phpdbform no longer needs to use the select form (see contact3.php). The delete button only shows when needed, an onblurr event for fields was added, and tag_extra was added to support additional properties for a field.
This new version has been completely redesigned so that adding features into it will be easier. Several customizations can be made by the developers, and it can be used for drawing forms without using a database.
新しいdate_fieldこれをddに整形をサポートし、日付フィールドを追加することができます/ MM / YYYYという、ミリメートル/ dd / yyyyを、またはyyyy - mm -、およびフィールドのタイトルのクラスは、テキストとタグをまたがるので、ドンDDの'トンので、偉そうに見える。
Minor feature enhancements
A new date_field so you can add a date field with support for formating to dd/mm/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, or yyyy-mm-dd, and a tag span with class text at the titles of the fields so they don't look so big.
This release adds support for showing fields from
other tables in the selection box, and contains a
theme bug fix. PHP DB Form now works with konqueror.