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(最終更新 2009-06-12 19:07)

SipExchange is a softswitch that provides standard SIP services like location, proxy, and presence. Using the SipExchange application, service providers can offer VoIP telephone services to their subscribers as well as other services based on voice, video, and instant messaging. SipExchange supports many of the standard subscriber features offered by the traditional telephone exchanges and PBXs. In addition, SipExchange supports external call control capabilities which service providers and software developers can use to create new features and services rapidly and plug them into the SipExchange application. SipExchange works with standard SIP phones that adhere to the SIP protocol standards. Its software architecture is flexible, scalable, and easily extensible. It runs as an enterprise application inside the JBoss server and takes advantage of many services that a J2EE server provides. SipExchange provides a portal-based user interface with which system administrators can manage subscribers and features as well as perform other routine operations. From the portal, subscribers can manage their profiles, view the call detail records, and customize the features to which they have subscribed. Service providers can easily add additional content to the portal and customize the look and feel.
