Websitary は Web ページ、RSS フィード、ポッド キャストを監視し、報告は、新しいスクリプトです。多くのタスク、それは実際の作業を行う他のプログラム (w3m、差分、webdiff など) を再利用します。既定では、それに基づき、ASCII、すなわち Web ブラウザーのテキスト ベースの出力をもつ作品します。何人かの友人の助けを借りてそれはまた HTML で動作することができます。
For RSS attachments, source title is preferred to the channel's title. In body_html, if there is no body tag, the document is used as is. For RSS, items without descriptions are also scanned with :rss_find_enclosure. Various bugfixes and minor improvements that accumulated over the years were applied.
This releasea has a :timeout option. It can exclude URLs. htmldiff now has an :ignore option to exclude certain nodes from the diff. This release can convert encodings via iconv, and can exclude mailto: URLs.
websitary now also deals with FTP directories and
RSS feeds (and it optionally saves attachments
such as podcasts). Local copies are stored in a
directory tree in order to rebuild the file
structure on the server unless the filenames get
too long, in which case MD5 encoded filenames are
used. The executable name has changed (the extra
"i" was dropped). Command-line options have
changed. Many other changes were made.