In this version, a segfault when a regular expression error occured was fixed, as was the --regexp= option. A minor patch was added to the Debian version of slocate. The printf-is-a-macro issue (under gcc 3.0) was fixed, as was a segfault that occurred when -r regex was used with an extra search string.
Fixed some segfaults that occured with random data to -d, -o,and -r options. Added a patch to make it work on Solaris. Added more path permission checking so that even if a file is readable in a directory that is not readable, slocate will not disclose the file to the user.
The heap corruption bug is now really fixed, as well as a bug that caused slocate to segfault when path lengths are too large. A lot of error checking (ie, all mallocs, fchdir, etc) has been added. Autoconf is now used.