilldown posted_by
-  [[0,1317212783.01379,0.000311974],[[[2],[["posted_by.name","ShortText"],["comment","ShortText"]],["グニャラくん","groongaなう #groonga"],["グニャラくん","groonga開発合宿のため羽田空港に来ました! #groonga #travel"]],[[1],[["_key","ShortText"],["_nsubrecs","Int32"]],["tasukuchan",2]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519661.2089, 
+      0.000585079193115234
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "posted_by.name", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "comment", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "グニャラくん", 
+          "groongaなう #groonga"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "グニャラくん", 
+          "groonga開発合宿のため羽田空港に来ました! #groonga #travel"
+        ]
+      ], 
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_nsubrecs", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "tasukuchan", 
+          2
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-8.log (+55 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-8.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (ee68b6b)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-8.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (9c21e79)
@@ -1,5 +1,59 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Comments --query posted_by:tasukuchan --output_columns comment --drilldown hash_tags
-  [[0,1317212783.21601,0.000313114],[[[4],[["comment","ShortText"]],["初の書き込み。テストテスト。"],["@daijiro ありがとう!"],["groongaなう #groonga"],["groonga開発合宿のため羽田空港に来ました! #groonga #travel"]],[[2],[["_key","ShortText"],["_nsubrecs","Int32"]],["groonga",2],["travel",1]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519661.41271, 
+      0.000678777694702148
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          4
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "comment", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "初の書き込み。テストテスト。"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "@daijiro ありがとう!"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "groongaなう #groonga"
+        ], 
+        [
+          "groonga開発合宿のため羽田空港に来ました! #groonga #travel"
+        ]
+      ], 
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_nsubrecs", 
+            "Int32"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          "groonga", 
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          "travel", 
+          1
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-9.log (+34 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-9.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (789cfd0)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/micro_blog-9.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (2ed2400)
@@ -1,5 +1,38 @@
 Execution example::
   > select --table Users --query _key:tasukuchan --output_columns favorites.posted_by,favorites.comment
-  [[0,1317212783.41809,0.000257979],[[[1],[["favorites.posted_by","Users"],["favorites.comment","ShortText"]],[["daijiro","OffGao"],["マイクロブログ作ってみました(甘栗むいちゃいました的な感じで)。","@daijiro @tasukuchan 登録してみましたよー!"]]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519661.61696, 
+      0.000443696975708008
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "favorites.posted_by", 
+            "Users"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "favorites.comment", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "daijiro", 
+            "OffGao"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "マイクロブログ作ってみました(甘栗むいちゃいました的な感じで)。", 
+            "@daijiro @tasukuchan 登録してみましたよー!"
+          ]
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/network-1.log (+18 -1)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/network-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (465d867)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/network-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (e6875fc)
@@ -2,7 +2,24 @@ Execution example::
   % groonga -c
   > status
-  [[0,1332486613.4953,9.918212890625e-05],{"alloc_count":130,"starttime":1332486613,"uptime":0,"version":"2.0.0-250-g5a3cf19","n_queries":0,"cache_hit_rate":0.0,"command_version":1,"default_command_version":1,"max_command_version":2}]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519662.04579, 
+      5.79357147216797e-05
+    ], 
+    {
+      "uptime": 0, 
+      "max_command_version": 2, 
+      "n_queries": 0, 
+      "cache_hit_rate": 0.0, 
+      "version": "2.0.1-283-g3f815e2", 
+      "alloc_count": 130, 
+      "command_version": 1, 
+      "starttime": 1335519662, 
+      "default_command_version": 1
+    }
+  ]
   > ctrl-d
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/network-3.log (+80 -2)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/network-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (f8d129e)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/network-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (5854972)
@@ -3,10 +3,88 @@ Execution example::
   Executed command:
   > status
-  [[0,1332486613.69917,0.000123739242553711],{"alloc_count":131,"starttime":1332486613,"uptime":0,"version":"2.0.0-250-g5a3cf19","n_queries":0,"cache_hit_rate":0.0,"command_version":1,"default_command_version":1,"max_command_version":2}]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519662.24808, 
+      9.918212890625e-05
+    ], 
+    {
+      "uptime": 0, 
+      "max_command_version": 2, 
+      "n_queries": 0, 
+      "cache_hit_rate": 0.0, 
+      "version": "2.0.1-283-g3f815e2", 
+      "alloc_count": 131, 
+      "command_version": 1, 
+      "starttime": 1335519662, 
+      "default_command_version": 1
+    }
+  ]
   Executed command:
   > select --table Site --query title:@this
-  [[0,1332486613.90319,0.00245404243469238],[[[1],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["title","ShortText"]],[1,"http://example.org/","This is test record 1!"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519662.45038, 
+      0.00197672843933105
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "country", 
+            "SiteCountry"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "domain", 
+            "SiteDomain"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "link", 
+            "Site"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "links", 
+            "Site"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "location", 
+            "WGS84GeoPoint"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "title", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "http://example.org/", 
+          "japan", 
+          ".org", 
+          "http://example.net/", 
+          [
+            "http://example.net/", 
+            "http://example.org/", 
+            "http://example.com/"
+          ], 
+          "128452975x503157902", 
+          "This is test record 1!"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/patricia_trie-1.log (+34 -3)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/patricia_trie-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (868d346)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/patricia_trie-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (9640058)
@@ -1,14 +1,45 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create --name PatPrefix --flags TABLE_PAT_KEY --key_type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212719.34619,0.047490604],true]
+  [[0,1335519594.52747,0.000475168228149414],true]
   > load --table PatPrefix
   > [
   > {"_key":"ひろゆき"},
   > {"_key":"まろゆき"},
   > {"_key":"ひろあき"}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212719.59456,1.001406593],3]
+  [[0,1335519594.72892,1.00176382064819],3]
   > select --table PatPrefix --query _key:@ひろ
-  [[0,1317212720.79648,0.00031203],[[[2],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"]],[3,"ひろあき"],[1,"ひろゆき"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519595.93126, 
+      0.00059962272644043
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "ひろあき"
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "ひろゆき"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/patricia_trie-2.log (+89 -5)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/patricia_trie-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (dcba50f)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/patricia_trie-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (6ffdaa6)
@@ -1,18 +1,102 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create --name PatSuffix --flags TABLE_PAT_KEY|KEY_WITH_SIS --key_type ShortText
-  [[0,1317212720.99778,0.0531648179999999],true]
+  [[0,1335519596.13342,0.000287294387817383],true]
   > column_create --table PatSuffix --name original --type Bool
-  [[0,1317212721.25163,0.099479727],true]
+  [[0,1335519596.33446,0.000329494476318359],true]
   > load --table PatSuffix
   > [
   > {"_key":"ひろゆき","original":true},
   > {"_key":"まろゆき","original":true},
   > {"_key":"ひろあき","original":true}
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212721.55167,1.001449341],3]
+  [[0,1335519596.53576,1.00176548957825],3]
   > select --table PatSuffix --query _key:@ゆき
-  [[0,1317212722.75369,0.000313623],[[[4],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["original","Bool"]],[1,"ひろゆき",true],[5,"まろゆき",true],[3,"ゆき",false],[2,"ろゆき",false]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519597.73837, 
+      0.000630855560302734
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          4
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "original", 
+            "Bool"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "ひろゆき", 
+          true
+        ], 
+        [
+          5, 
+          "まろゆき", 
+          true
+        ], 
+        [
+          3, 
+          "ゆき", 
+          false
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "ろゆき", 
+          false
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select --table PatSuffix --query "_key:@ゆき original:true"
-  [[0,1317212722.95502,0.00032577],[[[2],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["original","Bool"]],[1,"ひろゆき",true],[5,"まろゆき",true]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519597.94114, 
+      0.000690460205078125
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "original", 
+            "Bool"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "ひろゆき", 
+          true
+        ], 
+        [
+          5, 
+          "まろゆき", 
+          true
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/query_expansion-1.log (+8 -8)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/query_expansion-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (78575a8)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/query_expansion-1.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (b7c00f5)
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
 Execution example::
   > table_create Doc TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText
-  [[0,1317212801.95257,0.054058921],true]
+  [[0,1335519662.68773,0.000400543212890625],true]
   > column_create Doc body COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
-  [[0,1317212802.2071,0.040301713],true]
+  [[0,1335519662.88919,0.000899314880371094],true]
   > table_create Term TABLE_PAT_KEY|KEY_NORMALIZE ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram
-  [[0,1317212802.44812,0.027340933],true]
+  [[0,1335519663.09089,0.000370979309082031],true]
   > column_create Term Doc_body COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Doc body
-  [[0,1317212802.676,0.079743674],true]
+  [[0,1335519663.29217,0.00676441192626953],true]
   > table_create Synonym TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText
-  [[0,1317212802.95629,0.03656858],true]
+  [[0,1335519663.4998,0.000351667404174805],true]
   > column_create Synonym body COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
-  [[0,1317212803.19316,0.040515932],true]
+  [[0,1335519663.70094,0.000846624374389648],true]
   > load --table Doc
   > [
   > {"_key": "001", "body": "すっぱいブドウと甘いシークァーサー"},
   > {"_key": "002", "body": "シークヮーサージュースとゴーヤチャンプル"},
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212803.43422,0.80056314],2]
+  [[0,1335519663.90262,0.801640033721924],2]
   > load --table Synonym
   > [
   > {"_key": "シークァーサー", "body": "(シークァーサー OR シークヮーサー)"},
   > {"_key": "シークヮーサー", "body": "(シークァーサー OR シークヮーサー)"},
   > ]
-  [[0,1317212804.43524,0.801037492],2]
+  [[0,1335519664.905,0.801484823226929],2]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/query_expansion-2.log (+66 -2)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/query_expansion-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (54c8b22)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/query_expansion-2.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (349168d)
@@ -1,7 +1,71 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Doc --match_columns body --query "シークァーサー"
-  [[0,1317212805.4371,0.000567851],[[[1],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["body","ShortText"]],[1,"001","すっぱいブドウと甘いシークァーサー"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519665.90753, 
+      0.000537633895874023
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "body", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "001", 
+          "すっぱいブドウと甘いシークァーサー"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select Doc --match_columns body --query "シークヮーサー"
-  [[0,1317212805.63859,0.000387831],[[[1],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["body","ShortText"]],[2,"002","シークヮーサージュースとゴーヤチャンプル"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519666.10912, 
+      0.000688791275024414
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          1
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "body", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "002", 
+          "シークヮーサージュースとゴーヤチャンプル"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Modified: doc/source/example/tutorial/query_expansion-3.log (+76 -2)
--- doc/source/example/tutorial/query_expansion-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:35 +0900 (9135b47)
+++ doc/source/example/tutorial/query_expansion-3.log    2012-04-27 18:41:57 +0900 (44be323)
@@ -1,7 +1,81 @@
 Execution example::
   > select Doc --match_columns body --query "シークァーサー" --query_expansion Synonym.body
-  [[0,1317212805.84016,0.000441852],[[[2],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["body","ShortText"]],[1,"001","すっぱいブドウと甘いシークァーサー"],[2,"002","シークヮーサージュースとゴーヤチャンプル"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519666.31137, 
+      0.000792741775512695
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "body", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "001", 
+          "すっぱいブドウと甘いシークァーサー"
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "002", 
+          "シークヮーサージュースとゴーヤチャンプル"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
   > select Doc --match_columns body --query "シークヮーサー" --query_expansion Synonym.body
-  [[0,1317212806.04176,0.000580261],[[[2],[["_id","UInt32"],["_key","ShortText"],["body","ShortText"]],[1,"001","すっぱいブドウと甘いシークァーサー"],[2,"002","シークヮーサージュースとゴーヤチャンプル"]]]]
+  [
+    [
+      0, 
+      1335519666.51486, 
+      0.000669717788696289
+    ], 
+    [
+      [
+        [
+          2
+        ], 
+        [
+          [
+            "_id", 
+            "UInt32"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "_key", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ], 
+          [
+            "body", 
+            "ShortText"
+          ]
+        ], 
+        [
+          1, 
+          "001", 
+          "すっぱいブドウと甘いシークァーサー"
+        ], 
+        [
+          2, 
+          "002", 
+          "シークヮーサージュースとゴーヤチャンプル"
+        ]
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file

Groonga-commit メーリングリストの案内