GNU Zile (Zile Is Lossy Emacs)は、軽量なEmacsのクローンです。すべてのEmacsユーザは、Zileでアットホームな感じを受けるでしょう。Zileは、小さなフットポイント・システム(典型的なバイナリで100kb程度)、かつすばやい編集セッション(迅速な起動とシャットダウン)を目指しています。
An egregious bug resulting in a crash whenever a non-existent file was edited was fixed along with other potential crash bugs in the low-level text-handling routine, estr_replace.
find-file and find-file-read-only now work non-interactively. Minor build system fixes have been applied. Some code cleanup has been done. A slight speed improvement has been made for general editing operations.