このリリースのアップデートスリープ2.1には、スクリプトエンジンb14 b6()から。バグは、注目のポップアップメニューが誤ってクエリの窓を開けてクリックすると修正されました。小さな修正画像の高速化を感じるように擬似透明性を許可するようにキャッシュして行われました。ウィンドウボックスの成長の図面のMac OS X上で無効にされた
Minor feature enhancements
This release updates the scripting engine to Sleep
2.1-b14 (from b6). A bug that featured popup menu
clicks inadvertently opening query windows was
fixed. A small fix was made to image caching to
allow pseudo transparency to feel faster. Drawing
of the window grow box was disabled on Mac OS X.
The scripting engine was upgraded to Sleep 2.1-b6.
The /debug command was added to set debug flags
for a script. This release features over a year's
worth of fixes and tweaks.
The scripting library was updated to Sleep
2.0-b11. The switchbar can now be docked on the
left or right side of the window. Expansion of "~"
in filenames was added for a few common aliases.
Several bugs were fixed.
This releases uses Sleep 2.0-b9. Search dialog focus issues were fixed. Timers from unloaded scripts are no longer executed. The default script now preserves leading spaces for several message types. Two minor DCC-related built-in functions were added.