This release patches bugs that many users of Python 2.3 experienced. Support has been added for the latest features of IceWM 1.2.14 / 1.2.15. A French translation has been added, and the Russian translation has been updated. The IceMe menu editor now saves non-English characters in the menu file correctly.
This release is the first stable PyGtk-2 port. It adds a partial French translation, fixes a major installation bug, and resolves an issue in the PangoXLFD module. It adds several major features to IceMe, as well as fixing a bug preventing copying and pasting of text. It fixes several bugs within other applications, including an issue with launching external processes.
IceWMCP has been made compatible with IceWM
versions 1.2.10 and 1.2.11. A major user interface
bug in IceSoundManager has been fixed. The bug
associated with the 'Run as Root' feature has been
corrected in all programs. A new applet for
managing EnergyStar features has been added. The
Russian and Spanish language translations have
been updated.
Traditional Chinese translations were added for
all programs, a Finnish translation was added
for IceMe, and Russian help files were written
for all programs. A major bug in PhrozenClock
was fixed, and all tools can now be run as root.
IcePref2 is now compatible with IceWM 1.2.8.
File selection dialogs are now more
Several of the tools have undergone a complete user interface redesign. The control panel now supports a column view. IcePref2 and the IcePref2 Theme Designer now have a search feature. The mouse and keyboard tools have been completely restructured into more complete, all-in-one tools. Several bugs have been fixed, and numerous corrections have been made to the Spanish language translations. A new hardware and system information plug-in is now available.