The ${dist.dir} and ${etc.dir}/Homepage directories were created to prepare for build.xml. "Testet" was changed to "tested" in error messages of DocumentTester and PdfBoxAnalyser. "Initalisation" was changed to "initialization" in New test methods were added. A method was added to the content interface. Six tests for this method were added in PdfTesterContentTest. The implementation of getPagesForContent in the PdfBoxAnalyser class was changed.
Much more output is produced by the assert
methods. Bookmark tests were integrated. New
assert methods for bookmarks were added. The
dependency on junit 3.8.1 was removed. The
dependency on junit 4.1 was added.
Correct property data is now integrated into the
jar. The dependency on log4j was removed. The
regex textsearchtype now works with the find()
method of the Matcher class. Partial changes were
made to the PDF access to change deprecated
methods to the recommended methods. More details
were added to the output of the assert methods.