Measures have been taken to counter-check spam submissions of rings and sites. More accurate HTTP status codes (permanent instead of temporary redirects). Various other minor tweaks.
A feature for redirecting a webring that has moved to some other Ringlink system has been added. Automatic notifications are now sent to the ringmaster when the third site gets activated. Various other minor tweaks were made.
Minor bugfixes and code tweaks were made. The default
method for sending email notifications is now to use the
Mail::Sender module instead of a pipe to a command line
The speed when updating the ring statistics and resetting the stats has
been increased. This may be useful for larger Ringlink systems, but
presupposes that the server allows for forking multiple child processes.
This release includes an easy way to authenticate to a mail server when
the SMTP option for sending email messages has been chosen. Also,
prevention of certain redundant search engine listings has been added.