This release fixed a problem that occured when the
server was used in -w (Web) mode to access its data
from Yahoo! made a small change to the
format of its data that caused previous versions to
fail when retrieving the data.
This is a beta release to allow current users to try out the latest version, as of May 18, of the mas executables. New features include Bollinger Bands and a Parabolic SAR indicator, as well as improvements that allowed these indicators to be created. There is a new MAS Control Terminal component.
This is the first official release of the Windows port. Additionally, some functionality has been added, such as the ability to retrieve end-of-day data from and more flexibility in how new technical indicators can be constructed.
The ability to handle open interest - futures data
and the ability to get market data from an
external "plug-in" script, such as QuoteMonster,
have been added. See the changelog for more changes.