PHP/ツールボックスは、データベース駆動の web サイト作成のプロセスを容易に設計されています。反復的なか段階的な開発のパラダイムを利用しています。したがって、分以内 DB テーブルの任意のセットのための完全に機能の Web インターフェイスを作成することができます。変更したこれらのテーブルに後テスト運転を自動的に処理されます。この自動インターフェイスは、特定のニーズに合わせて反復的に調整できます。
A lot of bugfixes, documentation improvements, incorporation of Utility Pack R1.1, and a complete redesign of sample applications (Admin & Texite) to fully use #2's power and flexibility. Notice that sample.pdf document provides simple visual representation for their structure and referential model.
This release provides PHP/Toolbox #1 & #2 with additional capabilities of simple and efficient data handling, for instance, XML or ini-style configuration files. The Utility Pack R1 consists of a number of 'abstract' classes that are supposed to be subclassed to provide custom functionality, test suites, and sample applications.
Second Edition, Initial freshmeat announcement
The most important new feature in the Second Edition is RETRO® - PHP/Toolbox proprietary template processing technology. This is the first release of the Second Edition and is not to be thought as stable.
Due to these changes, the Second Edition is not 100% compatible with the original. The original should not be treated as obsolete however - it is still supported and will be maintained but, probably, will not be further developed.
New Texite (fast Website skeleton) sample application added and admin interface updated accordingly. Test mini-suite has been clarified and thoroughly commented. New features, two new classes, bugfixes, code clean-ups, and documentation enhancements added.