This release smooths several issues for multi-threaded scripts. A &sum function was added for computing the sum of an array. The &values function was updated to extract specific keys from a hash. Predicates were added for testing if a string is upper or lowercase. The documentation was updated as well.
Debug messages provide more detail on proxy objects. Ordered hashes no longer serialize their miss and remove policies. An inadvertent shared reference issue with values from ordered hash policies has been fixed. The cast function can now create empty arrays. Sleep can now access object fields declared in a parent class.
Imports from third party jars now affect the
system classpath. Foreach loop now works with Java
iterators. A bug with taint mode was fixed. Scope
functions now complain about incorrect use.
Sublist corruption by the splice function was
fixed. The values function now omits null values.
The scope functions were sped up. A compile time
check was added for key/value pair sequences
missing a separator.