プロジェクト アシスタント (prass) は、ソフトウェア変更管理プロセスで使用するために設計された Web ツールです。機能/サポート/変更の Web インターフェイスを提供し、バグの要求サポートは互いから切り離されたプロジェクト。各プロジェクトは、(さまざまなロールおよび権限) を持つ開発者のリスト。開発者は、プロジェクトの彼の権限および役割に応じて操作を実行できます。
Due to large feedback from end-users, the critical
'Internal Server Error' error, which occurred when
someone posts or changes request and the SMPT
server is not active or not specified in configuration,
was fixed. The additional tests for mysql-devel and uuid
libraries were added into the configuration script. There
are a lot of minor bugfixes.
There are many major enhancements and major
bugfixes. The most important is the implementation of
the SMTP mail engine. The "prass" sends mail
notifications to the developers when new request
arrives or someone changes a request. The user
registration process now consists of two steps: the user
should complete the registration form, and then
approve registration by following a link which is
delivered in the mail notification. There are now three
languages supported by the interface: English, Russian,
and French. There are also a lot of improvements in the
process of requests changing.
The date and time collisions in the database have been solved. This means that an object's creation time no longer changes when you change a request, user, project, or such. Enhancements were made to request commenting.
A user should complete the registration by folowing the link, which is delivered into the confirmation letter. The page structure was improved. There are general bugfixes.