

移行は、データベース スキーマへの変更を管理するためのツールです。レールから !ActiveRecord 移行に基づいてするエンタープライズ ・ ツールです。複数のスキーマの相互作用、ランタイム値、スクリプトの生成、監査、および大いに多くの置換を機能します。


注: プロジェクトリソースの情報は Freecode.com ページからの引用です。ダウンロードそのものは、OSDNにホスティングされているものではありません。

2009-09-21 22:50

タグ: Stable, Feature Enhancement, UI enhancements
The ability to resume a migration without aborting the entire process on an error was added. The templating code was updated to prompt for template values if a resource needed during that migration has need of the value. The algorithm to more accurately display the progress meter across multiple simultaneous schema migrations was improved. The property name text field in the property update popup was disabled to reduce confusion. An issue where not providing all of the connection information would cause the application to try and proceed with invalid values was fixed.

2009-08-11 04:07

タグ: Stable, Bugfixes
This release updates the connection re-use logic to share the connection if it is the same db URL instead of just the same schema. It fixes the connection to not auto-commit by default (2832188). It fixes an issue where bad JDBC drivers were being auto-registered even though they don't actually work. Now only working drivers are loaded (2832183).

2009-08-05 00:27

タグ: Stable, Bug Fix
An issue where the internal migration information was breaking when using databases with strict type checking was fixed. A bug where the internal state of the migration options were not being reset between new migration configuration loads was fixed. The packaging support was fixed up to accept migrations.xml in addition to the migration.xml.

2009-08-03 23:02

タグ: Stable, Feature Enhancements
The ability to migrate multiple schemas simultaneously was added. The command line interface was changed to support the use of multiple schemas. The version display was changed to state the actual version number instead of LATEST when migrating to the latest version. The schema selection was adjusted to automatically select the schema if it was the only option available. A memory leak which happened by running out of heap space due to classloaders not getting garbage collected was fixed. A connection leak happening with failed migration attempts was fixed.

2009-07-28 03:07

このリリースではサポートされます。zipまたは。jarファイル(修正2826038)に対する移行することができなくなります。製品のように、それは32ビットまたは64ビットシステム上で動的に適切なライブラリ(修正2826042)読み込んでの作品が更新されている。ウィンドウには、ボタンのホットキーを許可するように更新されているプロパティを表示するために、タイトルに変更される。 UNIXの起動スクリプトの出力に加えて、ログファイルをコンソールに更新されている。包装Linuxだけでなく、MacおよびWindowsの-対、64ビットアプリケーションと32の混乱を軽減することに縮小されている。マックの実装カーボンココアに変更されている。
タグ: Stable
This release adds support for being able to migrate against a .zip or .jar file (fixes 2826038). The product has been updated so that it works on either 32-bit or 64-bit systems by dynamically loading the appropriate libraries (fixes 2826042). The window has been updated to allow hotkeys for the buttons and to show the property being modified in the title. The Unix startup scripts have been updated to output to the console in addition to file logs. The packaging has been trimmed down to be just Linux, Mac, and Windows to help reduce confusion with 32- vs 64-bit apps. The mac implementation has been changed from Carbon to Cocoa.
