Command line processing was improved. The presets have been categorized. New presets were provided for Raw Dv, Neuros Osd, and Palm.Bulgarian, German, Italian, and Turkish translations were added. An option to shut down upon finishing was added along with an option to specify audio channels.
Handling of international filenames was improved.
Linux preferences labels not showing and bugs in
finding the presets.xml file were fixed. The
current number of the video being converted was
added to terminal window caption. Some IFDEF's
were eliminated for better cross platform
This release has pretty icons. The terminal title changes to the current movie being converted. 2-pass encoding only creates one video file. An About box crash on Linux has been fixed. The X264 Widescreen Preset has been fixed.
The user interface was improved. The presets for
two-pass encoding were greatly revised. The play
button was fixed to work on Ubuntu 7.04. Pausing
at the end of encoding was fixed to work on Linux.
Multithreading for dual core processors was
implemented, but for Linux only. A deinterlace
option was added.