このリリースには、VCのビルド+で提供されます(のUTF - 16)は、コアライブラリおよびサンプルの亜種はMac OS XはUnicodeに原爆を整数型の定義の中にバグをクリア+。
Minor feature enhancements
This release clears up a bug in the definition of atomic integer types on Mac OS X. Unicode (UTF-16) variants of the core library and examples are also provided in the build for VC++.
64-bit Windows compatibility was added. A bug in Recls_DeriveRelativePath(), triggered when the origin path is the empty string, was fixed. Unit tests for path combining, path squeezing, and deriving relative paths were added. This release relies on STLSoft 1.9.45 or later.
コアでは、Recls_SearchFeedback()(および、それ故に、Recls_Search())の場合の両方がsearchRootとパターンをNULLに修正され、一般的な修正プログラムのUnicodeコンパイルのために作られた。 reclsで/ C + +の修正プログラムの名前空間にReclsのシムのために輸出された::Entryクラス。 reclsで/ STLの、一般的な修正プログラムのUnicodeコンパイルのために作られた。
Minor bugfixes
In the core, Recls_SearchFeedback() (and, hence,
Recls_Search()) was fixed for the case when both
searchRoot and pattern are NULL; general fixes
were made for Unicode compilation. In recls/C++,
fixes were made to namespace-exports for shims for
Recls::Entry class. In recls/STL, general fixes
were made for Unicode compilation.
One change was made to the recls/Ruby mapping:
Recls::combinePaths can now accept either or both
of the two path (fragment) parameters as
Recls::Entry instances. For the left-hand
parameter, the instance will be converted to a
string via the "Recls::Entry.path" attribute. For
the right-hand instance parameter, the instance
will be converted to a string via the
"Recls::Entry.searchRelativePath" attribute. This
provides significant simplification (and
convenience) in client code when working with
source and destination directory hierarchies.