The global configuration path was changed from
$(libdir)/linneighborhood to
$(datadir)/LinNeighborhood. The local
configuration path was changed from
$(HOME)/.linneighborhood to
$(HOME)/.LinNeighborhood. A bug in memorized
mounts was fixed. Support for an additional user
parameter for the samba tools was added.
This version supports mounting a share to several places at same time, adding group master browsers by hand, and the option to save a default password for use in the next session.
GNU Automakeのためのサポート+ autoconfは、国際化は、GNU gettextは、グローバル(システム管理者のサポートを使用して)+ローカルconfigurationr、GUIと以外の別のコードモジュールのGUIコードは、GUIの代わりに、メモリの構造のデータストレージ(閲覧gtk +の)構造体、小さなバグ修正との改善や実装コードを参照。
Support for GNU automake + autoconf, internationalization using GNU gettext, support for global (sysadmin) + local configurationr, separate code modules for GUI and non-GUI code, browsing data storage in memory structures instead of GUI (gtk+) structures, and small bugfixes and improvements in the browsing and mounting code.