Performance was improved. The JavaScript API was extended. The installation script was fixed. The advert manager was refactored. Entity managers were refactored. An SVN repository was added. An error in the caching system was fixed. Unit tests were added to all packages (about 300 unit tests were created). Activate/deactivate buttons were added to the user manager. An advertising subsystem was added. The number of unit tests has reached 350. Numerous bugfixes. Documentation was improved.
'User::user_markup' パッケージのエラーを修正しました。一連の定義済みのパッケージを修正しました。JavaScript API は、' ad:: ad_banner::ad_banner_view' パッケージに追加されました。性能が向上しました。CSS の縮小スクリプトを修正しました。JavaScript API は削除機能が拡張されました。ドキュメントが改善されました。
An error in the 'user::user_markup' package was fixed. A set of predefined packages was fixed. A JavaScript API was added to the 'ad::ad_banner::ad_banner_view' package. Performance was improved. The CSS minification script was fixed. The JavaScript API was extended with delete functions. Documentation was improved.
Ultimate bugfixes, performance improvements, and refactoring. The macro 'enter_processor' was improved. The JavaScript library was improved. New event before delete site was added. The package 'site::site_controller' was added. Numerous errors in the content archive page were fixed. The API reference was updated.
An error in the 'cache' package was fixed. The 'page:;page_file' package was removed. Performance was improved. The 'grid' control was improved. An error in the 'file_input' package was fixed. The JavaScript dialog API was improved. An error in the 'cache' package was fixed. Small refactoring and improvements were made.
Javascript API が改善されました。Java スクリプトの設定ダイアログ ボックスが改善されています。キャッシュされたデータのすべてのパッケージは、今はスタンドアロンのファイルに分離されます。パッケージ"ページ:; page_file"が追加されました。「コメント」パッケージがリファクタリングされました。
The Javascript API has been improved. JavaScript dialogs have been improved. Cached data for all packages is now separated into a standalone files. The package "page:;page_file" has been added. The "comment" package has been refactored.