A new self-installer is available. It is reported to work on Vista and should also work more smoothly than the old one on other versions of Windows. No other changes were made.
このバージョンは、4.2.6のリリースでは約二十個のバグを修正します。加えて、WinBoard 4.2.7 GNU Chessは5.07ではなく、古い5.02との同梱+版。 XBoardとWinBoardソースコードの木なので、xboardダウンロードの両方のための完全なソースが含まれてマージされている。
Minor bugfixes
This version corrects about two dozen bugs in the
4.2.6 release. In addition, WinBoard 4.2.7 comes
bundled with GNU Chess 5.07 instead of the old
5.02+ version. The XBoard and WinBoard source code
trees have been merged, so the xboard download now
contains the complete source for both.
Fixes for a few bugs that were introduced in the recent 4.2.4 major bugfix release (not announced on freshmeat) and a few others that still lingered on from previous releases.