LV2 Options and Buf-size extensions are now supported. Location markers (per bar) and MIDI clip editor value/velocities line-drawing are finally a reality. Punch in/out and loop recording are now mutually compatible operational modes. LV2 UI parameter communication is now properly untangled, especially targeted at GTK+ based plug-in GUIs. At last, libSLV2 support has been dropped as a build option, now honoring libLILV for good.
LV2 plug-in State Files support has been fixed. An unused files clean-up removal process has been added. A brand new Edit/Insert empty range action is now featured. MIME Document types and icons have been implemented. Improved plug-in state resilience. French and Japanese translations.
This is mostly an LV2 1.0.0 ( compliance release. It adds LV2 Atom/MIDI, Worker/Schedule, Presets, Time/position, and MIDI Programs/instrument support. MIDI plugin event timing on tempo changes and Loop-recording/takes audio syn has been fixed. A brand new Quick Start Guide and User Manual are available. Russian and Italian translations have been added.
This release finally adds a panic command button, improves audio/MIDI file resource management, adds MIDI SysEx for instrument plugins, adds a MIDI Controller auto-hook option, features a MIDI Tools resize ramp, revises plugin search directory paths, fixes MIDI zero-duration note-on/off queueing and audio linked-clips looping, and adds many other bugfixes.
Clip drag-and-move stepping with keyboard arrow-keys. Plugin parameter automation GUI feedback. LV2 plugin Qt4 GUI support and clip/split on current play-head location have been fixed.