This version is built with Maven 2, is available
as a Maven dependency, contains lots of bugfixes,
and has undergone thorough optimization. The
"mavenization" makes OpenWFE even more open and
This release brings two new features: decision
tables and generic (regex) users. The "forget" and
"lose" expressions were also added. WsInvoker was
enhanced and UDDI capabilities were added to it.
This release includes the usual bugfixes, most of
which were focused on the "concurrence" expression
that some users pushed beyond its limits. It
features a very alpha version of the GWT
"gwebclient" that could replace the "webclient" on
the frontline in the following months. This
release is also available as a Maven dependency.
"cursor" was removed from the library and
implemented in Java directly. "loop" has been made
an extension of "cursor". The "set" expression now
supports a hierarchical notation for directly
setting the value of a subfield. The exception
handling in the Web service call system has been
tightened. LdapParticipantMap was added, as well
as an underlying LdapService. Lots of small bugs
were fixed.
The OpenWFE process definition language is now called POOL (Process Oriented OpenWFE Lisp/Language). New expressions like 'car', 'cdr', 'nth', etc. are meant for writing self-defining process definitions and for manipulating XML data. Two important new services: a libraryService and a cronService, for storing definitions available from any workflow instances and for scheduling processes. The Web service invocation system has been enhanced, and a SOAP interface to the worklist has been implemented. This release uses Jetty 5.1.6.