The splash screen, which did not always show up, has been fixed. The incorrect names of a few currencies have been fixed. The curconvd daemon now shows localized messages. D-Bus test scripts have been updated for Time Genie exchange rates. The translations of the user interface and of the documentation have been updated.
Since Estonia joined the Euro on 1st of January 2011, the fixed rate for the kroone was added. New York Federal bank does not provide exchange rate data anymore, so this data source was replaced with Time Genie. As a side effect, many new currencies are supported.
このバージョンのKDE 4.0に移植された。 D - Busは、通貨変換サービス""curconvdの名前が追加されました。新しい固定料金スロベニアトラル、マルタリラとキプロスポンドに含まれています。
Major feature enhancements
This version was ported to KDE 4.0. A D-Bus
currency conversion service named "curconvd" was
added. The new fixed rates are included for
Slovenian Tolar, Maltese Lira, and Cyprus Pound.