Support for expiring messages based on age, better cleanup of the MySQL connection, improved handling of NULL in messages, native cleanup of userdata for SQL authentication, and more minor changes plus -Wall cleanups.
いくつかの新機能(JavaなどのサポートとOpenLDAP認証)は、Mac OS X用のサポートの改善と非特権を持つユーザーは、ワシントン大学を無視するための修正- IMAPのコントロールメッセージは、完全に更新状態でSIGPIPEを無視してTeapopの実行、および多くの新しい機能とバグ修正。
Major bugfixes
Several new features (such as Java support and OpenLDAP authentication), improved support for Mac OS X and running Teapop as a non-privileged user, a fix for ignoring UW-IMAP's control message, completely ignoring SIGPIPE in update state, and many more new features and bugfixes.