TripleAは有名なターン制の戦略級戦争ボードゲームの"Axis & Allies"のクローンです。TripleAはAxis and Alliesと似たようなゲームを作るためのゲームエンジンでもあります。オンライン、ネットワーク、e-mail、対AIまたは交代でのプレーが可能です。11の異なる地図と選択ルールがありますが、さらにダウンロードすることもできます。多くのゲームは、ナポレオン時代や指輪物語などよりも、第2次世界大戦で行われます。
新しいマップ機能は、スクランブル、神風の攻撃、SBR インターセプターと護衛、完全に成熟の政治システムは、完全にアトミックで柔軟性があります AA 銃があります。再生-電子メール (PBEM) と再生-フォーラムのシステムが完全に渡したとやり直し、され今大いによりよく働きます。多くの小さなバグを修正しました。
Major feature enhancements, Major bugfixes, Unstable
New map features include scrambling, kamikaze attacks, SBR interceptors and escorts, fully mature political systems, and AA guns that are completely atomized and flexible. The Play-By-Email (PBEM) and Play-By-Forum systems were completely recoded and redone, and now work much better. Many little bugs were fixed.
Major feature enhancements, Unstable, Major bugfixes
In this unstable version, several memory problems and some game-related bugs were fixed. New features include a full political system, and a massive flexibility update for map makers.
Stable, Major feature enhancements, Major bugfixes
This release added full support for Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition and Spring 1942, an upgraded engine for the next generation of rules, the ability to download maps using repository links from inside the TripleA engine, more support for user created mods and maps, the creation of major online map/game/mod repositories, major updates to both the Easy AI and Moore AI, and the removal of any potentially unlicensed or copyrighted material.
An edit mode can be used to add and remove units,
change territory owner, and add and remove IPCs at
will. New maps and units were added for the
revised game. The movement dialog was improved.
Support for play by forum was added. Lobby
improvements were made. Pacific and Europe support
were improved. Many bugfixes and improvements were