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(最終更新 2009-06-12 15:46)

pkt is a universal XML packet archiver. It can manipulate files for
backing up documents, transferring them across networks, emailing them,
and sharing them by other means (p2p etc). It uses plugin filters to
do the job and handles virtually any format available if there is a
plugin for it. It handles encryption, compression, conversion, parity
checking, decryption, decoding, repairing, rebuilding, and other tasks
using a universal file format (XML-based). By default, all pkt output is
in 7-bit ASCII which is UTF encoded and is compatible with XML parsers.
pkt files can be disassembled, reassembled, and repaired by hand if
necessary. pkt also supports the use of 8-bit compressed XML packets for
its archives using one of several compression algorithms. In general,
pkt will try to use the best algorithms available.
