[geeklog-jp commit] r670 - in trunk/plugins/japanize: . admin doc language public_html public_html/images sql templat...


codes****@googl***** codes****@googl*****
2008年 9月 21日 (日) 22:37:49 JST

Author: tsuchi000
Date: Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
New Revision: 670

    trunk/plugins/japanize/public_html/images/japanize.png   (contents,  
props changed)

geeklog-1-jp-extended/plugins/japanize 1.0.1 add

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/convertconfig_1.4.1jp_to_1.5.0.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/convertconfig_1.4.1jp_to_1.5.0.php	Sun Sep  
21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
+// | userconfig_bak.php(userconfigプラグインのデータバックアップ 
)              |
+// |  をGl1.5.0 のconfigテーブルに移行する処 
理                                 |
+// $Id: convertconfig_1.4.1_to_1.5.0.php
+// public_html/admin/plugins/japanize/convertconfig_1.4.1jp_to_1.5.0.php
+// 20080717 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+define ('THIS_SCRIPT', 'convertconfig_1.4.1jp_to_1.5.0.php');
+define ('THIS_PLUGIN', 'japanize');
+//define ('THIS_SCRIPT', 'test.php');
+function fncDisply()
+    global $_CONF;
+    $retval = "";
+    $retval .= "<h1>Config 移行 </h1>".LB;
+    if (file_exists($_CONF["path_data"]."userconfig_bak.php")) {
+        $retval .= "userconfig_bak.php(userconfigプラグインのデータバックア 
+        $retval .= "をconfigテーブルに移行します".LB;
+        $retval .= "<form action="."'".THIS_SCRIPT."'"."method='post'>".LB;
+        $retval .= "    <input type='submit' name='action' value='実 
+        $retval .= "    <input type='submit' name='action' value='キャンセ 
+        $retval .= "</form>".LB;
+    }else{
+        $retval .= "userconfig_bak.php(userconfigプラグインのデータバックア 
+        $retval .= "が存在しません".LB;
+    }
+    return $retval ;
+function fncSubmit($config)
+    global $_CONF;
+    //実行
+    if (file_exists($_CONF["path_data"]."userconfig_bak.php")) {
+        require_once( $_CONF["path_data"]."userconfig_bak.php" );
+        $config->set('site_name', $_CONF['site_name']);
+        $config->set('site_slogan', $_CONF['site_slogan']);
+        $config->set('theme', $_CONF['theme']);
+        $config->set('menu_elements', $_CONF['menu_elements']);
+        $config->set('site_mail', $_CONF['site_mail']);
+        $config->set('disable_new_user_registration',  
+        $config->set('disable_autolinks', $_CONF['disable_autolinks']);
+        $config->set('loginrequired', $_CONF['loginrequired']);
+        $config->set('submitloginrequired', $_CONF['submitloginrequired']);
+        $config->set('commentsloginrequired',  
+        $config->set('statsloginrequired', $_CONF['statsloginrequired']);
+        $config->set('searchloginrequired', $_CONF['searchloginrequired']);
+        $config->set('profileloginrequired',  
+        $config->set('emailuserloginrequired',  
+        $config->set('emailstoryloginrequired',  
+        $config->set('directoryloginrequired',  
+        $config->set('storysubmission', $_CONF['storysubmission']);
+        $config->set('usersubmission', $_CONF['usersubmission']);
+        $config->set('allow_user_themes', $_CONF['allow_user_themes']);
+        $config->set('allow_username_change',  
+        $config->set('allow_account_delete',  
+        $config->set('hide_author_exclusion',  
+        $config->set('advanced_editor', $_CONF['advanced_editor']);
+        $config->set('notification', $_CONF['notification']);
+        $config->set('listdraftstories', $_CONF['listdraftstories']);
+        $config->set('maximagesperarticle', $_CONF['maximagesperarticle']);
+        $config->set('limitnews', $_CONF['limitnews']);
+        $config->set('innews', $_CONF['innews']);
+        $config->set('contributedbyline', $_CONF['contributedbyline']);
+        $config->set('hideviewscount', $_CONF['hideviewscount']);
+        $config->set('hideemailicon', $_CONF['hideemailicon']);
+        $config->set('hideprintericon', $_CONF['hideprintericon']);
+        $config->set('allow_page_breaks', $_CONF['allow_page_breaks']);
+        $config->set('article_image_align', $_CONF['article_image_align']);
+        $config->set('show_topic_icon', $_CONF['show_topic_icon']);
+        $config->set('max_image_width', $_CONF['max_image_width']);
+        $config->set('max_image_height', $_CONF['max_image_height']);
+        $config->set('max_topicicon_width', $_CONF['max_topicicon_width']);
+        $config->set('max_topicicon_height',  
+        $config->set('postmode', $_CONF['postmode']);
+        $config->set('showstorycount', $_CONF['showstorycount']);
+        $config->set('showsubmissioncount', $_CONF['showsubmissioncount']);
+        $config->set('hide_home_link', $_CONF['hide_home_link']);
+        $config->set('hidenewstories', $_CONF['hidenewstories']);
+        $config->set('hidenewcomments', $_CONF['hidenewcomments']);
+        $config->set('hidenewtrackbacks', $_CONF['hidenewtrackbacks']);
+        $config->set('hidenewplugins', $_CONF['hidenewplugins']);
+        $config->set('default_permissions_block',  
+        $config->set('default_permissions_story',  
+        $config->set('default_permissions_topic',  
+        $config->set('censormode', $_CONF['censormode']);
+        $config->set('censorreplace', $_CONF['censorreplace']);
+        $config->set('censorlist', $_CONF['censorlist']);
+        $config->set('allow_domains', $_CONF['allow_domains']);
+        $config->set('url_rewrite', $_CONF['url_rewrite']);
+        $config->set('date', $_CONF['date']);
+        $config->set('daytime', $_CONF['daytime']);
+        $config->set('shortdate', $_CONF['shortdate']);
+        $config->set('dateonly', $_CONF['dateonly']);
+        $config->set('timeonly', $_CONF['timeonly']);
+        $config->set('week_start', $_CONF['week_start']);
+        $config->set('image_lib', $_CONF['image_lib']);
+        $config->set('keep_unscaled_image', $_CONF['keep_unscaled_image']);
+        $config->set('trackback_enabled', $_CONF['trackback_enabled']);
+        $config->set('pingback_enabled', $_CONF['pingback_enabled']);
+        $config->set('ping_enabled', $_CONF['ping_enabled']);
+        $config->set('trackback_code', $_CONF['trackback_code']);
+        $config->set('trackbackspeedlimit', $_CONF['trackbackspeedlimit']);
+        $config->set('backend', $_CONF['backend']);
+        $config->set('rdf_file', $_CONF['rdf_file']);
+        $config->set('rdf_limit', $_CONF['rdf_limit']);
+        $config->set('rdf_storytext', $_CONF['rdf_storytext']);
+        $config->set('syndication_max_headlines',  
+        $config->set('commentspeedlimit', $_CONF['commentspeedlimit']);
+        $config->set('comment_limit', $_CONF['comment_limit']);
+        $config->set('comment_code', $_CONF['comment_code']);
+        $config->set('check_trackback_link',  
+        $config->set('multiple_trackbacks', $_CONF['multiple_trackbacks']);
+        $config->set('pingback_self', $_CONF['pingback_self']);
+        $config->set('hour_mode', $_CONF['hour_mode']);
+        $config->set('rootdebug', $_CONF['rootdebug']);
+        $config->set('disallow_domains', $_CONF['disallow_domains']);
+        $config->set('title_trim_length', $_CONF['title_trim_length']);
+        $config->set('draft_flag', $_CONF['draft_flag']);
+        $config->set('frontpage', $_CONF['frontpage']);
+        $config->set('hide_no_news_msg', $_CONF['hide_no_news_msg']);
+        $config->set('hide_main_page_navigation',  
+        $config->set('onlyrootfeatures', $_CONF['onlyrootfeatures']);
+        $config->set('newstoriesinterval', $_CONF['newstoriesinterval']);
+        $config->set('newcommentsinterval', $_CONF['newcommentsinterval']);
+        $config->set('newtrackbackinterval',  
+        $config->set('page_break_comments', $_CONF['page_break_comments']);
+        $config->set('show_right_blocks', $_CONF['show_right_blocks']);
+            //language_flag
+            //  $_CONF['languages']=null;
+            //  $_CONF['language_files']=null;
+            //$_CONF['calendarloginrequired']
+            //$_CONF['eventsubmission']
+            //$_CONF['personalcalendars']
+            //$_CONF['showupcomingevents']
+            //$_CONF['upcomingeventsrange']
+            //$_CONF['event_types']
+            //$_CONF['default_permissions_event']
+            //$_CONF['locale']
+    //-----
+    }
+    return "実行しました!";
+// |  
MAIN                                                                      |
+$action ="";
+if (isset ($_REQUEST['action'])) {
+    $action = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['action'],false);
+$display = '';
+$display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG_JPN['pinameadmin']);
+if (isset ($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
+    $display .= COM_showMessage (COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['msg'],
+                                                  true), 'japanize');
+// 初期表示
+if  ($action ==""){
+    $display.=fncDisply();
+// 実行
+}elseif ($action =="実行"){
+    $display.=fncSubmit($config);
+    $display .="キャンセルしました!";
+$display.= COM_siteFooter ();
+echo $display;

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/index.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/index.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
+// | index.php 更 
新                                                            |
+// $Id: index.php
+// public_html/admin/plugins/japanize/index.php
+// 20080915 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+define ('THIS_SCRIPT', 'index.php');
+define ('THIS_PLUGIN', 'japanize');
+//define ('THIS_SCRIPT', 'test.php');
+// | 機能  テーブル更新実 
行                                                    |
+// | 書式 fncCmdExec  
($no)                                                     |
+// | 引数  
$no:                                                                 |
+// | 戻値 nomal:戻り画面&メッセー 
ジ                                           |
+function fncCmdExec ($no)
+    global $_TABLES,$_CONF;
+    $_SQL =array();
+    //require_once ("sql/sql_japanize_{$no}.php");
+    require_once  
+    for ($i = 1; $i <= count($_SQL); $i++) {
+        $w=current($_SQL);
+        DB_query(current($_SQL));
+        next($_SQL);
+    }
+// | 機能  初期画面表 
示                                                        |
+// | 書式 fncEdit  
()                                                           |
+function fncEdit ()
+    global $_CONF;
+    global $LANG04,$LANG_ADMIN;
+    $retval = '';
+    $T = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/japanize/templates/admin');
+    $T->set_file ('admin','index.thtml');
+    $T->set_var('gltoken_name', CSRF_TOKEN);
+    $T->set_var('gltoken', SEC_createToken());
+    $T->set_var ( 'xhtml', XHTML );
+    $T->set_var ( 'this_script', $this_script );
+    $T->set_var ('lang_submit', $LANG04[9]);
+    $T->set_var ('lang_cancel',$LANG_ADMIN['cancel']);
+    $T->parse('output', 'admin');
+    $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
+    return $retval;
+// |  
MAIN                                                                      |
+if (isset ($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
+    $mode = COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['mode'], false);
+if ((substr($mode,0,3)=="cmd") OR (substr($mode,0,3)=="ALL")){
+    if (!SEC_checkToken()){
+        COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally and  
failed CSRF checks.");
+        echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/index.php');
+        exit;
+    }
+$display = '';
+$display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG_JPN['pinameadmin']);
+if (isset ($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
+    $display .= COM_showMessage (COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['msg'],
+                                                  true), 'japanize');
+if (substr($mode,0,3)=="cmd") {
+    $no=trim($mode,"cmd");
+    fncCmdExec($no);
$url=$_CONF['site_admin_url'] . "/plugins/".THIS_PLUGIN."/".THIS_SCRIPT;
+    $url.="?msg={$no}";
+    echo COM_refresh($url);
+}elseif (substr($mode,0,3)=="ALL") {
+    for ($no = 1; $no <= 7; $no++) {
+        fncCmdExec($no);
+        $var = 'PLG_japanize_MESSAGE'. $no;
+        $display .=$$var."<br>";
+    }
+    $display .= COM_siteFooter ();
+}else{// 初期表示、一覧表示
+    $display .=fncEdit();
+    $display .= COM_siteFooter ();
+echo $display;

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/information.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/information.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
+// | information.php 更 
新                                                      |
+// $Id: information.php
+// public_html/admin/plugins/japanize/information.php
+// 20080729 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+// $Id: information.php
+define ('THIS_SCRIPT', 'information.php');
+define ('THIS_PLUGIN', 'japanize');
+$display = '';
+$display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG_JPN['pinameadmin']);
+if (isset ($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
+    $display .= COM_showMessage (COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['msg'],
+                                                  true), 'japanize');
+$T = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/japanize/templates/admin');
+$T->set_file ('admin','information.thtml');
+$T->set_var( 'VERSION', "Geeklog".VERSION);
+if (file_exists($_CONF['path'] .'release_jp.php')) {
+    require_once ($_CONF['path'] .'release_jp.php');
+    $T->set_var( 'release_jp', "日本語版".$release_jp);
+    $T->set_var( 'release_no', $release_no);
+    $T->set_var( 'release_date', "リリース日".$release_date);
+    $T->set_var( 'release_jp', "");
+    $T->set_var( 'release_no', "");
+    $T->set_var( 'release_date', "");
+$T->parse('output', 'admin');
+$display.= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
+$display.= COM_siteFooter ();
+echo $display;

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/install.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/install.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// | install.php 更 
新                                                          |
+// $Id: install.php
+// public_html/admin/plugins/japanize/install.php
+// 20080729 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+require_once ('../../../lib-common.php');
+require_once ($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/japanize/functions.inc');
+// Plugin information
+// plugin display name
+$pi_display_name = 'japanize';
+// Plugin name  Must be 15 chars or less
+$pi_name         = 'japanize';
+// Plugin Version
+$pi_version      = $_JPN_CONF['version'];
+// plugin suported GL version
+$gl_version      = '1.5.0';
+// plugin suport website url
+$pi_url          = 'http://www.geeklog.jp/filemgmt/index.php?id=340';
+// name of the Admin group
+$pi_admin        = $pi_display_name . ' Admin';
+// the plugin's groups - assumes first group to be the Admin group
+$GROUPS = array();
+$GROUPS[$pi_admin] = 'Has full access to ' . $pi_name . ' features';
+// the plugin's feature -
+$FEATURES = array();
+$FEATURES['japanize.edit']         = 'Access to assist editor';
+// the plugin's mappings -
+$MAPPINGS = array();
+$MAPPINGS['japanize.edit']         = array ($pi_admin);
+// (optional) data to pre-populate tables with
+// Insert table name and sql to insert default data for your plugin.
+// Note: '#group#' will be replaced with the id of the plugin's admin  
+$DEFVALUES = array(); // not used here - see plugin_postinstall
+//$defvalues = 'defvalues_'.$_CONF['language'].'.php';
+//if (file_exists($defvalues)) {
+//    require_once ($defvalues);
+* Plugin postinstall
+* We're inserting our default here since it depends on other stuff that has
+* to happen first ...
+* @return   boolean     true = proceed with install, false = an error  
+//function plugin_postinstall()
+//    return true;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// config情報ロード:Return OK:true NG:false
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+function plugin_load_configuration()
+    global $_CONF, $base_path;
+    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
+    require_once $base_path . 'install_defaults.php';
+    return plugin_initconfig_japanize();
+// 以下はplugins共通の処理 通常変更の必要がない
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// コアパッケージのチェック:Return OK:true NG:false
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+function plugin_compatible_with_this_geeklog_version()
+    if (!function_exists('COM_truncate') | 
| !function_exists('MBYTE_strpos')) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (!function_exists('SEC_createToken')) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+// ------
+//  MAIN
+// ------
+$base_path = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . $pi_name . '/';
+$langfile = $base_path . "language/".$_CONF['language'] . '.php';
+if (file_exists($langfile)) {
+    require_once $langfile;
+} else {
+    require_once $base_path . 'language/english.php';
+require_once $base_path . 'functions.inc';
+// Only let Root users access this page
+// Root 管理者のみインストール可能です!
+if (!SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
+    // Someone is trying to illegally access this page
+    COM_accessLog("Someone has tried to illegally access the  
{$pi_display_name} install/uninstall page.  User id: {$_USER['uid']},  
Username: {$_USER['username']}, IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}", 1);
+    $display = COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG_ACCESS['accessdenied'])
+             . COM_startBlock($LANG_ACCESS['accessdenied'])
+             . $LANG_ACCESS['plugin_access_denied_msg']
+             . COM_endBlock()
+             . COM_siteFooter();
+    echo $display;
+    exit;
+// lib-portalparts.php があるかどうかチェック!
+$portalparts = $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-portalparts.php';
+if (!file_exists($portalparts)) {
+    $msg="system/lib-portalparts.php not exist!<br>";
+    $msg="system/lib-portalparts.php がありません!<br>";
+    $display = COM_siteHeader('menu', "lib-portalparts.php check!")
+             . COM_startBlock("lib-portalparts.php check!")
+             . $msg
+             . COM_endBlock()
+             . COM_siteFooter();
+    echo $display;
+    exit;
+* インストール
+* Puts the datastructures for this plugin into the Geeklog database
+function plugin_install_now()
+    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $_DB_dbms,
+           $GROUPS, $FEATURES, $MAPPINGS, $DEFVALUES, $base_path,
+           $pi_name, $pi_display_name, $pi_version, $gl_version, $pi_url;
+    COM_errorLog("Attempting to install the $pi_display_name plugin", 1);
+    // create the plugin's groups
+    $admin_group_id = 0;
+    foreach ($GROUPS as $name => $desc) {
+        COM_errorLog("Attempting to create $name group", 1);
+        $grp_name = addslashes($name);
+        $grp_desc = addslashes($desc);
+        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['groups']} (grp_name, grp_descr)  
VALUES ('$grp_name', '$grp_desc')", 1);
+        if (DB_error()) {
+            PLG_uninstall($pi_name);
+            return false;
+        }
+        // replace the description with the new group id so we can use it  
+        $GROUPS[$name] = DB_insertId();
+        // assume that the first group is the plugin's Admin group
+        if ($admin_group_id == 0) {
+            $admin_group_id = $GROUPS[$name];
+        }
+    }
+    // Create the plugin's table(s)
+    $_SQL = array();
+    if (file_exists($base_path . 'sql/' . $_DB_dbms . '_install.php')) {
+        require_once $base_path . 'sql/' . $_DB_dbms . '_install.php';
+    }
+    if (count($_SQL) > 0) {
+        $use_innodb = false;
+        if (($_DB_dbms == 'mysql') &&
+            (DB_getItem($_TABLES['vars'], 'value', "name  
= 'database_engine'")
+                == 'InnoDB')) {
+            $use_innodb = true;
+        }
+        foreach ($_SQL as $sql) {
+            $sql = str_replace('#group#', $admin_group_id, $sql);
+            if ($use_innodb) {
+                $sql = str_replace('MyISAM', 'InnoDB', $sql);
+            }
+            DB_query($sql);
+            if (DB_error()) {
+                COM_errorLog('Error creating table', 1);
+                PLG_uninstall($pi_name);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Add the plugin's features
+    COM_errorLog("Attempting to add $pi_display_name feature(s)", 1);
+    foreach ($FEATURES as $feature => $desc) {
+        $ft_name = addslashes($feature);
+        $ft_desc = addslashes($desc);
+        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_name, ft_descr) "
+                 . "VALUES ('$ft_name', '$ft_desc')", 1);
+        if (DB_error()) {
+            PLG_uninstall($pi_name);
+            return false;
+        }
+        $feat_id = DB_insertId();
+        if (isset($MAPPINGS[$feature])) {
+            foreach ($MAPPINGS[$feature] as $group) {
+                COM_errorLog("Adding $feature feature to the $group  
group", 1);
+                DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_ft_id,  
acc_grp_id) VALUES ($feat_id, {$GROUPS[$group]})");
+                if (DB_error()) {
+                    PLG_uninstall($pi_name);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Add plugin's Admin group to the Root user group
+    // (assumes that the Root group's ID is always 1)
+    COM_errorLog("Attempting to give all users in the Root group access to  
the $pi_display_name's Admin group", 1);
+    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} VALUES "
+             . "($admin_group_id, NULL, 1)");
+    if (DB_error()) {
+        PLG_uninstall($pi_name);
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Pre-populate tables or run any other SQL queries
+    COM_errorLog('Inserting default data', 1);
+    foreach ($DEFVALUES as $sql) {
+        $sql = str_replace('#group#', $admin_group_id, $sql);
+        DB_query($sql, 1);
+        if (DB_error()) {
+            PLG_uninstall($pi_name);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // Load the online configuration records
+    if (function_exists('plugin_load_configuration')) {
+        if (!plugin_load_configuration()) {
+            PLG_uninstall($pi_name);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // Finally, register the plugin with Geeklog
+    COM_errorLog("Registering $pi_display_name plugin with Geeklog", 1);
+    // silently delete an existing entry
+    DB_delete($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_name', $pi_name);
+    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['plugins']} (pi_name, pi_version,  
pi_gl_version, pi_homepage, pi_enabled) VALUES "
+        . "('$pi_name', '$pi_version', '$gl_version', '$pi_url', 1)");
+    if (DB_error()) {
+        PLG_uninstall($pi_name);
+        return false;
+    }
+    // give the plugin a chance to perform any post-install operations
+    if (function_exists('plugin_postinstall')) {
+        if (!plugin_postinstall()) {
+            PLG_uninstall($pi_name);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    COM_errorLog("Successfully installed the $pi_display_name plugin!", 1);
+    return true;
+// MAIN
+$display = '';
+if (SEC_checkToken()) {
+    if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'uninstall') {
+        $uninstall_plugin = 'plugin_uninstall_' . $pi_name;
+        if ($uninstall_plugin()) {
+            $display = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url']
+                                   . '/plugins.php?msg=45');
+        } else {
+            $display = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url']
+                                   . '/plugins.php?msg=73');
+        }
+    } else if (DB_count($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_name', $pi_name) == 0) {
+        // plugin not installed
+        if (plugin_compatible_with_this_geeklog_version()) {
+            if (plugin_install_now()) {
+                $display = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url']
+                                       . '/plugins.php?msg=44');
+            } else {
+                $display = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url']
+                                       . '/plugins.php?msg=72');
+            }
+        } else {
+            // plugin needs a newer version of Geeklog
+            $display .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG32[8])
+                     . COM_startBlock($LANG32[8])
+                     . '<p>' . $LANG32[9] . '</p>'
+                     . COM_endBlock()
+                     . COM_siteFooter();
+        }
+    } else {
+        // plugin already installed
+        $display .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG01[77])
+                 . COM_startBlock($LANG32[6])
+                 . '<p>' . $LANG32[7] . '</p>'
+                 . COM_endBlock()
+                 . COM_siteFooter();
+    }
+} else {
+    $display = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'].'/plugins.php');
+echo $display;

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/japanize_functions.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/japanize_functions.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22  
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// | japanize_function 共通&navbarMenu設 
定                                    |
+// $Id: index.php
+// public_html/admin/plugins/japanize/japanize_function.php
+// 20080729 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+require_once ($_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-portalparts.php');
+// 権限チェック
+if (!SEC_hasRights('japanize.edit')) {
+    $display="";
+    $display .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $MESSAGE[30]);
+    $display .= COM_startBlock ($MESSAGE[30], '',
+                                COM_getBlockTemplate  
('_msg_block', 'header'));
+    $display .= $MESSAGE[35];
+    $display .= COM_endBlock (COM_getBlockTemplate  
('_msg_block', 'footer'));
+    $display .= COM_siteFooter();
+    // Log attempt to error.log
+    COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally access the  
japanize administration screen.");
+    echo $display;
+    exit;
+$navbarMenu = array(
+    $LANG_JPN_admin_menu['1']   =>  
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] .'/plugins/'.THIS_PLUGIN.'/index.php',
+    $LANG_JPN_admin_menu['2']   =>  
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] .'/plugins/'.THIS_PLUGIN.'/settings.php',
+    $LANG_JPN_admin_menu['3']   =>  
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] .'/plugins/'.THIS_PLUGIN.'/information.php',
+    $LANG_JPN_admin_menu['4']   =>  
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] .'/plugins/'.THIS_PLUGIN
+        .'/convertconfig_1.4.1jp_to_1.5.0.php'
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/settings.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/admin/settings.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
+// | settings.php 設 
定                                                         |
+// $Id: settings.php
+// public_html/admin/plugins/japanize/settings.php
+// 20080915 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+define ('THIS_SCRIPT', 'settings.php');
+define ('THIS_PLUGIN', 'japanize');
+//define ('THIS_SCRIPT', 'test.php');
+// | 機能  テーブル更新実 
行                                                    |
+// | 書式 fncCmdExec  
()                                                        |
+// | 戻値 nomal:戻り画面&メッセー 
ジ                                           |
+function fncCmdExec ()
+    global $_TABLES,$_CONF;
+    $Anonymous = COM_applyFilter($_POST['Anonymous']);
$url=$_CONF['site_admin_url'] . "/plugins/".THIS_PLUGIN."/".THIS_SCRIPT;
+    if ($Anonymous!==""){
+        $sql ="UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} ";
+        $sql .=" SET `username` = '{$Anonymous}',";
+        $sql .="     `fullname` = '{$Anonymous}' ";
+        $sql .=" WHERE `uid` =1 ";
+        $rt = DB_query($sql);
+        $url.="?msg=1001";
+    }
+    echo COM_refresh($url);
+// | 機能  初期画面表 
示                                                        |
+// | 書式 fncEdit  
()                                                           |
+function fncEdit ()
+    global $_CONF;
+    global $_TABLES;
+    global $LANG04,$LANG_ADMIN;
+    $retval = '';
+    $T = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/japanize/templates/admin');
+    $T->set_file ('admin','settings.thtml');
+    $T->set_var('gltoken_name', CSRF_TOKEN);
+    $T->set_var('gltoken', SEC_createToken());
+    $T->set_var ( 'xhtml', XHTML );
+    $T->set_var ( 'this_script', $this_script );
+    $val=DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'],"username","uid=1");
+    $T->set_var ('Anonymous_value', $val);
+    $T->set_var ('lang_submit', $LANG04[9]);
+    $T->set_var ('lang_cancel',$LANG_ADMIN['cancel']);
+    $T->parse('output', 'admin');
+    $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
+    return $retval;
+// |  
MAIN                                                                      |
+$display = '';
+$display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu', $LANG_JPN['pinameadmin']);
+if (isset ($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
+    $display .= COM_showMessage (COM_applyFilter ($_REQUEST['msg'],
+                                                  true), 'japanize');
+if($_POST['savesettings'] == 'yes'){
+    if (!SEC_checkToken()){
+        COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally and  
failed CSRF checks.");
+        echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/index.php');
+        exit;
+    }else{
+        fncCmdExec();
+    }
+}else{// 初期表示、一覧表示
+    $display .=fncEdit();
+    $display .= COM_siteFooter ();
+echo $display;

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/doc/v1.0.0b2_changes.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/doc/v1.0.0b2_changes.txt	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+1.0.0b1 ~ 1.0.0b2 改善点 2008/08/01
+    functions.inc

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/doc/v1.0.0b3_changes.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/doc/v1.0.0b3_changes.txt	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+1.0.0b2 ~ 1.0.0b3 改善点 2008/09/03
+ しまっていたのを修正
+    functions.inc
+    templates/admin/index.thtml
+3.日本語Pingサイト「ドリコムRSS」 ウェブサイト変更
+    sql/sql_japanize_3.php
+    管理画面(更新)で日本語pingサイトの「日本語化実行」をクリック
+    してください。「ドリコムRSS」 ウェブサイトが訂正されます

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/doc/v1.0.1_changes.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/doc/v1.0.1_changes.txt	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+1.0.0b3 ~ 1.0.1 改善点 2008/09/14
+3.ピング送信先に Googleブログ検索 テクノラティ 追加
+5.public_html/disabledmsg.html をpublic_html/disabledmsg.htmlに変更
+6.インストール時 lib-portalparts.php 存在チェック追加
+7.インストール時 lib-portalparts.php 存在チェック追加
+8.readmeja.txt 改定

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/functions.inc
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/functions.inc	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
+// | 日本語化プラグイ 
ン                                                        |
+// $Id: plugins/japanize/functions.inc
+//2008/09/02 23:08 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+if (strpos ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'functions.inc') !== false) {
+    die ('This file can not be used on its own.');
+$pi_name         = 'japanize';
+$langfile = $_CONF['path'] . "plugins/{$pi_name}/language/"
+          . $_CONF['language'] . '.php';
+if (file_exists ($langfile)) {
+    require_once ($langfile);
+} else {
+    require_once  
($_CONF['path'] . "plugins/{$pi_name}/language/japanese_utf-8.php");
+//require_once ($_CONF['path'] . "plugins/{$pi_name}/config.php");
+//if (!isset($_JPN_CONF['xxxxxxxxxx'])) {
+//    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
+//    $ca_config = config::get_instance();
+//    $_CA_CONF = $ca_config->get_config($pi_name);
+include_once 'version.php';
+// アドバンストエディタ用.管理ユーザーが使ってもよいHTMLタグと属性.
+if ($_CONF['advanced_editor']) {
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['a'] = array('href' => 1, 'title' => 1, 'id' =>  
1, 'lang' => 1, 'name' => 1, 'type' => 1, 'rel' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['br'] = array('clear' => 1,'style' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['caption'] = array('style' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['div'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'style'  
=> 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['embed'] = array('src' => 1, 'loop' =>  
1, 'quality' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'height' => 1, 'type' => 1, 'pluginspage'  
=> 1, 'align' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['h1'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'style' =>  
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['h2'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'style' =>  
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['h3'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'style' =>  
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['h4'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'style' =>  
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['h5'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'style' =>  
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['h6'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'style' =>  
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['hr'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' =>  
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['img'] = array('src' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'height'  
=> 1, 'vspace' => 1, 'hspace' => 1, 'dir' => 1, 'align' => 1, 'valign' =>  
1, 'border' => 1, 'lang' => 1, 'longdesc' => 1, 'title' => 1, 'id' =>  
1, 'alt' => 1, 'style' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['noscript'] = array();
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['object'] = array('type' => 1,'data' =>  
1,'classid' => 1, 'codebase' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'height' => 1, 'align' =>  
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['ol'] = array('class' => 1, 'style' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['p'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' =>  
1, 'lang' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['param'] = array('name' => 1, 'value' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['script'] = array('src' => 1, 'language' =>  
1, 'type' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['span' ] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'lang'  
=> 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['table'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'width'  
=> 1, 'border' => 1, 'cellspacing' => 1, 'cellpadding' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['tbody'] = array();
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['td'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' =>  
1, 'valign' => 1, 'colspan' => 1, 'rowspan' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['th'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' =>  
1, 'valign' => 1, 'colspan' => 1, 'rowspan' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['tr'] = array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' =>  
1, 'valign' => 1);
+    $_CONF['admin_html']['ul'] = array('class' => 1, 'style' => 1);
+// +-----------+
+// | 専用関数  |
+// +-----------+
+// | Geeklog Plugin API  
Implementation                                         |
+// | 自動タ 
グ                                                                  |
+// | 書式 plugin_autotags_japanize ($op, $content,  
$autotag)                   |
+//function plugin_autotags_japanize ($op, $content = '', $autotag = '')
+// | 現在インストールされているバージョン取 
得                                  |
+// | 書式  
plugin_chkVersion_japanize                                           |
+function plugin_chkVersion_japanize ()
+    global $_JPN_CONF;
+    return $_JPN_CONF['version'];
+// | 一覧取 
得                                                                  |
+// | 書式  
plugin_getListField_japanize                                         |
+//function plugin_getListField_japanize($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A,  
+// | 機能  プラグイン更新:バージョンナンバーの更 
新                             |
+// | 書式  
plugin_upgrade_japanize                                              |
+function plugin_upgrade_japanize ()
+    global $_TABLES, $_JPN_CONF;
+    // the plugin needs these functions so complain when they doesn't exist
+    if (!function_exists ('COM_truncate') ||
+        !function_exists ('MBYTE_strpos')) {
+        return 3002;
+    }
+    // no db changes - just update the version numbers
+    DB_query ("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_version  
= '{$_JPN_CONF['version']}', pi_gl_version = '" . VERSION . "' WHERE  
pi_name = 'japanize'");
+    return true;
+// | 機能  プラグインアンインストール     
1.5.0用                               |
+// | 書式  
plugin_getadminoption_japanize                                       |
+// | 戻値  
nomal:                                                               |
+function plugin_autouninstall_japanize ()
+    // (1) 削除するテーブル
+    $out['tables']=array();
+    // (2) 削除するグループ名
+    $out['groups'][]='japanize Admin';
+    // (3) 削除するfeatures
+    $out['features'][]='japanize.edit';
+    $out['features'][]='japanize.moderate';
+    $out['features'][]='japanize.submit';
+    // (4) 削除するphp_blocks
+    $out['php_blocks']=array();
+    // (5) 削除する vars */
+    $out['vars']=array();
+    return $out;
+* ☆★現在のユーザは権利があるのをチェック
+* @return        boolean       Returns true if moderator
+function plugin_ismoderator_japanize()
+    //return SEC_hasRights ('japanize.moderate');
+    return true;
+// | 機能  プラグインのアイコン取 
得                                            |
+// | 書式  
plugin_geticon_japanize                                              |
+function plugin_geticon_japanize ()
+    global $_CONF;
+    return $_CONF['site_url'] . '/japanize/images/japanize.png';
+// | 機能  管理画面メニ 
ュ                                                      |
+// | 書式  
plugin_cclabel_japanize                                              |
+function plugin_cclabel_japanize()
+    global $_CONF;
+    if (SEC_hasRights('japanize.edit')) {
+        return array(
+            'japanize'
+            ,$_CONF['site_admin_url'] . "/plugins/japanize/index.php"
+            ,plugin_geticon_japanize ()
+            );
+    }
+    return "";
+// | 機能  管理者メニュ表示  
+// | 書式  
plugin_getadminoption_japanize                                       |
+// | 戻値 nomal:管理者メニュリン 
ク                                             |
+function plugin_getadminoption_japanize()
+    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
+    global $LANG_JPN;
+    if (SEC_hasRights ('japanize.edit') ){
+        return array (
+                      $LANG_JPN['piname']
+                      ,$_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/japanize/index.php'
+                      );
+    }
+    return "";
+// | 機能  テンプレート変数設 
定                                                |
+// | 書式  
plugin_templatesetvars_japanize                                      |
+//  2006/10/16 Geeklog Japanese ivy added
+//  2007/05/14 Geeklog Japanese kino changed
+//  2007.8.26 Ivy added
+//  2007/12/22 Geeklog Japanese Ivy changed
+//  2008/06/11 Geeklog Japanese Tsuchi modify custom_templatesetvars
+function plugin_templatesetvars_japanize($templatename, &$template) {
+    global  $LANG01, $LANG_JPN;
+    global  $_USER,$_CONF;
+    global  $topic;
+    global  $page;
+    switch ($templatename) {
+        case 'header':
+            //Frontpageの場合は 'sub' そうでなければ  'home'
+            if( COM_isFrontpage() ){
+                $home_id='sub';
+            } else {
+                $home_id='home';
+            }
+            //ログインしている時
+            if (isset($_USER['uid']) && $_USER['uid'] > 1) {
+                $login_status='member';
+                $prof_url  
= "{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=profile&amp;uid={$_USER['uid']}";
+                $welcome_msg_jp = "{$LANG01[67]}";
+                $welcome_msg_jp .= ' ' .  
COM_getDisplayName()." ".$LANG_JPN['keisyo'];
+                $memberlogin = "<a  
href='{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=logout' >{$LANG01[19]}</a> ";
+            //ログインしていない時
+            } else {
+                $login_status='guest';
+                $prof_url = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/";
+                $welcome_msg_jp = "";
+                if  
(file_exists($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'custom-memberlogin.thtml')) {
+                    $tmpl = new Template ($_CONF['path_layout']);
+                } else {
+                    $tmpl = new Template  
($_CONF['path'] . "plugins/japanize/templates/");
+                }
+                $tmpl->set_file(array('member_login'  
=> 'custom-memberlogin.thtml'));
+                $tmpl->set_var( 'site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
+                $tmpl->parse ('output', 'member_login');
+                $memberlogin = $template->finish ($tmpl->get_var  
+            }
+            //記事ID:topic_id
+            $template->set_var( 'topic_id', $topic );
+            //静的ページID:sp_id
+            $template->set_var( 'sp_id', $page );
+            //home_id ('home','sub')
+            $template->set_var( 'home_id', $home_id );
+            //ログイン状態:login_status ('member','guest')
+            $template->set_var( 'login_status', $login_status );
+            //ようこそメッセージ:welcome_msg_jp
+            $template->set_var( 'welcome_msg_jp', $welcome_msg_jp );
+            //プロフィールのURL:prof_url_jp
+            $template->set_var( 'prof_url_jp', $prof_url );
+            //メンバーログイン:memberlogin (ログインHTML,ログアウトHTML)
+            $template->set_var( 'memberlogin', $memberlogin);
+    }

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/install_defaults.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/install_defaults.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs).
+// | japanize Plugin  日本語化プラグイ 
ン                                       |
+// |  
install_defaults.php                                                      |
+// | Initial Installation Defaults used when loading the online  
configuration  |
+// | records. These settings are only used during the initial  
installation     |
+// | and not referenced any more once the plugin is  
installed.                 |
+// | Copyright (C) 2000-2008 by the following  
authors:                         |
+// | Authors: Tony Bibbs         - tony AT tonybibbs DOT  
com                   |
+// |          Mark Limburg       - mlimb****@users***** DOT  
net       |
+// |          Jason Whittenburg  - jwhitten AT securitygeeks DOT  
com           |
+// |          Dirk Haun          - dirk AT haun-online DOT  
de                  |
+// |          Trinity Bays       - trinity93 AT gmail DOT  
com                  |
+// |          Oliver Spiesshofer - oliver AT spiesshofer DOT  
com               |
+// |          Euan McKay         - info AT heatherengineering DOT  
com          |
+// | This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public  
+// | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version  
2            |
+// | of the License, or (at your option) any later  
version.                    |
+// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be  
useful,           |
+// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty  
of            |
PURPOSE.                      |
+// | See the GNU General Public License for more  
details.                      |
+// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public  
License         |
+// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software  
Foundation,   |
+// | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307,  
USA.           |
+// $Id: install_defaults.php
+if (strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'install_defaults.php') !== false) {
+    die('This file can not be used on its own!');
+$_JAPANIZE_DEFAULT = array();
+* Initialize Links plugin configuration
+* Creates the database entries for the configuation if they don't already
+* exist. Initial values will be taken from $_LI_CONF if available (e.g.  
+* an old config.php), uses $_LI_DEFAULT otherwise.
+* @return   boolean     true: success; false: an error occurred
+function plugin_initconfig_japanize()
+    if (is_array($_JAPANIZE_CONF) && (count($_JAPANIZE_CONF) > 1)) {
+        $_JAPANIZE_DEFAULT = array_merge($_JAPANIZE_DEFAULT,  
+    }
+    $c = config::get_instance();
+    if (!$c->group_exists('japanize')) {
+    /* add(
+        $param_name
+        , $default_value
+        , $type
+        , $subgroup, $fieldset,$selection_array=null
+        , $sort=0
+        , $set=true
+        , $group='japanize')
+    */
+        $c->add('sg_main', NULL, 'subgroup', 0, 0, NULL, 0,  
true, 'japanize');
+        $c->add('fs_main', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 0, NULL, 0,  
true, 'japanize');
+    }
+    return true;

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/language/japanese_utf-8.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/language/japanese_utf-8.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22  
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# plugins/japanize/language/japanese_utf-8.php
+# もし万一エンコードの種類が UTF-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+# Last Update 2008/09/05
+$LANG_JPN= array();
+$LANG_JPN['piname']= '日本語化';
+$LANG_JPN['pinameadmin']= 'Geeklogを日本流にする';
+$LANG_JPN['keisyo']= ' さん';
+## 管理画面
+$LANG_JPN_admin_menu = array();
+$LANG_JPN_admin_menu['1']= '更新';
+$LANG_JPN_admin_menu['2']= '設定';
+$LANG_JPN_admin_menu['3']= '情報';
+$LANG_JPN_admin_menu['4']= '移行';
+# COM_showMessage()
+// Messages for the plugin upgrade
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE1 = "テーブル構造を日本語化しました。";
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE2 = "コンフィギュレーションを日本語化しました。";
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE3 = "日本語pingサイトを追加しました。";
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE4 = "ゲストユーザに変更しました。";
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE5 = " グループ 詳細を日本語に変更しました。";
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE105 = "グループ 詳細を英語に戻しました。";
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE6 = " 日本語サンプルアンケート追加しました。";
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE7 = " 初期ブロックタイトルを日本語に変更しました。";
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE107 = " 初期ブロックタイトルを英語に戻しました。";
+$PLG_japanize_MESSAGE1001 = "更新しました。";
+## コンフィギュレーション
+$LANG_configsections['japanize'] = array();
+$LANG_confignames['japanize'] = array();
+$LANG_configsubgroups['japanize'] = array();
+$LANG_configsubgroups['japanize']['sg_main'] = 'メイン';
+$LANG_fs['japanize'] = array();
+$LANG_fs['japanize']['fs_main'] = '既定値の設定';
+$LANG_configselects['japanize'] = array(
+    0 => array('はい' => 1, 'いいえ' => 0),
+    1 => array('はい' => TRUE, 'いいえ' => FALSE)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/public_html/disabledmsg.html
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/public_html/disabledmsg.html	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22  
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
+<title>Geeklog サイト</title>
+Geeklog サイトは,ただいまメンテナンスのため閉鎖しています。しばらくお待ち 
+<li><a href="../">ホームへ</a></li>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/public_html/images/japanize.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/public_html/inex.html

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/public_html/memberlogin_help.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/public_html/memberlogin_help.php	Sun Sep 21  
06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+require_once '../lib-common.php';
+// MAIN
+$display = '';
+$display.="memberlogin help";
+echo $display;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/readme_ja.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/readme_ja.txt	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Geeklog 日本語化(japanize)プラグイン
+tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+概要 :Geeklog1.5.0を日本人流にするプラグインです
+       詳細については、管理画面をご参照ください
+  ├ admin
+  │ ├ convertconfig_1.4.1jp_to_1.5.0.php
+  │ ├ index.php
+  │ ├ information.php
+  │ ├ install.php
+  │ ├ japanize_functions.php
+  │ └ settings.php
+  ├ doc
+  │ 更新履歴ほかのドキュメント
+  ├ language
+  │ └ japanese_utf-8.php
+  ├ public_html
+  │ ├ images
+  │ │ └ japanize.png
+  │ ├ disabledmsg.html
+  │ ├ index.html
+  │ └ memberlogin_help.php
+  ├ sql
+  │ ├ sql_japanize_1.php
+  │ ├ sql_japanize_2.php
+  │ ├ sql_japanize_3.php
+  │ ├ sql_japanize_4.php
+  │ ├ sql_japanize_5.php
+  │ └ sql_japanize_105.php
+  │ templates
+  │ ├ admin
+  │ │ ├ index.thtml
+  │ │ ├ information.thtml
+  │ │ └ settings.thtml
+  │ └custom-memberlogin.thtml
+  ├ functions.inc
+  ├ install_defaults.php
+  ├ readme_ja.txt
+  └ version.php
+     指定されているテーマにcustom-memberlogin.thtmlがある場合は、そちらを
+     使用します
+     system/lib-portalparts.php
+     lib-portalparts.php は、Forum ,nexProシリーズのファイルでもかまいませ 
+    plugins/ 以下に japanize以下をアップ
+    admin/plugins/japanize/以下に admin以下のファイルを移動
+    public_html/japanize/以下に public_html以下のファイルを移動
+    plugins/ 以下に japanize以下をアップ
+    admin/plugins/japanize/以下に admin以下のファイルを移動
+    public_html/japanize/以下に public_html以下のファイルを移動

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_1.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_1.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// | テーブル構造とデータを日本語版化す 
る                                      |
+// |  SQL文データ1 テーブル構造とシステム用デー 
タ                             |
+// $Id: sql_japanize1.php
+// もし万一エンコードの種類が  utf-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+// 最終更新日 2007/05/21 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+// (01) en-gb →ja data (syndication)
+$_SQL[] = "
+    ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['syndication']} MODIFY
+    language varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'ja'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['syndication']} SET
+    language = 'ja'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['syndication']} SET
+    charset = 'UTF-8'
+    ";
+// (06) username varchar(36) → carchar(108) gl_users
+$_SQL[] = "
+    ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['users']} MODIFY username varchar(108) NOT NULL  
default ''
+    ";

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_105.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_105.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// | グループ詳細を英語に戻 
す                                                  |
+// $Id: sql_japanize105.php
+// もし万一エンコードの種類が  utf-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+// 最終更新日 2007/07/29 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to the site'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Root'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Group that a typical user is added to'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'All Users'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to story features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Story Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to block features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Block Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to topic features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Topic Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to topic features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'User Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to plugin features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Plugin Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to plugin features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Group Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Can use Mail Utility'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Mail Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'All registered members'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Logged-in Users'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to plugin features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'spamx Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Users in this group can have authenticated against a  
remote server.'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Remote Users'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Can create and modify web feeds for the site'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Syndication Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to calendar features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Calendar Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to links features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Links Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to polls features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Polls Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Users in this group can administer the Spam-X plugin'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'spamx Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Can administer static pages'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Static Page Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Has full access to japanize features'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'japanize Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Users in this group can administer the filemgmt plugin'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'filemgmt Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'Users in this group can administer the forum plugin'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'forum Admin'
+    ";

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_107.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_107.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// | 初期ブロックタイトル等日本語 
化                                            |
+// $Id: sql_japanize6.php
+// もし万一エンコードの種類が  utf-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+// 最終更新日 2008/09/02 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+// (18) 初期ブロックタイトル等日本語化
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'User Functions'
+    WHERE name = 'user_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'Admins Only'
+    WHERE name = 'admin_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'Topics'
+    WHERE name = 'section_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'Poll'
+    WHERE name = 'polls_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'Events'
+    WHERE name = 'events_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'What''s New'
+    WHERE name = 'whats_new_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'Who''s Online'
+    WHERE name = 'whosonline_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'Older Stories'
+    WHERE name = 'older_stories'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'About Geeklog'
+    ,content = '<p><b>Welcome to Geeklog!</b></p><p>If you''re already  
familiar with Geeklog - and especially if you''re not: There have been many  
improvements to Geeklog since earlier versions that you might want to read  
up on. Please read the <a href=\"docs/changes.html\">release notes</a>. If  
you need help, please see the <a href=\"docs/support.html\">support  
+    WHERE name = 'first_block'
+    ";

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_2.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_2.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// | コンフィギュレーションを日本語版化す 
る                                    |
+// $Id: sql_japanize2.php
+// もし万一エンコードの種類が  utf-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+//@@@@@2008/09/11 サイト・・・無効のURL変更
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:{$wklen}:{$wk}'
+    WHERE name = 'site_disabled_msg'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:2:\"ja\";'
+    WHERE name = 'rdf_language'
+    ";
+//管理者ブロック・・・リンクをソートする いいえ 0:表示しない
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 'b:0;'
+    WHERE name = 'sort_admin'
+    ";
+//話題ブロック・・・記事投稿数を表示する いいえ 0:表示しない
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 'b:0;'
+    WHERE name = 'showsubmissioncount'
+    ";
+//話題ブロック・・・Homeへのリンクを隠す はい 1:隠す
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 'b:1;'
+    WHERE name = 'hide_home_link'
+    ";
+//コメント・・・コメント形状 flat:一覧
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:4:\"flat\";'
+    WHERE name = 'comment_mode'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:5:\"gdlib\";'
+    WHERE name = 'image_lib'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 'i:120;'
+    WHERE name = 'max_image_height'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:11:\"ja_JP.UTF-8\";'
+    WHERE name = 'locale'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:25:\"%Y年%B%e日(%a) %H:%M %Z\";'
+    WHERE name = 'date'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:14:\"%m/%d %H:%M %Z\";'
+    WHERE name = 'daytime'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:12:\"%Y年%B%e日\";'
+    WHERE name = 'shortdate'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:7:\"%B%e日\";'
+    WHERE name = 'dateonly'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 's:8:\"%H:%M %Z\";'
+    WHERE name = 'timeonly'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value  
= 'a:18:{s:1:\"a\";a:3:{s:4:\"href\";i:1;s:5:\"title\";i:1;s:3:\"rel\";i:1;}s:1:\"b\";a:0:{}s:10:\"blockquote\";a:0:{}s:2:\"br\";a:1:{s:5:\"clear\";i:1;}s:4:\"code\";a:0:{}s:3:\"div\";a:1:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;}s:4:\"font\";a:1:{s:5:\"color\";i:1;}s:2:\"em\";a:0:{}s:1:\"h\";a:0:{}s:2:\"hr\";a:0:{}s:1:\"i\";a:0:{}s:2:\"li\";a:0:{}s:2:\"ol\";a:0:{}s:1:\"p\";a:1:{s:4:\"lang\";i:1;}s:3:\"pre\";a:0:{}s:6:\"strong\";a:0:{}s:2:\"tt\";a:0:{}s:2:\"ul\";a:0:{}}'
+    WHERE name = 'user_html'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value  
= 'a:26:{s:1:\"a\";a:7:{s:4:\"href\";i:1;s:5:\"title\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:4:\"lang\";i:1;s:4:\"name\";i:1;s:4:\"type\";i:1;s:3:\"rel\";i:1;}s:2:\"br\";a:2:{s:5:\"clear\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:7:\"caption\";a:1:{s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:3:\"div\";a:3:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:5:\"embed\";a:8:{s:3:\"src\";i:1;s:4:\"loop\";i:1;s:7:\"quality\";i:1;s:5:\"width\";i:1;s:6:\"height\";i:1;s:4:\"type\";i:1;s:11:\"pluginspage\";i:1;s:5:\"align\";i:1;}s:2:\"h1\";a:3:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:2:\"h2\";a:3:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:2:\"h3\";a:3:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:2:\"h4\";a:3:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:2:\"h5\";a:3:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:2:\"h6\";a:3:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:2:\"hr\";a:3:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"align\";i:1;}s:3:\"img\";a:15:{s:3:\"src\";i:1;s:5:\"width\";i:1;s:6:\"height\";i:1;s:6:\"vspace\";i:1;s:6:\"hspace\";i:1;s:3:\"dir\";i:1;s:5:\"align\";i:1;s:6:\"valign\";i:1;s:6:\"border\";i:1;s:4:\"lang\";i:1;s:8:\"longdesc\";i:1;s:5:\"title\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:3:\"alt\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:8:\"noscript\";a:0:{}s:6:\"object\";a:7:{s:4:\"type\";i:1;s:4:\"data\";i:1;s:7:\"classid\";i:1;s:8:\"codebase\";i:1;s:5:\"width\";i:1;s:6:\"height\";i:1;s:5:\"align\";i:1;}s:2:\"ol\";a:2:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}s:1:\"p\";a:4:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"align\";i:1;s:4:\"lang\";i:1;}s:5:\"param\";a:2:{s:4:\"name\";i:1;s:5:\"value\";i:1;}s:6:\"script\";a:3:{s:3:\"src\";i:1;s:8:\"language\";i:1;s:4:\"type\";i:1;}s:4:\"span\";a:3:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:4:\"lang\";i:1;}s:5:\"table\";a:6:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"width\";i:1;s:6:\"border\";i:1;s:11:\"cellspacing\";i:1;s:11:\"cellpadding\";i:1;}s:5:\"tbody\";a:0:{}s:2:\"td\";a:6:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"align\";i:1;s:6:\"valign\";i:1;s:7:\"colspan\";i:1;s:7:\"rowspan\";i:1;}s:2:\"th\";a:6:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"align\";i:1;s:6:\"valign\";i:1;s:7:\"colspan\";i:1;s:7:\"rowspan\";i:1;}s:2:\"tr\";a:4:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:5:\"align\";i:1;s:6:\"valign\";i:1;}s:2:\"ul\";a:2:{s:5:\"class\";i:1;s:5:\"style\";i:1;}}'
+    WHERE name = 'admin_html'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 'i:1;'
+    WHERE name = 'skip_html_filter_for_root'
+    ";
+//バッドワードチェック・・・チェックモード いいえ
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET
+    value = 'i:0;'
+    WHERE name = 'censormode'
+    ";

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_3.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_3.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// | 日本語Pingサイトを追加す 
る                                                |
+// $Id: sql_japanize3.php
+// もし万一エンコードの種類が  utf-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+//@@@@@20080903 「ドリコムRSS」 ウェブサイト変更
+// 最終更新日 2007/09/03 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pingservice']} Where
+    site_url = 'http://www.blogpeople.net/'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pingservice']}
+    (pid, name, site_url, ping_url, method, is_enabled)
+    VALUES (NULL, 'BlogPeople',  'http://www.blogpeople.net/'
+    ,'http://www.blogpeople.net/servlet/weblogUpdates', 'weblogUpdates.ping',  
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pingservice']} Where
+    site_url = 'http://ping.bloggers.jp/'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pingservice']}
+    (pid, name, site_url, ping_url, method, is_enabled)
+    VALUES (NULL, 'ping.bloggers.jp', 'http://ping.bloggers.jp/'
+    , 'http://ping.bloggers.jp/rpc/', 'weblogUpdates.ping', 1)
+    ";
+//@@@@@20080903 ウェブサイト変更
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pingservice']} Where
+    site_url = 'http://www.myblog.jp/'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pingservice']} Where
+    site_url = 'http://rss.drecom.jp/'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pingservice']}
+    (pid, name, site_url, ping_url, method, is_enabled)
+    VALUES (NULL, 'ドリコムRSS', 'http://rss.drecom.jp/'
+    , 'http://ping.rss.drecom.jp/', 'weblogUpdates.ping', 1)
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pingservice']} Where
+    site_url = 'http://blog.goo.ne.jp/'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pingservice']}
+    (pid, name, site_url, ping_url, method, is_enabled)
+    VALUES (NULL, 'goo ブログ', 'http://blog.goo.ne.jp/'
+    , 'http://blog.goo.ne.jp/XMLRPC', 'weblogUpdates.ping', 1)
+    ";
+//3.ピング送信先に Googleブログ検索 テクノラティ 追加
+//Googleブログ検索 拡張ピング
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pingservice']} Where
+    site_url = 'http://blogsearch.google.co.jp/'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pingservice']}
+    (pid, name, site_url, ping_url, method, is_enabled)
+    VALUES (NULL, 'Googleブログ検索', 'http://blogsearch.google.co.jp/'
+    , 'http://blogsearch.google.co.jp/ping/RPC2', 'weblogUpdates.extendedPing',  
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pingservice']} Where
+    site_url = 'http://www.technorati.jp/'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pingservice']}
+    (pid, name, site_url, ping_url, method, is_enabled)
+    VALUES (NULL, 'テクノラティ', 'http://www.technorati.jp/'
+    , 'http://rpc.technorati.jp/rpc/ping', 'weblogUpdates.ping', 1)
+    ";

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_4.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_4.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// | テーブル構造とデータを日本語版化す 
る                                      |
+// |  SQL文データ1 テーブル構造とシステム用デー 
タ                             |
+// $Id: sql_japanize1.php
+// もし万一エンコードの種類が  utf-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+// 最終更新日 2007/05/21 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+// (05) Anonymous → ゲストユーザ (users)
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']}
+    SET `username` = 'ゲストユーザ',
+    `fullname` = 'ゲストユーザ'
+    WHERE `uid` =1
+    ";

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_5.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_5.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// | グループ詳細を日本語版化す 
る                                              |
+// $Id: sql_japanize5.php
+// もし万一エンコードの種類が  utf-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+// 最終更新日 2007/07/29 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'すべての管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Root'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'すべてのユーザ'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'All Users'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = '記事管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Story Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'ブロック管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Block Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = '話題管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Topic Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'ユーザ管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'User Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'プラグイン管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Plugin Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'ユーザとグループ管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Group Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'メール管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Mail Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'すべての登録ユーザ'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Logged-in Users'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'プラグイン管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'spamx Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'リモートユーザ'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Remote Users'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'RSS配信管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Syndication Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'カレンダ管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Calendar Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'リンク管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Links Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'アンケート管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Polls Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'スパム管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'spamx Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = '静的ページ管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'Static Page Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = '日本語化管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'japanize Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = 'ファイル管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'filemgmt Admin'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['groups']} SET
+    grp_descr = '掲示板管理へのアクセス'
+    WHERE grp_name = 'forum Admin'
+    ";

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_6.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_6.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// | 日本語サンプルアンケート追加す 
る                                          |
+// $Id: sql_japanize6.php
+// もし万一エンコードの種類が  utf-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+// 最終更新日 2007/09/01 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+// 初期日本語サンプルアンケートdelete
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pollanswers']} Where pid='geeklogfeaturepolljp'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pollquestions']} Where  
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} Where pid='geeklogfeaturepolljp'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['pollvoters']} Where pid='geeklogfeaturepolljp'
+    ";
+// 初期日本語サンプルアンケート質問1の答え
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 0, 1, '日本語化をプラグインで実現', 0, '')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 0, 2, '携帯ハック', 0, '')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 0, 3, 'すぐに日本語サイトになるインストーラ',  
0, '')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 0, 4, '翻訳されたドキュメント', 0, '')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 0, 5, '1.4.1からテーマの移行を容易にする 
ProfessionalCSS', 0, '')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 0, 6, '文字化けしない日本語対応メール関数',  
0, '')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 0, 7, 'その他', 0, '')
+    ";
+// 初期日本語サンプルアンケート質問2の答え
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 1, 1, '直感的操作', 0, '')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 1, 2, '権限設定が可能', 0, '')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 1, 3, 'コミュニティ', 0, '')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollanswers']}
+    (`pid`, `qid`, `aid`, `answer`, `votes`, `remark`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp', 1, 4, '拡張性', 0, '')
+    ";
+// 初期日本語サンプルアンケート質問
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollquestions']}
+    (`qid`, `pid`, `question`) VALUES (
+    0, 'geeklogfeaturepolljp', '日本語版でお気に入りの機能は何ですか?')
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['pollquestions']}
+    (`qid`, `pid`, `question`) VALUES (
+    1, 'geeklogfeaturepolljp', '一番の特徴は何ですか?')
+    ";
+// 初期日本語サンプルアンケートトピック
+$_SQL[] = "
+    INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['polltopics']}
+    (`pid`, `topic`, `voters`, `questions`, `date`
+    , `display`, `is_open`, `hideresults`, `commentcode`
+    , `statuscode`, `owner_id`, `group_id`, `perm_owner`
+    , `perm_group`, `perm_members`, `perm_anon`) VALUES (
+    'geeklogfeaturepolljp'
+    , 'Geeklogに関する意見をどうぞ'
+    , 0
+    , 2
+    , NOW()
+    , 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 8, 3, 2, 2, 2)
+    ";

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_7.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/sql/sql_japanize_7.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// | 初期ブロックタイトル等日本語 
化                                            |
+// $Id: sql_japanize6.php
+// もし万一エンコードの種類が  utf-8でない場合は、utf-8に変換してください。
+// 最終更新日 2008/09/02 tsuchi AT geeklog DOT jp
+// (18) 初期ブロックタイトル等日本語化
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'ユーザ情報'
+    WHERE name = 'user_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = '管理者専用メニュー'
+    WHERE name = 'admin_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = '記事カテゴリ'
+    WHERE name = 'section_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'アンケート'
+    WHERE name = 'polls_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'イベント'
+    WHERE name = 'events_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = '新着情報'
+    WHERE name = 'whats_new_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'オンラインユーザ'
+    WHERE name = 'whosonline_block'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = '過去記事'
+    WHERE name = 'older_stories'
+    ";
+$_SQL[] = "
+    UPDATE   {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET
+    title = 'GeekLogについて'
+    ,content = '<p><b>ようこそ、GeekLogへ!</b><p>Geeklogについてのサポート 
は、 <a href=\"http://www.geeklog.jp\">Geeklog Japanese</a>へ。ドキュメント 
は <a href=\"http://wiki.geeklog.jp\">Geeklog Wiki ドキュメント</a>をどう 
+    WHERE name = 'first_block'
+    ";

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/templates/admin/index.thtml
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/templates/admin/index.thtml	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22  
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+<!-- plugins/japanize/templates/admin/index.thtml { -->
+<div id="plugin-japanize">
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=ALL"><p><input  
type="submit" value="日本語化一括実行" name="ALL"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<fieldset style="margin-top:10px;">
+  <li>フィード 文字コード:utf-8、言語:ja</li>
+  <li>ユーザ名の桁数:108に拡大</li>
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=cmd1"><p><input  
type="submit" value="日本語化実行" name="cmd1"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<fieldset style="margin-top:10px;">
+  <li>サイト・・・disabledmsg.htmlのURLを設定</li>
+  <li>フィード・・・フィードの言語をjaに設定</li>
+  <li>管理者ブロック・・・リンクをソートしない</li>
+  <li>話題ブロック・・・記事投稿数を表示しない</li>
+  <li>話題ブロック・・・Homeへのリンクを隠す</li>
+  <li>コメント・・・コメント形状 flat:一覧</li>
+  <li>画像ライブラリ・・・画像ライブラリ:GDライブラリ</li>
+  <li>画像ライブラリ・・・記事の画像高さの最大値:120ピクセル</li>
+  <li>ロケール・・・ロケール ja_JP.UTF-8</li>
+  <li>ロケール・・・日付 %Y年%B%e日(%a) %H:%M %Z</li>
+  <li>ロケール・・・日時 %m/%d %H:%M %Z</li>
+  <li>ロケール・・・日付短表記 %Y年%B%e日</li>
+  <li>ロケール・・・日付けのみ %B%e日</li>
+  <li>ロケール・・・時間のみ %H:%M %Z</li>
+  <li>HTMLフィルタ・・・ユーザHTML 追加調整</li>
+  <li>HTMLフィルタ・・・管理者HTML 追加調整</li>
+  <li>HTMLフィルタ・・・RootユーザはHTMLフィルタを無効にする</li>
+  <li>バッドワードチェック・・・チェックモード いいえ</li>
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=cmd2"><p><input  
type="submit" value="日本語化実行" name="cmd2"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<fieldset style="margin-top:10px;">
+  <li>BlogPeople</li>
+  <li>PING.BLOGGERS.JP</li>
+  <li>ドリコムRSS</li>
+  <li>goo ブログ</li>
+  <li>Googleブログ検索</li>
+  <li>テクノラティ</li>
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=cmd3"><p><input  
type="submit" value="日本語化実行" name="cmd3"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<fieldset style="margin-top:10px;">
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=cmd4"><p><input  
type="submit" value="日本語化実行" name="cmd4"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<fieldset style="margin-top:10px;">
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=cmd5"><p><input  
type="submit" value="日本語化実行" name="cmd5"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=cmd105"><p><input  
type="submit" value="英語化実行(日本語化キャンセル)" name="cmd105"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<fieldset style="margin-top:10px;">
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=cmd6"><p><input  
type="submit" value="日本語化実行" name="cmd6"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<fieldset style="margin-top:10px;">
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=cmd7"><p><input  
type="submit" value="日本語化実行" name="cmd7"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<form method="POST" action="{this_script}?mode=cmd107"><p><input  
type="submit" value="英語化実行(日本語化キャンセル)" name="cmd107"></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<!-- } plugins/japanize/templates/admin/index.thtml -->

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/templates/admin/information.thtml
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/templates/admin/information.thtml	Sun Sep 21  
06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- plugins/japanize/templates/admin/information.thtml { -->
+<div class="clearboth" style="min-width:600px;">
+<p>日本のGeeklogについてのサポートは、 <a  
href="http://www.geeklog.jp">Geeklog Japanese</a>へ。</p>
+<p>ドキュメントは <a href="http://wiki.geeklog.jp">Geeklog Wiki </a></p>
+<p>コミュニティは <a href="http://sns.geeklog.jp">Geeklog SNS </a></p>
+<p>コアのバージョンは {VERSION} {release_jp} {release_no} {release_date}
+<p>テンプレート変数 header.thtml用 </p>
+<li>home_id ('home','sub')</li>
+<li>ログイン状態:login_status ('member','guest')</li>
+<li>メンバーログイン:memberlogin (ログインHTML,ログアウトHTML)</li>
+<!-- } plugins/japanize/templates/admin/information.thtml -->

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/templates/admin/settings.thtml
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/templates/admin/settings.thtml	Sun Sep 21  
06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- plugins/japanize/templates/admin/settings.thtml { -->
+<div class="clearboth" style="min-width:600px;">
+<form action="{this_script}" method="post" >
+    Anonymous:
+    <input type="text" id="Anonymous" name="Anonymous" size="60"  
maxlength="80" value="{Anonymous_value}"{xhtml}>
+    <input type="hidden" name="savesettings" value="yes">
+    <input type="submit" name="btnsubmit" value="変更を保存する"{xhtml}>
+    <input type="hidden" name="{gltoken_name}" value="{gltoken}"{xhtml}>
+<!-- } plugins/japanize/templates/admin/settings.thtml -->

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/templates/custom-memberlogin.thtml
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/templates/custom-memberlogin.thtml	Sun Sep 21  
06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- plugins/japanize/template/custom-memberlogin.thtml { -->
+<form action="{site_url}/users.php" method="post" id="custom-memberlogin"  
+  <fieldset>
+    <legend>ログイン情報</legend><!-- Geeklog Japanese -->
+    <dl>
+      <dt><label for="custom-memberlogin-loginname">ユーザ名</label></dt>
+      <dd><input type="text" size="10" name="loginname"  
id="custom-memberlogin-loginname" class="text"></dd>
+      <dt><label for="custom-memberlogin-passwd">パスワード</label></dt>
+      <dd><input type="password" size="10" name="passwd"  
id="custom-memberlogin-passwd" class="text"></dd>
+    </dl>
+    <ul class="submit">
+      <li><input value="ログイン" type="submit" class="submit"></li>
+    </ul>
+    <ul class="navi">
+      <li><a href="{site_url}/users.php?mode=new">新規登録</a></li>
+      <li><a href="{site_url}/users.php?mode=getpassword">パスワードをお忘 
+      <li><a href="{site_url}/japanize/memberlogin_help.php">ヘルプ 
+    </ul>
+  </fieldset>
+<!-- } plugins/japanize/template/custom-memberlogin.thtml -->

Added: trunk/plugins/japanize/version.php
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/plugins/japanize/version.php	Sun Sep 21 06:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+$_JPN_CONF['version'] = '1.0.1'; // Plugin Version

Geeklogjp-changes メーリングリストの案内