Workflow (jBMP), a dashboard with information on
the repository activities, push services (consults
programmed by the user), support for WebDAV,
conversion of downloaded documents to PDF,
information on the repository space used by the
user, preview of videos and images, Web
administration, and new languages were added. Any
document format can be inserted. A default
language can be set.
Multimedia elements are
previsualized as images and videos. The
administration interface was improved and
rewritten. Management of templates was
centralized. An exclusive area was added to allow
users to store their private documentation. A tool
was added for massive import and output data from
ZIP files. Searches by date ranks were added.
Translations to more languages were added.
The German and Farsi languages were added. Mail
notification was added. Folder and document
subscription was added. Folder and document
bookmarks were added.