!SynchroEdit は、同時に複数のユーザーが使用するブラウザー ベースのドキュメントのエディターです。それは同時に、別の場所のグループウェアの形式です。複数のユーザーを同時に単一の web ベースのドキュメントを編集することができます、ので、ユーザーは常に同じバージョンにすべての変更は継続的に同期します。
This is the "halfway there" release, which
includes a more standardized codebase,
administration, and improved interoperability
(ESPI and response service).
Beyond a number of bugfixes and clean-ups, the
codebase was standardized, and now includes files
for generating deb archives. Administrative
actions were implemented (such as kick, ban, and
promote/demote moderator). ESPI was expanded to
include several new hooks ("may-cancel" and
"save-document"). Node-locking now expires after 5
seconds. This is a pre-release of the upcoming
SynchroEdit 0.5.
This release focuses on extendability, with the new External Service POST Interface (ESPI) and GUI beautification. Mostly, this is the tested version of the 0.4.5 development release.
The client layout was completely revamped. Node-locking was added along with "joins/leaves" messages in the chat pane for users and a scroll-user-into-view feature.
A lot of the fundamental bugs have been fixed, and
things are generally
more stable. The formatting-block-hack has been
ripped out again, as it
was too buggy. On-demand emailing has been added,
though it requires a
customized script that can handle the editor
content in a POST (just
like "executeUponTermination" does it now).
shutdown-upon-inactivity has
been implemented, the chat pane now resolves URLs
into clickables, user
colors are now sanity checked, the debug pane now
scrolls naturally, and
a default stylesheet for the editor pane itself
has been added, to allow