

WDB は天気と水観測、予測、分析フィールドとモデルのストレージの天気のデータ ストレージ システムです。システムは BUFR および GRIB (バージョン 1 および 2) 気象規格と互換性があります。一般的なプログラムの読み込み、に加えて WDB はまた気象データの時系列または全体のフィールドを取得するための柔軟な検索インターフェイスを備えています。WDB は、PostgreSQL PostGIS で拡張を使用して構築されます。


注: プロジェクトリソースの情報は Freecode.com ページからの引用です。ダウンロードそのものは、OSDNにホスティングされているものではありません。

2009-11-05 00:58

タグ: Minor feature enhancements, minor bug fixes
This release adds metadata to the server for ECMWF atmospheric data and fixes some minor issues in the handling of namespaces and metadata. The function interface to metadata has been revamped and corrected.

2009-09-21 22:43

タグ: Major feature enhancements
This release changes the way grids are handled internally for point and polygon retrieval. Grid data is now retrieved by calculating the grid offset on the fly, rather than using PostGIS over a precomputed set of points. This change allows WDB to handle massive grids that previously could not be loaded into the database within a reasonable time frame. Installation of the database was made faster. As usual, minor bugfixes and metadata corrections have also been done.

2009-09-18 23:21

タグ: Minor feature enhancements
This release changes the way metadata encoding is handled in the loading programs. Metadata information for cross-referencing data providers, parameters, etc. are now stored in configuration files rather than in the database, in order to facilitate easier editing of the metadata and cleaner interfaces between the database and the loading programs. As usual, there are also minor metadata changes and bugfixes.

2009-06-18 02:43

タグ: Minor feature enhancements
The WCI interface has changed (attribute names in return rows have been renamed and additional columns have been added) in order to facilitate smooth upgrades of a WDB database in a future version of the system. There have also been some minor metadata changes and bugfixes.

2009-05-28 01:51

タグ: Major bugfixes
This version fixes a major bug in 0.9.0 related to the new large object system. In addition, some changes have been done to the WDB interface in order to make it possible to build an upgrade system for the database.
